1.2 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (no paywall)
Theory of Everything based on Consciousness, Expansion, Frequency and Density of Matter (2 of 9)
There is a shorter description of the five different types of expansion and contraction of matter at section 2.20.
1.2 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics
New Age Physics is a complete theory of everything, based on five different types of expansion and contraction of matter, which should open the doors of science, to rival anything related to ultraterrestrial technology.
This includes levitating large stones and spaceships, through the buoyancy of matter of a lesser density, traveling anywhere in the universe instantaneously, and even time travel.
The same laws of physics, can now be applied to both the very small and the very large, where moons, planets and suns, are respectively sub-neutrinos, neutrinos and super-neutrinos. Anything smaller, such as asteroids, comets and rocks, are sub-sub-neutrinos. While electrons are solar systems, atoms are galaxies, and clusters of galaxies form cosmic molecules, composing objects and beings, at a yet higher scale universe.
Just like in particle physics, we will find that rogue planets orbit between solar systems, and rogue solar systems orbit between galaxies, and between clusters of galaxies, linking them together to form larger objects.
At the smaller scale, although there must be an even smaller scale universe, and despite the sub-sub-neutrinos, the neutrino is the only fundamental particle in existence, all other particles are made of neutrinos. Just like planets, moons and suns, are the only fundamental objects in the universe, since solar systems and galaxies, are composed of orbiting planets, moons and suns.
And just like planets, neutrinos are made of matter and have a mass. Any particle annihilation or destruction, does not lead to puffs of energy. It actually leads to clouds or clusters of neutrinos, and/or electrons, flying in all directions, which gather kinetic energy with motion.
As for protons, neutrons and photons, they are clusters of electrons, interlinked together through orbiting neutrinos. At the higher scale, they are clusters of solar systems, interconnected together through orbiting planets.
Within galaxies, a proton or a neutron would be a bunch of interconnected solar systems, which we might eventually be able to identify, by distinguishing individual groups of solar systems, distanced from each other.
The same is true for groups of galaxies distanced from each other, which would represent cosmic molecules. What we witness in the very small, must also be seen in the very large, and vice versa.
The changing speed at which neutrinos and electrons are orbiting, within and between larger particles, and consequently, the varying size of their orbital rings, correspond to the frequency or vibrational rate of matter, defining the interdimensional density of matter.
The five different types of expansion and contraction of matter, explain the entire physics, governing all realms of existence, even the realms of dreams and thoughts, and interdimensional worlds.
1.2a The first type of expansion and contraction of matter
The first type is the constant inner expansion of matter — the neutrinos, electrons, atoms, molecules, planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and the universe — all expand at a constant universal rate of 0.00000077 of proportional size per second square, causing the Earth to expand by 4.9 metres each second. This explains gravity and orbits, through the geometry of expansion, gravity being the changing distance, between expanding objects.
This inner expansion of matter remains unseen by us, since we also expand, along with our measuring instruments. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, there is no expansion in our resulting reality. However, although expansion only happens behind the scenes, we still see and feel the effects of this hidden expansion.
With gravity, it is the distance between the objects, that reduces as an acceleration, while the expansion of all particles and objects, remains constant. But why would the distance reduce as an acceleration, if the expansion is constant?
This is due to a further relative decrease in distance, when calculating gravity, because space does not expand along with the objects. Space always becomes relatively less, once we can no longer see the expansion. What used to be one metre of space, becomes half a metre, after the objects have doubled in size.
In our resulting reality, two objects of one metre in length each, don’t suddenly measure two metres each, after they double in size. They are the same size as before, despite doubling in size behind the scenes. In order for the two objects of one metre in length each, to remain of the same length, even after doubling in size, the space separating them, must become relatively less.
This is an example of relative motion causing an acceleration, in our resulting reality, because of what is happening behind the scenes. And this is precisely why orbiting objects, such as satellites and space stations, naturally accelerate and remain in orbit around the Earth, instead of crashing down back to Earth.
As a result, while the Earth is expanding at 4.9 metres per second, the distance between the ground and a free floating object in the air, reduces as an acceleration of 9.8 metres per second square, as both the Earth and the object expand.
Objects don’t all fall at the same rate. A larger falling object, will reduce the distance faster than a smaller one, because gravity is now measured from surface to surface of expanding objects, and depends on the size of the objects, as well as their constant but proportional expansion rate, instead of their mass.
