9.5 Known World Densities/Dimensions sharing the same space (no paywall)
New Age Physics — The physics of interdimensional worlds finally explained (5 of 7)
9.5 Known World Densities/Dimensions sharing the same space
1. Extremely dense and heavy life forms, black shadows?
2. Bigfoot, Goblins, Fairies, Gnomes, Mothman, etc.
2.5 Dark spirits appearing as dark black clouds, violent angry ghosts
2.75 Possibly our own physical body also exists here, which could explain how people could seem to create poltergeists without the need for any external influence. When we die, sometimes this physical body might continue on its own like an empty shell, or as a very confused consciousness, possibly moving to 2.5 and becoming an angry ghost
3. Our physical world
3.25 Our own physical body might also exist here, so when we die, this physical body continues on its own and possibly moves to 3.5
3.5 Spirits, ghosts of dead people
4. Ultraterrestrials, extraterrestrials
5. Other higher beings people appear to be channelling
6. Even higher beings? Archangels?
7. God?
The above table is just for guidance and ease of understanding, it could be slightly or fundamentally different. It is important to understand that every single person, every single location, every single particular time, is a dimension or world density of its own. There is in fact an infinite number of dimensions or world densities, but they can be grouped in the main bands above, when they are relatively similar in vibration and resonance.
For us, the fourth world density might appear like a gas, or a gaseous world, but for them it all appears very solid, since their particles are vibrating at that higher frequency, so they can experience that reality in a higher dimension. The word dimension here means the dimension of the matter composing them, and it is clear from the literature that, another dimension is synonymous with another density of matter.
John A. Keel got very close to this conclusion, when he talked about a different electromagnetic spectrum for the ultraterrestrials, where they live in realities of different interdimensional frequencies. The animalistic beings of the second world density, often have illuminated red eyes, because most likely, in that reality, they only see below our range of visible light, which is infrared light. While ultraterrestrials have huge black eyes like camera lenses, just like some insects, and the light they see must be above our visible light, meaning ultraviolet light.
I read somewhere that if you use ultraviolet filters on cameras, or somehow have technology that can see ultraviolet light, you could see a lot of UFOs out there in the sky, just standing there or moving about. And probably the same for infrared light, you would see all sorts of low intelligence creatures creeping around. Sometimes ordinary and FLIR cameras do get a glimpse of other dimensions.
However, it is not enough to simply look with infrared and ultraviolet light googles, filters or cameras. The ultraterrestrials’ electromagnetic spectrum, as John Keel suggested, is not the same as ours. Remember, in their reality, all the electrons and the clusters are either smaller or larger, and are orbiting everywhere much slower or much faster than within our reality.
Heat and light are made up of clusters of electrons instead of photons, usually produced by heating an element. The size of these clusters of electrons defines the frequency of that light. The larger they are, the more they tend towards heat and infrared. The smaller they are, the more they tend towards ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma rays. The number of clusters passing within a second is the intensity of the light.
In our reality, or third density world, these clusters are relatively all the same size and equally spaced out, for one specific frequency of light. In the lower and higher dimensions, the density changes, the neutrinos change speed, and their orbits either enlarge or shrink, changing the size of the electrons. The electrons are then orbiting slower or faster within and between the clusters composing light, also changing the size of their orbits. This changes the size of the electron clusters and the spacing between them, and leads to different electromagnetic spectrums for these other dimensional worlds.
The electromagnetic spectrum should be separated in two different sections. The second section is the one I have already discussed, about heat, light and radiation, but the first one is something entirely different. While heat and light are clusters of electrons of different sizes, produced by heating an element, radio signals and microwaves are instead compressed bands of electrons produced through oscillating antennas.
If the emitted signal we are trying to receive, has been emitted using equipment from another dimension, then the signal would technically only be reliably received on equipment from that same dimension. Although sometimes, through flukes, we do receive these signals and communications, such as in the Electronic Voice Phenomena, also called EVP, where we can record, on any device, what appears to be disincarnated voices.
In order to communicate with beings of these other dimensions or realities, or in order to see and film them, we would technically need to change our very own vibrational rate, the speed at which all our neutrinos and electrons within us are orbiting and moving. The same for our equipment, be it radio, recorders and cameras.
When it comes to ourselves, it can be achieved through thoughts and intent, a willingness and desire to make it happen. When it comes to our equipment, electromagnetic fields (clouds of electrons) might help, air charged with static electricity might also do it, or a lot of heat or a lot of cold might help. Injecting a lot of electrons, through electron guns, might work. The more electrons there are in any location, the more excited all the particles will become. But there is no guarantee that any of it will actually affect the speed of the neutrinos, which is needed here to change the size of the electrons. Testing is required to find out what works best.
Perhaps the right tuning of radios might do it, without having to change the vibrational rate of the equipment. This is perhaps how these devices, we sometimes see ghost hunters using on TV, work. They receive signals made of clusters of electrons like light, clouds of electrons such as magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and compressed bands of electrons also called radio waves, with electrons of a different size, moving much faster or slower than normal. And when it comes to beings, we need to be able to hear and see them, while they are made of molecules and atoms of different sizes, vibrating faster or slower, and more or less spaced out than usual.
