1.8 What is truly relative in physics, and the end of the space-time-mass-energy concept (no paywall)
Theory of Everything based on Consciousness, Expansion, Frequency and Density of Matter (8 of 9)
1.8 What is truly relative in physics, and the end of the space-time-mass-energy concept
The elimination of Einstein’s theories from our science, leads to a breakthrough in faster than light travel and communication, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
The reinterpretation of quantum entanglement, according to Atomic Expansion Theory, suggests that particles from a same source, remain connected through a bridge of electrons, over long distances.
Like for a Newton cradle, knocking the first electron or particle, instantaneously affects the entire line of electrons between the particles, providing faster than light communication along any beam of light, such as the ones from the Sun, the Moon and other stars. Some extraterrestrial species from the third dimensional world, might already be using such a mean of communication, which we might now be able to access.
There is no more speed of light limit. Provided we can find a mean of propulsion, capable of accelerating us gradually for a very long time, then there is no reason we can’t go at multiple times the speed of light. And if the acceleration and deceleration are slow and gradual, we won’t have to worry about crushing G forces either.
This could be tested by designing a miniature ship with its own ion engine, or capable of ejecting clusters or clouds of electrons as propellent, while absorbing that energy from surrounding fields. If we then placed the ship in a particle accelerator, the push from the electromagnetic fields within the tube, could get the ship to reach a very high speed. And thereafter, its own engine could push it beyond the speed of light.
Within a particle accelerator, the ship could never exceed the speed of light, without its own mean of propulsion, because the electromagnetic fields, cannot push the ship any faster than their own maximum speed. But the fields can provide an inexhaustible mean of propulsion, and keep the ship away from the walls, so it can be accelerated to faster than the speed of light.
Contrary to what Einstein postulated, neither the ship nor the particles would become more massive with acceleration, to the point of requiring an infinite amount of energy, for the ship to overcome the light speed barrier.
One day, we might build a massive electromagnetic particle and object accelerator in space, capable of accelerating and launching spaceships and probes, at faster than the speed of light. The ships and probes would only need to use their mean of propulsion to decelerate, well before they reach other solar systems.
If we build similar accelerators in these other solar systems, travel in space within our own dimension, could become practical for colonisation. This method would also be useful within our own solar system, for travel at sub-light speed. It might prove more efficient and direct, than acceleration through slingshot effects, around planets and moons.
How we would see an event from the light coming towards us while travelling in space, would be either:
· in real-time, if we were at rest relative to the event,
· in fast forward, if moving towards the event at any speed, even faster than light,
· in slow motion, if moving away from the event at any speed, even faster than light, or
· frozen in time, if going away at exactly the speed of that light.
It depends on our speed and direction of motion, and the ones of the source of the light. None of it affects the event being observed, or the time rate on the ship, or the time rate where the event occurs. Time is now constant, the time rate is the same everywhere, within our own dimension.
We are likely to see multiple occurrences of a same event, when going faster than light, while moving towards the source of the light. Because we catch up rapidly with countless clusters of electrons, all showing an event as it occurs in time. And if the object observed is moving rapidly, then we will encounter all at once, several clusters showing us the object, in different locations.
We might even see this well before we reach the speed of light. Because not all clusters of electrons move at the same speed, since the speed of light is no longer constant. The speed of light is now variable, and subject to relative motion. That might be why it is thought, in Quantum Mechanics, that a particle can be at more than one location at the same time, when in fact, it is never the case.
The speed of light is now defined, as the changing distance between the source of the light, and the destination we’re measuring it from. Meaning, it is a calculation of gravity, using the Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation.
The speed of light is the time that it takes, for the expanding clusters of electrons, to reach their expanding destination, after the initial speed boost required, for the clusters to leave the atomic world, which accounts for most of the speed of the light.
There are other factors that accelerate and decelerate light, and makes its path deviate, on top of the simple dissipation of the clusters of electrons, as they encounter other particles along the way. It is no simple calculation, but it is far from constant.
And it does not matter where we are, or at which speed we are going at — even faster than light — it is still just a measurement of gravity, between the source of the clusters and the destination, after having established the initial speed of the clusters, when they were thrown out of the atoms. Hence, even while going faster than light, light will still arrive at us at a specific speed, and we will still be able to see just fine.
With relative motion, our visual variables, such as light and the size of objects, become relative and changing, when compared from one frame of reference to another. But it is only an optical illusion, due to the time that it takes, for the clusters of electrons within light, to reach different locations.
The normal size of the objects doesn’t actually change, and we don’t age faster, or truly freeze in time with acceleration, or near a black hole because of gravity, as Einstein claimed, no matter if we go faster than light.
E=mc² is just the equation for the kinetic energy of a moving particle or object, such as the clusters of electrons within light, known prior to Einstein. There is no more space-time-mass-energy concept, all interlinked together and affecting each other. Time is no longer relative, it runs everywhere at the same rate. And space is distinct from time, one does not affect the other.
Mass is the measure of the amount of matter within a body, a particle or space, usually measured in kilograms. But in the context of Einstein’s relativity and E=mc², we are talking about relativistic mass, which increases with velocity. This concept of relativistic mass and energy is incorrect.
What really increases, is not the mass or relativistic mass of an object, it is the kinetic energy of the object. Matter does not gain more mass with motion, but it does gain kinetic energy. The higher the momentum, the higher the impact on objects.
The changing speed of matter, should not affect its mass, although it affects gravity and orbits, attracting and repelling forces, and other energy measurements. But mass does not become energy, and energy does not become mass.
