9.1 Third type of growth and shrinkage of matter — Interdimensional density of matter, when the electrons, atoms and molecules’ vibrational rate, size and spacing vary (no paywall)
New Age Physics — The physics of interdimensional worlds finally explained (1 of 7)
9.1 Third type of growth and shrinkage of matter — Interdimensional density of matter, when the electrons, atoms and molecules’ vibrational rate, size and spacing vary
The third type of growth and shrinkage of matter, is when the neutrinos are orbiting faster or slower, around and between the electrons, enlarging or reducing their orbits. This is the cause of the change in size of the electrons, which are essentially solar systems at the smaller scale, with the planets being neutrinos, and the sun or suns being super-neutrinos.
This process is identical to the crossover effect, in the second type of growth and shrinkage of matter, when the electrons grow and leave the atoms to become anything that is in the electromagnetic spectrum. The difference is, the change in size of the electrons is happening within the atoms. When electrons grow or shrink in size within the atoms, it affects the size of the atoms and of the molecules, their level of vibration or excitement, and the overall spacing between all these particles.
This has never been obvious or known to us before, in our science, because when matter changes density in that manner, it moves outside our range of visible light. But more than that, it is like this matter is no longer part of our reality, since we can no longer interact with it. From our point of view, matter in the lower dimensions move in slow motion, while in the higher dimensions matter moves in fast forward. Which might begin to explain why that matter disappears and is out of our reach.
If the change is not too significant, or the conditions keeping these worlds apart break down for whatever reason, we can still see and interact with matter vibrating slower or faster. But the consistency of that matter is suddenly different than what we are used to. Rocks and metals are unexpectedly malleable, sometimes intangible, they can levitate easily as if lighter or less dense than air, and no doubt this is how they built the pyramids and Stonehenge.
Beings from higher dimensions, or from the future, glow, simply because their neutrinos, electrons, atoms and molecules vibrate faster. And from the lower dimensions, everything seems very heavy, even in the atmosphere, and beings are sometimes dark and shadowy, instead of substantial. However, if they cross over completely, they can be as solid as anything.
The density, when it comes to other dimensional worlds, or world densities, is a different type of density of matter, than the one we find in our books of physics today, although they are closely related. All dimensions share the same space, the same Earth, just like the gases in the air surround us. All these worlds use the same particles that we do, all expanding at the exact same inner expansion rate. And they too have solids, liquids, gases and plasmas in their own dimension.
Usually, a change in density is simply a change in the spacing between the molecules, which turns a solid into a liquid or a gas. Indeed, more electrons added to the system through heat, or pressure being applied, will cause the electrons to orbit faster, enlarging their orbits between molecules, but not between or within the atoms, so atoms and molecules don’t change size. This excites the atoms and the molecules, causing the molecules to become more spaced out. This is all within our own third dimensional world, where electrons, atoms and molecules never proportionally grow or shrink, while still expanding at a constant rate, from the first type of expansion of matter.
Although there is the same type of change in density in all dimensions, of solids, liquids and gases, each dimension has its own specific vibrational rate, size and spacing for the electrons, atoms and molecules. These are the only difference. Something does not need to vibrate that much faster before it disappears from view, since some insects can easily do so when in flight.
This is why it has always been confusing, and why we never understood what the spiritual literature meant, by another density world. It is also a change in density, in a different manner, when the particles become larger, as well as more spaced out, while the neutrinos are orbiting and vibrating faster, causing the electrons to grow within the atoms.
It is a change in the size of the particles and the spacing between them, which is a result of the change in the vibrational rate of matter, beginning with the neutrinos causing the growth or shrinkage of the electrons within the atoms. Otherwise, a simple change in the vibrational rate of matter, of the electrons without growth or shrinkage, solely leads to a change in the state of matter, and not to matter moving to another dimension.
We must bear in mind that, matter moving to another dimension, appears to bring new states of matter unfamiliar to us. However, it might simply be how we perceive it from within the third density world. From within their own dimension, other beings might perceive it as normal states of matter, similar to ours.
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