In areas where geomagnetic and magnetic fields are unusual, or near power plants and industries producing a lot of heat, or maybe in highly electrically charged areas, or whatever else, the barrier separating our dimension from the others may break down. This is why suddenly there are zones where we see a lot of activity, like the Bigfoot and the Mothman from a lower density, and ultraterrestrials and UFOs from the higher density, and probably also ghosts and spirits, which can be from either the lower or higher dimensional worlds, halfway through the other more concrete ones.
The lower the density they come from, the more animalistic they should appear to be. And the higher, the more intelligent, knowledgeable and powerful they should be. Before thinking of going to war with any of these species, it would be wise to recognise that we are most likely no match for them. They have proven many times to be able to disable our nuclear weapons at the press of a button. And chemical and bioweapons won’t work on beings from another dimension. If they really wanted to annihilate us, we would not know what hit us, or how.
Most of them in the higher dimensions, according to Dolores Cannon, are benevolent, despite anything they might have done which might be questionable. This said, maybe they are not all caring and compassionate, even in the higher dimensions. This is much more complicated than what we could surmise, from reading all of Dolores Cannon’s books. If you want the entire history, of all the other species of beings out there, and which dimension they come from, and the level of threat they may represent to us, you will need to read The Wes Penre Papers — A Journey through the multiverse. His Levels of Learning are free to read, and you would be hard press to find a better source of information concerning this subject.
Once something in the environment affects the rate at which neutrinos and electrons are moving within particles, suddenly we can all share, to a certain extent, the same reality or dimension. Which explains why sometimes there is a lot of activity in one particular location, what they call a gateway or an open window. And I’m sure some of these beings from other dimensions, can get stuck here. While the great percentage of people who go missing every year in the US alone, might very well have moved permanently into these other worlds. Then, they are not dead, and I do wonder how they adapt over there.
The true reality is that in the same space, we share this world with another reality made of a lower density of matter, and also another one of a higher density of matter. Where molecules are either smaller or larger than normal, and less or more spaced out, with particles moving slower or faster.
In these worlds, there are probably entire populations of these beings, with cities and UFOs and ultraterrestrials everywhere. And it is only when the barrier between these realities disappears, through most likely natural phenomena, or through the action of these ultraterrestrials, who appear to be capable of lowering their vibrational rate at will, but never for very long, before they must return to their world, only then can we share the same reality.
Anything that can affect the speed of the neutrinos orbiting the electrons, inside and outside the atoms, will do it. By injecting more neutrinos somehow, within and around electrons, even within the atoms. It seems like high electromagnetic fields can do this, but it might also be dangerous.
It is likely that all human beings are made of at least two superimposed layers of matter. One layer of matter moving at normal speed in third density world, which is our physical body, and another made of matter vibrating at a higher rate, of the density world 3.5, which is also a physical body. Which means that we are multidimensional, and kind of live in at least two different dimensions at once, without being fully aware of it. The dream world is probably in world density 3.5. It also appears that both our physical bodies share a consciousness, and are functioning and capable of storing memories.
Our physical body might also be made of a third layer of matter, vibrating at a much lower rate than normal, closer to the world of the Mothman. When we are happy, we move towards the higher dimension, and when depressed, towards the lower, as emotions affect our vibrational rate, and also our time rate.
When we die, quite possibly one of these physical bodies can continue to exist on its own, sometimes normally, other times perhaps in a diminished manner, if the death was violent or traumatic. People don’t change after death, if they were angry violent people, their second physical body that survives, is likely to be the same. If they start vibrating more slowly, they might move towards the denser reality, to the world density 2.5, if faster, towards the higher dimension 3.5. But it does appear that sometimes, they do change after death, and become more compassionate and understanding than while they were alive. These people were probably not that bad to begin with, but they probably hid it very well.
Rituals and psychological preparation before attempting communication with other dimensional beings, probably has or should have something to do with raising our vibrational rate, so we can attract and communicate with beings in the higher dimensions instead of the lower ones.
Keep in mind that, the day we successfully develop the technology to communicate with all these other beings, ghosts and spirits, or find a way to see them, is the day we will effectively raise the dead back to life, in the biblical sense. They were never truly dead to begin with, and there must be a way to bring that second physical body, living in higher dimension, back to our dimension. We only have to reduce the vibrational rate of their matter, or raise ours. And this is what psychic mediums probably do.
Now we can understand why the ultraterrestrials are playing these mind games with us, leading us astray constantly, lying and deceiving us. They are simply protecting themselves, as we must be a threat to them. They give us hints of our future that they can actually see, since they are vibrating faster than us, and relatively speaking they can achieve much more than us in a same amount of time.
Essentially, their time is running relatively faster than ours. Not only can they see our future, but they can lower their vibrational rate to specific times and places, in order to tell us our future. John A. Keel related several of these stories, including in The Mothman Prophecies. He said that eventually they let us down, and the future they tell us is incorrect. It destroys our credibility, so nothing we say will be listened to by others, and they render the entire idea of what happened completely ridiculous. The absurd, when it comes to any encounter with them, is common. They may simply be trying to hide the truth from us, so they can live in peace.
