9.6 Is humanity truly being enslaved by beings from other dimensional worlds? (no paywall)
New Age Physics — The physics of interdimensional worlds finally explained (6 of 7)
9.6 Is humanity truly being enslaved by beings from other dimensional worlds?
When we read The Wes Penre Papers — A Journey through the multiverse, we realise that we have been involved for a very long time, one way or another, with a myriad of species of beings from lower and higher dimensions. In fact, there’s never been a time when we have not been involved with them. Our entire mythology, religious bibles, literature, and even children’s fairy tales, are filled with our encounters with these beings.
We have called them by several different names over the millennia, and euphemisms such as aliens, monsters, gods, angels, fairies, goblins, demons, the devil, Satan, evil, etc. And yet, it is poorly understood who these beings truly are, and what is our relationship with them. For most people, they don’t even exist, it is all fairy tales, delusions and conspiracy theories. But what if it is not?
I am not talking about a possible fake alien invasion, that allegedly Wernher von Braun, the German-American aerospace engineer, warned us about on his deathbed. I’m talking about a possible enslavement of humanity, by one or more of these species from other dimensional worlds, and what they are planning for us. If this is truly the case, as we hear from many different corners, we all need to be made aware of it, so we can do something about it. But how true is it?
I had no wish to become political in this book, but if it involves beings from other density worlds, trying to take over humanity, or having already done so, we are no longer talking about politics. Unless we call this interdimensional politics, or interdimensional foreign affairs, which then becomes relevant to this chapter. And of course, it is not all races of ultraterrestrials who work against us, some are actually benevolent and are helping us.
So far, we have proven unable to stop our leaders from doing just about anything they wish, and these days our leaders are rarely wise, intelligent or reasonable people. At the turn of 2020, we have witnessed how alarmists and extremists they can become, and easily manipulated into creating self-made crises leading to catastrophe.
Our leaders destroyed our economy, the supply chain, our food and energy sources, our health and health services, our standard of living and our way of life, all without a second thought about what they were doing, and without even any studies or impact analyses, to foresee the consequences of such global actions.
As a result of the outcry, the right to protest and assemble is being suppressed. Freedom of expression has entirely but disappeared, everyone is being censored and deleted. I fully expect that fairly soon, it will hit theoretical physics and every other field of knowledge. I have already seen harmless people banned, for talking about the Flat Earth Theory. This is where it starts, with theories most people agree are incorrect, so no one cares, until they gradually move on to ban everything else.
Schools, shops, restaurants, pubs, concerts, libraries, cinemas, theatres, museums, all gone, and most are bankrupted, so gone for good. Families unable to pay the rent are now homeless, others have to sell their properties, because of loss of revenue from rent. Millions are starving in what used to be the rich countries. Wearing masks everywhere is now mandatory, even although there is over a hundred studies showing how useless they are in a pandemic, and many more studies proving they lead to serious health issues.
And now we need permission to travel. We must navigate a nightmare of a system, with quarantines and health passports, photographic evidence of where we are daily, and endless testing every other day, costing a fortune. Hospitals have been shut down, denying many of urgent treatments, and condemning them to death. People in care homes were left isolated, denied medical treatments, and even put on end-of-life medications. We have also, more or less, all been prisoners within our own homes, with not even the freedom of movement, and coerced into dubious medical experiments. All of it based on flimsy evidence and shady studies, from corrupted and untrustworthy people and organisations, making billions if not trillions in profits. Can you really put it any other way? Or still defend that it was required, somehow?
What are the definitions of totalitarianism, fascism, oppression or tyranny, no matter the excuse that could justify such a state of affairs, if this is not it? Have the definitions of these words changed recently? We cannot tell what the future holds, but it is certain that the world will never be the same again. And as it is only getting worse, civil wars and serious crackdowns are probably lurking just over the horizon.
It is as if, all our leaders were either bought or threatened in some way, or both. They appear to have no freedom to make any decision benefitting the people they are supposed to represent. And now, all the leaders worldwide seem to talk with one voice, they all say the very same unconscionable things, no matter their political inclinations.
The very same speeches, laws, rules and policies, are passed in every country in the world, under emergency measures and without oversight, all at the same time in a co-ordinated effort. So-called experts, everywhere in the world, all agree on everything, and if they don’t, they are ostracised, discredited and silenced. All news channels and newspapers worldwide, in all languages, are all parroting the exact same propaganda, over and over again.
It is pretty clear, that there is now one world government hiding somewhere, which also controls the worldwide governments, mass media, the military and the police of every country. We can only hope that soldiers and police officers will wake up, and work with us, instead of against us.