Despite all the proofs to the contrary, with the limited measurements made here on Earth, even within Newton, where gravity is measured from centre to centre of the objects, and depends on mass, a more massive object should reach the ground faster, than a less massive one.
And so it is for Einstein, because his theory is equivalent to Newton through the Principle of Equivalence, and is also concerned with the mass of the objects, despite being a theory based on the geometry of spacetime, that objects simply follow.
To see this more clearly, just make the measurements of gravity using all three theories — and you can also visualise it — when the two objects falling towards the Sun, are a planet stopped in its orbit, and a marble. In all three cases, the planet will reach the Sun significantly faster than the marble.
How could it be any different, when these theories are based on the mass or the size of the objects? A planet makes a massive indentation in the sheet of spacetime, and so is the Sun. Following that steep curvature of space will be faster, than the small indentation made by the marble. Then, necessarily, mass or size must affect the result, and objects don’t all fall equally, in any of our theories of gravity.
There is usually a direct proportion between the mass and the size of an object, they both depends on how much matter there is contained within the object. But it is not always the case. When it comes to calculate gravity and orbits, a planet made of Styrofoam, or made of matter of a lesser density, would bring significantly different results, between Atomic Expansion Theory based on size, and Newton and Einstein based on mass.
While using Newton or Einstein, without knowing that the planet is in fact made of Styrofoam, or is made of gases inside instead of being solid, would significantly distort the results of our calculations, because we would overestimate the mass of these planets.
With Atomic Expansion Theory, only size matters, but only as long as it is measured from orbit. Within Atomic Expansion Theory, it must be said that gravity measured on the ground, would change depending on the density of matter, and the centre of mass. And we could not tell from orbit, we would need to measure it directly on the ground.
Expansion is not uniform, it goes from the centre of mass. Because of the original formation of the Earth-Moon system, gravity will be higher on the hidden face of the Moon, because the centre of mass is nearer the Earth, and the density of the Moon becomes gradually less, the further away it is from Earth.
That the density of the Moon is not uniform, and gravity is different depending on where you land, is a prediction of Atomic Expansion Theory. Gravity on the Moon should be a quarter the one of the Earth, and overall it has to be, because it is a quarter of the size of the Earth.
Since it was measured at one sixth by the Apollo missions near side, then the centre of mass must be closer to us, the density must gradually become less, and gravity must be higher on the hidden side, up to one third the gravity of the Earth.
This might explain why several countries failed to land space probes on the Moon, if they assumed that gravity all around the Moon, was uniformly one sixth of the gravity of the Earth.
The expansion of matter also eliminates the need, for the strong nuclear force within the atom, which was required to keep the nucleus together, and prevent all the particles from flying out in all directions. Protons and neutrons in the atom’s nucleus, simply push against each other, in their inner expansion.
While the weak interaction, or radiation, is due to a neutron being an unstable particle by nature, which decays into a more stable proton, an electron, and neutrinos. Particle decay is not so much a mystery, when we accept that protons and neutrons are now composed of electrons, interconnected together through orbiting neutrinos, while the electrons themselves are composed of orbiting neutrinos, and that any object or particle, can easily decompose into its building blocks, causing radiation.
1.2b The second type of growth and shrinkage of matter
The second type of expansion and contraction of matter, is the growth and shrinkage of the electrons, when the neutrinos orbiting within and between the electrons, get excited and move faster, or settle down and move slower, causing the neutrino orbits to enlarge or reduce in size.
This is the crossover effect, when electrons grow (second type of expansion) and move out of the atom, to push and pull against each other in their inner expansion (first type of expansion), equalising in size and numbers when in contact.
As these clouds of interconnected electrons grow in size, they can push back objects and particles as a repelling force, or they can shrink and pull back as an attracting force.
Through the geometry of expansion, and the natural orbit effect, electrons naturally move from where there are surpluses of electrons, to where there are depletions.
Electrons moving either in clouds, clusters, compressed bands, or lines on wires, goes on to explain, respectively: electromagnetism, heat and light, radio signals and microwaves, and electricity.
The first two types of expansion and contraction of matter, unite all four main forces of nature, into a theory of everything.
1.2c The third type of growth and shrinkage of matter
The third type is the growth and shrinkage of the electrons, but within the atom, leading to physical realities, with larger or smaller than normal atoms and molecules, more or less spaced out than usual, and of different vibrational rates and densities of matter. This is how Atomic Expansion Theory, explains other dimensional worlds and beings.