The time rate difference also explains why some people seeing UFOs, and interacting with ultraterrestrials from higher dimensions, suddenly see everything around them in slow motion, or even disappear from view to everyone else around. They must be in a bubble where all the particles are moving much faster, effectively existing in a higher dimension, leaving our dimension in a kind of frozen state that they can still see. Several such accounts were related in Dolores Cannon’s books.
These ultraterrestrials might live in complete fear we will find a way to break the barrier between the realities, find a way to interfere, and perhaps even go to war with them. Not surprisingly, every nuclear bomb we detonate must be as devastating to them in their reality as it is to us. No wonder we caught their interest when we started testing these weapons. These kinds of explosions must destroy matter in all dimensions, I reckon, not just ours.
In a higher dimension, their reality might be more fluid, ultralight, with less gravity, with animals and plant life unusually large compared with ours. Still, it is all made of matter, solid from their point of view, and it shares our reality the very same way the air and gases in our atmosphere do. And for the Bigfoot and the Mothman, they also share our reality the very same way water, rocks and dirt do.
By misleading us, making us believe they are from other solar systems and galaxies, from other planets, and even from particular constellations (while this makes no sense, since these stars composing constellations could be millions of light years apart from each other), they are hiding their true location, they are protecting the truth. Which is that they live side by side with us, intertwined and interconnected to, and within, the fabric of our reality. And that it would not take much for us to develop the technology required to change all three interlinked realities forever, including the lower one of the Bigfoots and the Mothpeople.
Now that we have the correct understanding of the physics of our world, as I believe we are getting closer to, it might become easy, within years, to find ourselves in these other dimensions. One more revolution in theoretical physics and we’re there, and perhaps this present book is just it.
This said, possibly not all ultraterrestrials are from Earth. Certainly, other planets of our solar system could sustain life in other dimensions. It has been said that the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, at the far end of the solar system, are actually four-dimensional worlds, and are inhabited. Instead of gases, they may very well be made of molecular structures of different sizes of molecules. They may appear gaseous to us, but possibly they are not. However, for beings living there, in other dimensions, they would see these planets as solid as we see ours. They might be paradises. They may also visit us here on Earth, who knows.
And God only knows about aliens from outside the solar system, they’ve lied so much, it is hard to distinguish the truth. Have you ever wondered, why any knowledge coming from a great channelled source, never quite gave us any answer, that could advance our knowledge and discoveries by leaps and bounds? Are we that stupid, is our reality or science that different, or have they only ever provided half answers, hints? I can understand if they feel we must discover this on our own, and hopefully we will, but then overnight our existence will most probably radically change.
I’ve worked most of my life on a new theory of everything, which should explain everything, including the paranormal. And it starts with what is gravity. Put very simply, gravity is due to the fact that all matter constantly expands while we are unaware of it, because we proportionally also expand along with everything else.
This expansion of matter is the reason why the distance between objects is always reducing, what Newton stated was an attractive force acting at a distance, when really there is no such force acting at a distance. We are not attracted to the Earth, the Earth constantly expands underneath our feet, pushing us upward. A falling ball from a plane is not falling, it is free floating in space until the Earth, in its expansion, catches up with it. Although everything expands at the same constant rate, the distance reduction between objects actually accelerates. This is what gravity is.
It may seem crazy, to think that atoms are constantly expanding at the same universal expansion rate, no matter the dimensional world we are in, and this expansion reduces the distance between objects and explains gravity, but hopefully Mark McCutcheon’s book The Final Theory, and this present book New Age Physics, will prove convincing. It makes sense, and it resolves every single big puzzle our science has been dealing with since forever.
The only reason the UFOs can fly so easily, defying our laws of gravity, is because they are made of matter vibrating faster, hence of matter of a lesser density, possibly even less dense than the air or gases in our atmosphere. It is easy to fly out of the atmosphere when you are made of such matter, because what is less dense is always automatically pushed above what is denser. Just like a balloon in water being pushed to the surface, or a balloon full of helium climbing in the atmosphere. Helium is the least dense gas in the periodic table of elements, after hydrogen.
The only way for us to achieve anti-gravity, is to build ships vibrating faster, to the point that all the particles will move to a higher dimension. But not necessarily one where the ships would disappear from view, and that we could no longer interact with it. Maybe the dimension of insects would suffice. They can easily fly, since they may be made of matter less dense than air, through larger and more excited molecules and atoms, with neutrinos and electrons moving faster, with enlarged orbits.
And the mystery of the flying spiders covering miles on the oceans and reaching boats at sea is finally resolved, despite the fact that they don’t have wings. Or how bumblebees can fly with their very small wings, seeming to violate the laws of physics. Ever wondered how insects can walk on the ceiling? They are made of matter of a lesser density, and the ceiling is constantly expanding downward every second, which is enough gravity to keep them there.
Table of content (no paywall)
9.2 Proving Earth used to be smaller and denser, while weight and gravity are increasing with time
9.5 Known World Densities/Dimensions sharing the same space
9.6 Is humanity truly being enslaved by beings from other dimensional worlds?
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