10.5 Revolutionary new physics could lead to ultimate weapons of mass destruction (no paywall)

Atomic Expansion Theory Articles by Roland Michel Tremblay (5 of 6)

Roland Michel Tremblay
10 min readNov 16, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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10.5 Revolutionary new physics could lead to ultimate weapons of mass destruction

As a sci-fi author and science consultant, for films and television documentaries, I have made it my mission to seek out every alternate theory out there — no matter how crazy they may seem — to explore any possibility of new physics, which might be uncovered and put to use. That is, until I came across something so perfect and convincing, that I had to stop in my tracks.

I now realise, to my complete astonishment, that the true Theory of Everything already exists, in a book published soon after the new millennium — you just haven’t heard about it yet. Who is this author, Mark McCutcheon, and what is this book, The Final Theory? My God! This is not the usual crackpot theory, used as fodder for some lame sci-fi TV series; this is it — the first truly viable new physics to have ever arisen.

As I read on and on, for the first time gaining a complete understanding, of all that is currently mysterious and weird in theoretical physics, including Newton’s gravity, Einstein’s relativity, and especially the quantum mechanics of Niels Bohr, I found myself making a complete turnaround. I will never see the world the same way again.

Yes, this Theory of Everything really does explain it all — no stone is left unturned. It explains everything, up to the mysteries surrounding the Pioneer satellites leaving the solar system, and the difficulties we have encountered landing spaceships, on other moons and planets. At long last, complete explanation of everything there ever was in physics, has finally arrived — and, as I now realise, the first and only true understanding we have ever had.

McCutcheon has just rewritten the whole of physics, and it makes sense. I cannot see how he could be wrong, and believe me, I have tried to prove him wrong in a long correspondence with him, now spanning several years.

I then started wondering, how this new understanding of every single phenomenon in physics, might be used to perfect weapons of mass destruction, even build the most powerful nuclear weapons ever made. Up until now, we never truly understood what was behind the physics, that we have exploited to make such weapons possible — it was largely a progression of abstract models, and trial-and-error. Now I believe, through this new theory, that we can have a complete understanding of it all. I cannot fault it; perhaps you can?

Who would have thought one single little idea, could revolutionise the whole of physics, and completely rewrite Newton, Einstein and Bohr, all in one time swoop? That is now the almost mythical hope for the long-sought Theory of Everything, but who among us actually believed it was possible? Completely rewriting the books on all these theories of gravity, relativity and quantum mechanics, all based on one singular new principle, running throughout it all?

Yet, I assure you, this is it; this is what Mark McCutcheon has achieved. I’m sure without even realising, the enormous impact this will have on the world, and how we will go about building more powerful weapons of mass destruction, as a consequence.

Are we wise enough, to handle this new knowledge, this entirely new physics? Well, above all else, we must do our best to uncover and communicate, the whole truth to everyone, to every single student studying physics, mathematics and chemistry world-wide. There is no point going any further, on our current path in science — our Standard Theory, filled with warped spacetime, quantum mysteries and relativity paradoxes.

These are chronic issues in our science, that never disappear, and which no one truly understands — despite the odd academic assurance to the contrary. This is not because the vast majority of us, lacks the intellectual capacity, while the handful, who are heavily invested in these specialties, are, oddly, so far beyond the rest. It is because these concepts, are inherently nonsensical, to any sensible mind without an agenda.

Only now can I see this with crystal clarity. I can now re-read the explanation attempts, offered for the various paradoxes in our science, and see the logical flaws in all of them — the Emperor is finally disrobed. Mark McCutcheon has just rewritten the whole thing for us, and I challenge you to read this book and tell me otherwise.

Now we can have a true understanding, of how nuclear weapons truly work, and what E=mc² really means. Now we can know the true nature, of subatomic and atomic bonds, furthering research in such areas as biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. I don’t know, but with such an understanding, of how physics and chemistry truly work, I think we may have finally stumbled upon the Holy Grail of all wars, but also, the Holy Grail of revolutionary new technologies.

And yet, I cannot say this should be hidden from view. I cannot say that such an understanding of all physics, should be kept secret. I believe we should seek the truth above all else. Especially considering how many billions of dollars, we spend on experiments and studies, that can now be clearly demonstrated to be primitive, misguided or useless, by theory alone.

This strikes me all the more, when I encounter documentaries about the physics of our world, where presumably great theoretical physicists, are actually just wasting time and money. Their time and resources could be far better spent, if they had the real physics to work with, rather than the overbaked convoluted theories they have now, and that they struggle to dumb down for us.

Expansion Theory, as Mark McCutcheon has aptly named this new theory, will ensure we will never struggle to understand how to land a spacecraft, on any moon or planet in the solar system, or needlessly lose one more astronaut. Gravity is not what we think it is today — it finally has a proper, entirely new definition. This is our only viable way out of the solar system, once we decide to seriously get to work on it.

I am now going to give you, for the first time ever, a core insight from the new theory, which you can take or leave as you see fit. But if you read the book, just as I did, I have no doubt you will be convinced of its truth.

And it is simply this: all can be explained by the fact, that the electron is the only fundamental particle in the universe, and that it constantly expands, causing all atoms, which are composed of electrons, to also expand. And since atoms are expanding entities, all objects made of atoms expand as well, at a constant rate confirmed mathematically. Every atom or object in the universe, doubles in size every 19 minutes. But this growth is unseen directly, since everything maintains the same relative size.

This means, the Earth expands by 4.9 meters each second, pushing us upward. Falling objects never truly fall, they float in the air until the Earth reaches them whilst expanding. This expansion goes on to explain all of gravity, all orbits, and all of energy. Isn’t that revolutionary?