There are other realities out there, made of either larger or smaller electrons, atoms, and molecules, where neutrinos and electrons are orbiting slower or faster than normal, with smaller or larger orbital rings, which we cannot see or interact with.
But under certain circumstances, either naturally or through technology, the vibrational rate of the matter between these worlds, can equalise. Which is when we start seeing paranormal phenomena, such as ultraterrestrials, who apparently have been living here on Earth, sharing the same space as us, since time immemorial.
The process causing the expansion of all matter behind the scenes, will be discussed shortly, in the section about gravity and orbits. But for now, most of the natural acceleration within orbits, and the enlargement of orbital rings, does not affect the interdimensional density of matter, or the size of particles and objects, within our resulting reality. But a tiny part of this process is, and in time, particles and objects orbit faster, and grow slightly more, even in our resulting reality.
Consequently, as time goes by, all particles orbit slightly faster, all orbits enlarge slightly more, all particles and objects become larger, and the time rate marginally accelerates, as we constantly move into higher dimensions. Which makes any time and place in history, its very own dimension, where matter vibrates at a unique frequency, or unique resonance.
It is said that we would appear as beings of light, to people of the 18th century, because we now vibrate faster. We would also now be taller than they were, and made of matter of a lesser density.
The Earth getting slightly larger in time, albeit less dense, is responsible for the continental drift. This also explains why all continents fit together, as if they once covered the entire planet. The Earth used to be much smaller than it is today.
This is also why dinosaurs and pterodactyls, could naturally grow so large, while still being able to move and fly easily. In Atomic Expansion Theory, where gravity depends on size, a smaller planet leads to less gravity and weight, despite matter being denser. You could say that the Earth grows in time, and so are we.
1.2d The fourth type of expansion and contraction of matter
The fourth type is the instantaneous expansion, of our psychophysical individual bubble realities, from our consciousness and brain, like individual computers do on a network.
Altogether, we build an interconnected collective reality, more or less the same, and more akin to a virtual world, that we instantaneously expand out there, from our brain.
This world can only be perceived, through electromagnetic and electrical signals, received and interpreted by our brain. And we don’t individually all see the same things, as can be attested by persons who are schizophrenic, or people taking psychedelic drugs.
Even hypnosis can render invisible, someone standing right in front of you. And you would be able to tell the time, from a watch held behind that person. Plus, there are several reports of mass hallucinations. As a result, any reality out there, can only exist in our mind.
And this led to the question, if there is no one in the forest, is a falling tree really falling? The falling tree only exists as a blueprint or patterns floating around. If there is no one in the woods, including animals, bugs or other living vegetation, the tree is not physically falling. But the next time we go for a walk, our brain will pick up the blueprint or patterns, and re-create the fallen tree for us to see.
It could be said that these blueprints and patterns, are like the codes of a computer programme, which we use to create reality, but only when there is a need to do so, like when we are standing there in the woods.
Our consciousness must exist outside our reality, since it is the source of our physical reality. While our brain, must be part of the illusion. And because we all have our own bubble reality, interconnected to others, each of us are the centre of our own universe.
Just like with dreams, our physical reality is more like a multitude of different bubble realities, that multiply as we make choices. Reality is much flimsier than we believe, despite seeming so permanent. But our power to change it through thoughts and will, is great, especially when done in large groups. But even individually, we are powerful.
Strong emotions, determination, and belief that we can affect reality, are key. Wishing and repeating these six things, without being specific, and without trying too hard, usually resolves everything within one’s existence, after a short while: love, happiness, peace, health, wealth, freedom.
There is free will, nothing is pre-determined, and in fact, everything is constantly changing: the past, the present and the future. As the past changes, our memories of past events change with it.
This is just like in dreams, where we have previous memories, accompanying an event happening in the present, and they change depending on the event or dream. If you pay attention to your dreams, you will realise that sometimes, you do have a baggage of memories, of what happened before the moment you are experiencing. If it were not the case, it would be difficult to understand what is happening, because there would be no context.
Have you ever wondered how this was possible, and if perhaps our memories while awake, are not as real and immanent as we thought? How can we be sure that we have really lived, what we remember having lived?
This is what is meant by the expression that there is only a spacious present, or that only the present truly exists, since both the past and the future are constantly changing. This is also why there is not much point, in having regrets or remorse about anything, and why we should live more in the present moment, than the past or the future.