What a powerful propaganda machine, led by a team of experts in the psychology of behavioural change. It works perfectly well on the majority of the population, there is no more doubt about that. This is not new either, we witnessed these kinds of things many times before, even within my lifetime. It is just that today, it has become painfully obvious and undeniable. These leaders are not speaking their mind, they are following a script written by others from one source, without being allowed to deviate. We must be nearing where this is all leading, since they are no longer hiding their agenda.
On the surface, central and world banks, large corporations, agencies of the UN, NGOs and other think tanks, appear to be in charge of the world, in a technocracy hiding behind fake elections that no longer matter. That much I can see for myself. But there is a lot of information out there, stating that there could be a smaller group of extremely rich beings, in control of all these organisations, who are not even from our dimensional world. They would come from either the lower or higher dimensions, and ultimately their agenda is one of genocide, preventing births through sterilisation and abortions, and eugenics, but always presented under the guise of public health, public protection and saving lives.
All new policies, rules and laws, usually achieve the opposite of what they are meant to achieve, and always seem to lead to less rights, liberties and freedom, and ultimately to more deaths. To the point, nowadays, that if the politicians or the mainstream media say something, you can bet that the opposite is true. Everything is reversed, but the conditioned majority remains blind to it. It is all very simple and clever, deceptively so.
If some beings from other dimensions, see humans as easily manipulated through basic psychology, and as useful animals that can be exploited, if they only keep the best specimens and their progenies, then it is understandable that they have no compassion or humanity for the human race.
Considering how we treat our animals, we are not that different. Would you not want to ensure that all your cattle and sheep are tagged and microchipped, so you can bring them back to the flock when they go astray? And that they have no rights or liberties whatsoever, so you can do whatever you want with them? But you might allow them to visit other fields, every once in a while, if they get a special permission, official form of identification, photographic proof of where they are at all times. While making it very complicated, as to discourage such behaviour. Because, it is far easier for you, if they remain at all times in their allocated small space, and not be allowed to say anything or complain against you to anyone.
And of course, only the best cows and sheep should be allowed to reproduce, so we can obtain the best pedigree. While using drugs and injections to cull the older ones, the sick and the weak, the ones without much of an immune system, which are easily killed. Better sterilise the dumb and the bent ones. Why would you keep costly dead weight and useless eaters, within your flock of cows and sheep? There would be no point to it, if they cannot fulfil their purpose, the why you keep them in the first place.
However, why kill only a few million people, when there are eight billion of us? Unless eventually, given the chance, they will ramp up their effort, and kill worldwide all the old, sick, mentally ill, gay, stupid, handicapped and lesser races, in their opinion. Ultimately, to save their precious resources, and the planet from a change in the weather, they might be planning to kill billions of people.
I don’t believe for a second that the change in the weather is manmade, as it is simply normal cyclical variations in weather patterns that come and go. We have data from the last hundred years which shows similar patterns, and no one was alarmed then.
These beings don’t strike me as careless caretakers, who would randomly kill people in the hope that the good ones survive. They intend to keep only the best of us, which is why they need the genome of the entire population of the world. Through these processes of injections and health passports, and especially with their PCR tests, and without our knowledge or consent, they are building the global genomic database, which will decide who has the best genes, and consequently, who lives and who dies.
Some people might be extremely intelligent, talented and skilful, and went on to change the world, but their genes might have shown nothing remarkable, and even, would have disqualified them from living. Who knows what kind of genes we need to have, to be useful for their purpose?
Perhaps genomics is all that it is cracked up to be, and maybe it will save many lives, and prevent many more from seeing the light of day, since they will know everything about the babies before they are even born. But it is the other potential uses of genomics which are worrying, and the fact that it has been collected in a dishonest way, it suggests bad intent.
As to why they need us, it has been said some species appear to attach themselves to us and feed on our energy. They apparently need negative or low vibrational energy that human fear, hatred, anxiety, anger, and depression generate. And we seem to be providing other species with natural resources, like mining for materials they require. And what else do we do for them?
You will notice that their plans are very long term. They have been implemented decades ago, often even in previous centuries, and this is why history constantly repeats itself. As it is always the same plan, being implemented decades after decades, over the centuries, by the very same beings, who can probably live for a thousand of our years, especially if they are from the lower dimensions, or operate from there. And we are powerless to stop history from repeating itself, every time that it happens, even when we are aware of it, because it is all extremely well planned. They have the benefit of knowing why it failed before, and can anticipate these variables every time they try again.
And as long as it ends up killing a lot of people, preventing many undesirable births, and bringing more control and coercive measures, then it is a success. And it does not matter to them, if every single person who was bribed or threatened to make it happen, or any person who appears to be running their show, ends up under a bus, in prison, or at Nuremberg type trial. Every single one of those responsible, no matter how rich, famous or important they are, are expandable to them, and a potential patsy ready to take responsibility for their own crimes.
