1.1 New Age Physics — A working and credible Theory of Everything (no paywall)
Theory of Everything based on Consciousness, Expansion, Frequency and Density of Matter (1 of 9)
1.1 New Age Physics — A working and credible Theory of Everything
New Age Physics by Roland Michel Tremblay, a theory of everything published in 2022, has been written for people without any background in physics, or at least with only a basic knowledge, since Atomic Expansion Theory re-writes the entire physics, and the mechanics of our physical world are now far easier to understand.
It is a credible and all-encompassing theory, uniting all four main forces of nature, through the simple principle of the expansion and contraction of matter. Two substantial books have already been written on the subject, and it has the potential to usher in a new industrial revolution. Here are two interviews on YouTube, but the book is far more up to date:
Roland Michel Tremblay Catch Up and Interview
Atomic Expansion Theory Full Interview — A Theory of Everything
Essentially, we have reached the point in physics where, to keep Einstein at our firmament, we had to invent extraordinary unlikely concepts, such as: dark matter, dark energy, gravitational waves, graviton particles, Big Bang, black holes, and singularities, otherwise none of our models would work.
The scientific thing to do, would be to declare that Einstein was wrong on all of his theories, and move on in search for new models. However, there is still nothing credible in our science, to replace him with.
We could erase Einstein and go back to Newton, but there are significant issues there too. No one has found any trace of his attracting force acting at a distance, supposed to be emanating from matter, nor its power source.
As for Quantum Mechanics, no matter how successful it is, it is largely a string of misinterpretations, of observed phenomena in physics, leading to endless claims of spooky occurrences, meaning lacking sensible explanations. It is redressed with new interpretations within Atomic Expansion Theory, from the point of view of the expansion and contraction of matter.
Einstein has put us into a black hole, for well over a century now. All the proofs out there that he was correct, have been misinterpreted by people, who only saw what they wanted to see. Humanity’s future depends on a revolution in physics and chemistry, because there is a lot of potential for discoveries, that could overnight change the world for the better. There are also a lot of powerful vested interests out there, who don’t want anything to change. Consequently, don’t expect this to be peer-reviewed any time soon.
New Age Physics’ subtitle is perhaps telling about the content: Theory of Everything Based on Consciousness, Expansion, Frequency and Density of Matter. Physics Breakthrough in UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology and Interdimensional Worlds.
At this point, what good would a theory of everything in physics be, if it still could not explain, what many people have witnessed UFOs accomplish? Or elucidate what these new age concepts, such as interdimensional worlds, are all about? How do we explain ghosts, spirits and ultraterrestrials in science nowadays? Do we?
Wouldn’t it be great if we had a theory of everything in physics, that everyone could comprehend, without the need for a PhD? Which could explain absolutely everything, and most especially the four main forces of nature, which are gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces of the atoms, and electromagnetic forces?
What if the simple new principle of the expansion and contraction of matter, could explain all these forces and more? By the end of this very introduction, you will have a complete understanding of this new physics.
However, it is not enough for a theory of everything, to unite or explain all four main forces of nature, if we cannot also unite particle physics with astrophysics. How could we use the very same equations and physics, to calculate variables, in the very small and the very large?
In a world where matter constantly expands, it is likely that all scales of reality are identical, especially when they are so similar. What we see in a microscope, must ultimately be indistinguishable, from what we see in a telescope, since the same laws of nature, drive the motion and formation of matter, no matter the size. And if we do a few adjustments to our current beliefs and models, we can see that both scales are identical after all.
Solar systems are electrons, while planets and stars are neutrinos, and galaxies are atoms. That simple idea, paired with the expansion of matter, driving the motion of everything in the universe, unite the physics at all scales, since all scales are identical.
This will be difficult to accept, because our models of the electrons and the atoms, are nothing like solar systems and galaxies. However, we have never observed them clearly, since they are too small to see.
There are irrefutable proofs that Atomic Expansion Theory is correct, and in time it will be divulged. In the book I discuss the theory itself, and the proofs that I have myself uncovered. So please, have a look at New Age Physics, especially the second chapter, as it contains the short and long summaries of the theory.
Table of content (no paywall)
1.1 New Age Physics — A working and credible Theory of Everything
1.2 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics
1.3 Explaining UFOs, interdimensional worlds and beings
1.4 New theory for gravity, orbits, attracting and repelling forces
1.5 Four different perspectives required to understand gravity and orbits
1.6 Best proof for Atomic Expansion Theory, the physics of a falling suspended slinky
1.7 How planets, solar systems, galaxies, neutrinos, electrons and atoms form
1.8 What is truly relative in physics, and the end of the space-time-mass-energy concept
1.9 Debunk of current theories in physics: Einstein, Newton and Quantum Mechanics
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