Any old prophecy in the scriptures, of an imminent apocalypse, could change at any time, and no longer predict any such event, through our simple belief that it will never happen.
For example, if we decide against starting World War Three, then Nostradamus, while in the past, could never see it happening in the future. He would therefore see something else, and write his predictions differently. In the present, there would be no more prediction of World War Three for us to read about.
However, sometimes the whole idea of prophecies is to make them self-fulfilling, and were originally written, while no such events were actually in our future. A very large group of people, firmly believing that the apocalypse is coming, because they have been told that it was coming, will make it come true. At which point, the apocalypse is suddenly in our future, and the prophecy itself, has created the very event it predicted.
Prophecies are very insidious, but it also tells us the path we’re on, unless we change our state of mind, which can change the past, the present and the future. We would not know that events have changed, but if we pay very close attention to it, sometimes our intuition can tell, especially when we consciously help make it happen.
This explains déjà vu, and also the Mandela Effect, which describes a situation in which a person or a group of people, have a false memory of an event, such as believing a known personality is dead, when it is not the case, while clearly remembering all the details, and when they heard the news.
The expression comes from the paranormal researcher Fiona Broome, who reported having vivid and detailed memories of news coverage, of Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s. I personally clearly remember reading all about the death of Céline Dion’s husband, in a magazine in France, years before he actually died.
We need to understand how these mechanisms of existence work, because optimism, and keeping a positive outlook about life, can help a great deal to make the world a better place. At all times we are free to create the world we want, no matter the past, or any prediction or prophecy in existence.
We cannot see or interact with other dimensional worlds, because we are not attuned to these frequencies of matter, just like a radio picks up only one station at a time. Our consciousness and brain, do not create these worlds for us to see, within our own bubble reality. Our particles would first need to vibrate at these specific frequencies, or in other words, orbit at these specific speeds.
This is why ghosts and spirits, standing in front of a crowd, can only be seen by certain people, while the others remain oblivious to their existence. And you might wonder, why a video camera could record such apparitions, if it is all in our mind.
The blueprints and patterns are there, and the consciousness of these ghosts and spirits are there as well. However, our brain will re-create it in one way, the person next to us might not re-create it at all, a mouse and a cat present at the scene will re-create it in a different way, and a video camera will record it in yet another way.
The camera is part of the re-creation of our psychophysical reality, so it can record what we create. And then, we send signals to others about what has been recorded, so the blueprint and patterns will exist, for everyone to re-create the recording in their mind, next time they watch it.
It is easier to understand how it works, when looking at it from the point of view of an open world, that people play and share on a game console, on a network. This is not to say that our reality is a computer programme, it is just very similar. But who really knows?
1.2e The fifth type of expansion and contraction of matter
And the fifth type is Universal Relativity, the expansion and contraction of matter, due to relative motion. Objects only ever expand or reduce in size as they move, in a universe without distance, where everything is located here around us.
Elephants running towards us don’t cover any distance, they are simply enlarging in size towards us. Likewise, as they pass us by and run away, they are simply shrinking away from us. This would be expected, in a psychological or virtual reality, or a simulated world, or a holographic universe.
We can move anywhere instantaneously, at any particular time in history, by simply vibrating at the frequency, or resonance, of that particular time and place. In other words, by adjusting the speed and cycles of our particles, which define our relative size, our location, the time and date, and the interdimensional time rate. This is how we will instantaneously travel in the future, and possibly even travel in time.
It is also all very instinctive, often we simply need to think about it, to make it happen. We don’t necessarily need to know the specific resonance of a time and place, unless we are using technology to get there. And calculating the specific resonance of a certain time and place in the past, present or future, to adjust the speed of our particles, should be within our capabilities.
This is just the core of the theory, the beginning of what it all means, and how it could change the world.
Table of content (no paywall)
1.1 New Age Physics — A working and credible Theory of Everything
1.2 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics
1.3 Explaining UFOs, interdimensional worlds and beings
1.4 New theory for gravity, orbits, attracting and repelling forces
1.5 Four different perspectives required to understand gravity and orbits
1.6 Best proof for Atomic Expansion Theory, the physics of a falling suspended slinky
1.7 How planets, solar systems, galaxies, neutrinos, electrons and atoms form
1.8 What is truly relative in physics, and the end of the space-time-mass-energy concept
1.9 Debunk of current theories in physics: Einstein, Newton and Quantum Mechanics
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