It is quite a game of chess, when your funds are unlimited, and when you can plan to lose all your pieces, and still win. So, none of their plans ever fail, it is just a question of how long they can get away with it, before we find a way to stop it. Hence in time, it becomes more extreme, and we find out afterwards that there were millions of deaths as a result. Just as it happened many times before in recent history. And the day they finally succeed, and that there’s nothing left we can do to prevent the takeover, the greatest genocide ever will probably follow.
Unless it is essential, it is probably best to avoid medical doctors and hospitals, and especially their drugs and injections. In this day and age, and for quite a while now, it is all about genocide. Prescription drugs is officially the third leading cause of death in North America and Europe, but unofficially it probably is the first. It would not surprise me, if dementia and Alzheimer, were mostly a consequence of the drugs they provide, and that, implicit everywhere, are the ‘do not resuscitate orders’ and euthanasia.
Hopefully a new breed of doctors and nurses will come about that we can trust. It usually takes years to organise and fight that sort of thing, plenty of time for the policies to become severe and create total chaos, which usually will take decades to fix and reverse. By which time, they’re ready for the next global crisis to be unleashed.
These beings from other dimensions, seem to know exactly what is going to happen next, through great predictions and training exercises, that turn out to describe events identical to what actually happens soon after. It is as if they could see the future. It could simply mean, that they are often successful at implementing their plans, or, they literally know the future, having mastered going to even higher dimensions, where the time rates are relatively faster than ours. They are in no hurry, remember, time is meaningless to them. In the lower dimensions, they move in slow motion compared to us. Decades for us could be years or months for them. They are like tortoises or reptiles frozen in time, from our point of view.
It is high time that we figure out and master, the real mechanics and physics of this universe. Or we will continue to be ignorant and easily exploited, by beings of other dimensions, often called evil and demons in religious circles. They have a full understanding of how reality really works, and have no ethical or conscience issues, while taking advantage of it against us. Because for them, we are just useful animals that need to be brought under their full control. Preventing us from thinking at all, and expressing our opinions, seem to have always been one of their goals. Along with the one to know where we are, anywhere in the world, and with whom, at all times.
Why are they using such intricate subterfuges to deceive us into submission? Why try to control the masses, through the illusion of democracy and freedom, when it is simpler to control them with the threat of annihilation? Because, with an open threat, we would rebel, we would develop a resistance, we would refuse to do anything they need us for. It would be war, and we might win against them, or at the very least, become useless to them.
What better way to establish your supremacy, when no one knows you even exist, and that you can never become a target people could organise against? While people feel they are free, living in a democracy, going on with their lives, believing that nothing is wrong? A lot of thought and organisation went into this, for a very long time for us. But past a certain point, it comes a time when all the illusions vanish, and it becomes perfectly clear in what kind of world we live in. One without any democracy, rights or freedom. We are always truly ruled through fear and psychological manipulation.
It is possible that they are more powerful than us, and could annihilate us easily in our sleep, but can’t do it because they need us. Either way, fighting them is a big risk. Bringing public awareness to this state of affair, and negotiation, might be the solution. Interdimensional politics, if they are willing. But why would they be willing?
You don’t negotiate with, or kill your cows and sheep when they rebel, you just find better ways and more radical means, to bring them under your full control. Especially if they are no threat to yourself. First, most people don’t know interdimensional beings exist, they don’t even know if the idea of other dimensional worlds is possible. And finally, these beings don’t even have a real tangible materiality in our reality, we can’t even interact with them or see them. We are indeed no threat to them at this stage of our evolution, at our level of knowledge and development. Hopefully we can change all that.
But they made sure we remain ignorant, about the true nature of our reality. Anyone telling the truth, is dismissed as a pseudo-scientist, a conspiracy theorist, or a nutcase ready for the asylum. Anyone presenting a theory in physics that goes against Standard Theory, is always being ostracised, and cannot expect peer reviewed publications. Not many working on theoretical physics are free to speak their mind. They certainly could not say anything against Einstein, or utter the words UFOs, aliens or demons, as they would be ridiculed out of the building, lose their job, and any funding they might have. I nearly avoided the topic myself, but self-censorship is the worst form of censorship.
If we are not allowed to speak about these things, how are we meant to fight them, advance and move on? We need to get to the bottom of this. There is already enough proof out there, which need to be brought to the attention of the public, while attempting to get through their conditioning against such ideas, before it is too late.
Then again, perhaps it is all fairy tales, delusions and conspiracy theories. I guess it is up to you to investigate the subject further, in order to make your mind up. Reading John A. Keel, Wes Penre and David Icke, seems to be a good place to start. And remember, you first need to get through your conditioning against such ideas.
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