Mass and energy are not relative either. These values don’t change, just because different persons, are observing the event from different locations. These values are not visual ones, that take time to travel to all observers, at the speed of light. So they are not relative values.
The speed of light is no longer constant. The speed of light is relative and variable, even in a vacuum, while being subject to gravity and acceleration. Light is made of clusters of electrons, it is made of matter and has mass.
As such, there is no difference between a light beam, and bullets being fired from a gun. There is an initial high-speed boost, when the gun is fired, or when a light is turned on, and thereafter, gravity affects the electron clusters, just like it would affect the bullets, or hurtling asteroids in space.
The speed of light is relative, because any moving matter, is subject to relative motion. With relative motion, you get natural accelerations and decelerations, and path deviations, such as the slingshot effect, as objects move across expanding larger objects in space. This is due to the geometry of expansion, and the natural orbit effect, and not to a twisted sheet of spacetime, that objects follow.
So, not only the speed of light is not constant, but it can also seriously accelerate, through the slingshot effect, which is light entering into a partial orbit, around a very large object, but moving too fast, to actually enter into orbit. It creates a significant path deviation and an acceleration, as can be seen in the gravitational lensing effect.
It was always clear in our science, that light bends due to gravity, and that it slows down and dissipates, as it crosses gases, liquids, and transparent solids, such as glass. Was it not logical then, that its speed was also affected by gravity, instead of just its kinetic energy measurement?
Something must be hitting something, for kinetic energy to exist in the first place, so there must be matter and mass involved in light. It is impossible for matter or mass not to be affected by gravity. And since gravity is an acceleration, then the speed of light must accelerate, even in a vacuum.
The only reason it seems counterintuitive, is because for well over 100 years now, we have been told that the speed of light is constant, with countless so-called proofs confirming this.
We’ve also been told, that light simply follows a spacetime medium that is warped and curved, all without affecting its speed, because it has no mass. How it can acquire kinetic energy then, is a mystery. All the proofs that the speed of light is constant, are simply due to the limitations of our experiments.
We ignored all the evidence proving otherwise, by repeating the mantra, that light is only constant in a vacuum. Here is some news, although space is said to be a vacuum, it is not devoid of matter. Especially when light are clusters of electrons, and electromagnetic fields are clouds of electrons, not forgetting countless neutrinos, permeating all of space. Do real vacuums even exist?
We missed this in Standard Theory, because the concept of light as photons, within Einstein, meant that light was an ethereal concept, with no mass involved, as if it never truly existed in the first place. Just like electrons really, supposed to be point particles, constantly appearing and disappearing, which don’t have a volume, a mass, a weight, a shape, or a tangible existence.
These arguments must have only come about, because of the limits of what we can see and detect, with our instruments. We must have got lost, in our equations and theories, abandoning common sense. And we could not imagine, that electrons are just like solar systems, and that photons could be made of clusters of electrons, which have a mass that we are still unable to detect.
The big clue was there all along, anything that can have an impact when it hits something, must be made of matter, and therefore must have a mass. And anything made of matter, is affected by gravity and relative motion.
Energy within Atomic Expansion Theory, is always matter shaping up into particular forms, such as particles, clouds, clusters, compressed bands, or lines on wires, which move according to certain principles and laws.
Nothing is intangible or ethereal, or non-existent, while still having an impact on objects and particles, such as in kinetic energy. Energy is always expanding matter in motion, even when in clouds of electrons, in a static electrical field.
And the conundrum of particles moving sometimes as particles, and at other times as waves, is easily answered. Sometimes matter moves as a sea of particles moving in waves, and at other times, as a sea of particles moving, but not in waves, just like the behaviour of droplets of water composing an ocean.
To conclude, it is not time that is relative, time is constant. It is the speed of light that is relative, because it takes time for light to get somewhere, and motion is relative to the point of view.
Relative motion makes moving objects, appear larger as they come towards us, or smaller as they move away, but once again, this is all just an optical illusion. Size does not change with motion, it only changes relative to the viewpoint of different observers.
When you think about it, the fact that there is no real distance being covered in the universe, and that everything is located here around us, is a natural and logical conclusion, of motion being relative to the point of view.
And it all makes sense, if reality is simply a psychological construction, built by our consciousness, and interpreted by our brain, not unlike what computers do. There is ample evidence that reality is psychological in nature, while still being made of matter, hence the expression psychophysical reality. And finally, in a psychological reality, or a virtual one, there is no real distance, there is only the illusion of it.
Even if this reality was to be as real and permanent as they come, and you were to believe that it was not psychological in nature, then only the fourth type of expansion and contraction of matter would go, and everything else stated here, would still stand.
Don’t write off everything, just because certain things seem unconvincing, at this time of our understanding. Let’s hope that one day, an army of people will work on developing these ideas further, so humanity can finally reach its full potential.
Table of content (no paywall)
1.1 New Age Physics — A working and credible Theory of Everything
1.2 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics
1.3 Explaining UFOs, interdimensional worlds and beings
1.4 New theory for gravity, orbits, attracting and repelling forces
1.5 Four different perspectives required to understand gravity and orbits
1.6 Best proof for Atomic Expansion Theory, the physics of a falling suspended slinky
1.7 How planets, solar systems, galaxies, neutrinos, electrons and atoms form
1.8 What is truly relative in physics, and the end of the space-time-mass-energy concept
1.9 Debunk of current theories in physics: Einstein, Newton and Quantum Mechanics
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