This is Newtonian gravity completely destroyed. Objects are not attracted to each other, by a mysterious gravitational force acting at a distance. The distance between objects simply diminishes, due to the fact that all objects undergo a constant underlying expansion, including of all orbits, while empty space does not.

And as we cannot see this expansion, since we also expand, this results in effectively constant-sized objects, moving toward each other. At which point, they may hit or start orbiting each other, determined by the geometry of expansion behind the scenes.

The expansion of electrons and atoms explains everything: gravity, chemical bonds, a new model of both the electron and the atom, without any inherent charge or magnetism. The entire universe is alive with expanding electrons, pushing against each other, both within and outside the atom, in electron clouds or electron clusters, that explain radiating heat and light. The theory goes on to explain radio waves, and the whole spectrum of energy waves, which are no longer waves at all, but various configurations of expanding electrons.

The whole of physics is now explained by expanding electrons. We now have light without mysterious photons, without Einstein, without quantum mechanics. No more weird claims, that no one can understand or explain.

I never thought in a million years, that one person could come up with such a radical change of the whole of physics, all in one go, all within one revolutionary book. You thought Einstein was a genius, just wait until Mark McCutcheon explodes unto the world of physics world-wide. Every single book of physics, math and chemistry, will have to be re-written.

Can you explain what you observe in the world around you? Planetary orbits, atomic bonds, the configuration and dynamics of all matter in this world? The true nature of all these energy forces, which is shown to be an obsolete concept, in this new theory? Now I can, because I now have a clear understanding of all of physics.

I’m so pleased I won’t have to struggle to wrap my brain around understanding Einstein and quantum mechanics. I now understand why I could never quite do it, no matter how hard I tried — because it was all truly nonsense, and thankfully it is all gone now. My God, even Newton’s gravitational force is gone, replaced by a much more viable physical explanation.

It is all now simplified completely; there are no more mysteries. Now I can worry instead, about how such an understanding of the true physics of this world, how the true final Theory of Everything, could potentially be used to annihilate the world we live in.

We should always remain one step ahead, shouldn’t we? I know there are many crackpots out there, coming up with new definitions of just about everything in physics, including gravity. But remember, as in the well-known parable, while many may cry “wolf!”, there eventually really was a wolf. McCutcheon is the one voice in the crowd, who has finally truly struck gold; he cannot possibly be wrong in my opinion, and his book proves it in theory, with so many proofs page after page.

In fact, I am so impressed, I think this is such an important book which will revolutionise everything, that I’m thinking about turning the book into a television documentary. This is how much I believe, it is the only true physics we need to consider. If you read the book and you are interested in financing such a documentary, please contact me. It will happen at any rate, I can assure you. It’s just a question of whether you are in, on this coming revolution, or not. This entirely new paradigm truly needs to get around — it has to be recognised, so we can stop wasting time, money and energy, on the wrong physics.

I can’t believe how hard it is, without a proper marketing machine, to reach out and tell the world about a critical new development. In an ideal world, a book such as this, should have had such an impact by now. But obviously our world is far from ideal, so more must be said and done. You, too, will have no doubt about this, once you read the book.

The Final Theory itself is the only proof we need. It is not possible to read it, and state that this is not it, that “Expansion Theory” does not explain everything in physics, unless somehow you feel threatened by such a revolution. The long-awaited revolution in science is here, we now have a true Theory of Everything, for the first time ever. And now let’s see the leaps and bounds science can make, when finally, we have a full understanding of what we are doing.

It may lead to better weapons of mass destruction, but we already have efficient ones that could destroy us many times over, and we’re still here. More importantly, it could also lead to a new technological revolution, that has been too long in coming. Actually, it is our only hope to instantly solve the energy crisis, which is responsible for most wars in this world, and the only mean we might have, to replace our fleet of petrol and diesel cars and trucks, to electric ones. A new physics for a new millennium, and now we can finally reach out to the stars!

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Table of content (no paywall)

10.1 Expansion Theory — Our Best Candidate for a Final Theory of Everything?

10.2 Breakthrough in Faster-Than-Light Travel and Communication, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

10.2a All Just a Misunderstanding

10.2b Clearing it All Up

10.2c Quantum Entanglement Explained, and a Communications Revolution Revealed

10.2d Much More to Come

10.3 Dark-Matter, Dark-Energy and the Big-Bang All Finally Resolved

10.3a The Crisis in Cosmology

10.3b Deepening the Crisis: Painting the Wrong Picture of Our Universe

10.3c Resolving the Crisis: Where It All Began — “Hubble’s Law”

10.3d The Problems with Hubble’s Law Deepen

10.3e Erroneous “Dark Energy” Invention Draws Nobel Prize

10.3f Further Crisis Resolution: Einstein’s Erroneous General Relativity Theory

10.3g The Ongoing “Cosmological-Constant Blunder”

10.3h General Relativity — a Theory that has Never Actually Worked

10.3i False Supporting Evidence: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

10.3j Erroneous Double Nobel Prize-Winning ‘Big-Bang’ Proof

10.3k Time to End Our Mounting Theoretical and Physical Crisis in Cosmology

10.3l Farewell ‘Big Bang’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Dark Energy’ and ‘Spacetime’

10.4 Gravity Breakthrough: Springing into a Gravitational Revolution

10.4a The Erroneous “Principle of Equivalence”

10.4b A Verifiable Revolution in our Understanding of Gravity

10.4c Could the Evidence Still Support Today’s Gravitational Theories?

10.4d The True Nature of Gravity Finally Revealed

10.5 Revolutionary new physics could lead to ultimate weapons of mass destruction

10.6 The Final Theory of Everything — An in-depth interview with the author Mark McCutcheon, By Roland Michel Tremblay

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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