9.7 Conclusion — Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (detailed version — no paywall)

New Age Physics — The physics of interdimensional worlds finally explained (7 of 7)

Roland Michel Tremblay
21 min readNov 17, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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9.7 Conclusion — Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics

As stated at the end of the long summary in chapter 2, the five different types of expansion and contraction of matter explain the entire physics governing all realms of existence. I hope I have presented a convincing picture of a complete theory of everything in physics, entirely based on the expansion and contraction of matter. This could be what the channelled material in the New Age and spiritual literature has been referring to all this time, and finally we can understand what they meant by everything is expansion.

The fourth type of expansion, is the psychophysical reality we create out of our mind, all around us every time we wake up in the morning or move to another room. Once all the matter is out there, in the first type of expansion, neutrinos, electrons, atoms and molecules, expand at a constant universal rate, raising steadily the frequency at which all these particles orbit and vibrate in the process, while all orbits behind the scenes are constantly expanding in enlarging spirals.

The fifth type of expansion and contraction of matter is relative motion. Objects are not covering any distance, they simply expand as they move towards you, or reduce in size as they move away from you. Like it would be in a psychological reality, a computer simulation or a holographic universe.

This is from our own point of view only, as it is all relative motion. Which means that the particles within the matter are not, as a consequence, truly expanding and reducing in size, this is just how we see it. There are no mechanisms in this process, where the particles suddenly truly contract or expand, and where internally the spacing between the particles would somehow change, unlike for the other types of expansion and contraction of matter.

The second and third types of growth and shrinkage of matter, are about the orbits of neutrinos around and between electrons, and the orbits of planets around and between solar systems, linking them together. It is also about the orbits of electrons around and between atoms, and the orbits of solar systems around and in between galaxies, also linking them together.

The expansion and contraction in size, of these orbits of smaller particles or objects, linking together other larger particles or objects, is creating an additional attracting and repelling force between these objects. A force capable of counteracting the gravity, that is due to the inner expansion of matter, keeping all these particles and objects apart.

This leads to the crossover effect Mark McCutcheon explains in his book The Final Theory, the second type of growth and shrinkage of matter. For McCutcheon, the electrons freed from the atoms, can suddenly expand a great deal compared with the ones still in the atom.

For me, it is just that the orbits of the smaller particles, in this case the neutrinos, within and between the electrons, are suddenly enlarging a great deal, enough to push the electrons out of the atom. But never expanding that much, while they are still interconnected with other particles within the subatomic world, as the entire system, through the geometry of expansion, balances all the varying orbits.

In electrical fields in static electricity, the orbits of the neutrinos can stop enlarging or reducing altogether, forming walls or clouds of electrons, still constantly expanding at their normal expansion rate against each other, however appearing immobile from our point of view. They can remain like this forever, if left undisturbed. Like the repelling force keeping two ‘charged’ glass rods apart, before an electric discharge destroys the field of electrons between the rods.

And when the electrons are completely freed from the subatomic and atomic realm, and start expanding freely in space, either as clouds or clusters of electrons, then the orbits of the neutrinos must be as large as they can be, before the orbits lose cohesion. And in time, as magnetic fields, light and heat travel in space, eventually these orbits lose cohesion and the particles disperse.

In the second type of expansion and contraction of matter, the electrons are growing to leave the atom, to become all the different types of energy identified in science, or shrinking back to the atomic realm, as the neutrinos slow down and their orbits shrink, reducing the size of the electrons.

The third type of growth and shrinkage of matter, is related to the second. It is also the acceleration of the neutrinos and their orbit enlarging, however, without actually leaving the atom, and without going through the crossover effect. When electrons within the atoms are growing or shrinking, the atoms become larger or smaller than normal, creating larger or smaller molecules than the ones we are familiar with, and changing the vibrational rate of matter. This creates realities of different densities, other dimensional worlds that we cannot see or interact with.

There is no guarantee that other planets have solids, liquids and gases made of molecules and atoms that are the same size, vibrating at the same frequency of matter, and similarly spaced out as on Earth. Although the planets closer to the Sun, are probably of a similar density, both in terms of normal density, which is the quantity of mass per unit volume, and also interdimensional density, which is when the electrons, the atoms and the molecules are larger or smaller than normal, vibrating at varying rates, and more or less spaced out. It is possible that the larger gas giant planets, further down in the solar system, will uncover surprises.

The third type of growth and shrinkage of matter, can also happen outside the atoms. If electron clusters, electron clouds and electricity, are produced from higher or lower dimensional matter, or from matter of a different interdimensional density, then the resulting energy would also be different than our usual one, and we might not be able to see it, measure it or interact with it. Or if we can, it could be lethal.

This interdimensional energy, would be made of electrons already larger than normal, while within larger atoms of a different interdimensional density of matter, creating clusters and clouds of electrons in other dimensions or world densities. The energy in the fourth dimension or fourth world density, is made of clusters of electrons that are made of electrons orbiting faster and larger than our normal ones, and these clusters and clouds are larger, with a higher vibrational rate, and more spaced out as a result.

Somehow, the neutrinos and electrons within the clusters and the clouds, must be orbiting faster, their orbits must be larger, and everything overall must be slightly larger than normal. This interdimensional energy or light should not truly affect our third dimensional world, but possibly all of this constantly intermixes. Each dimensional world must have its own electromagnetic spectrum, at different scales than our normal one.

These five types of expansion and contraction of matter are all interlinked together, while being distinct from each other. If you try to visualise these five types of expansion in action, all ongoing at once, you will find an extraordinary and interesting way of seeing the bubble universe that we each create around us.

Whenever electron clusters are freed from the subatomic world on the Sun, and heat and light are launched into space and take eight minutes to reach the Earth, or whenever a spaceship is launched from somewhere towards Earth, both the clusters and the ship expand in several different ways. They expand in all five different types of expansion and contraction of matter all at once, they never really move or cover a distance.

Other stars are extremely small in the tapestry of our reality, the electron clusters must expand for years, for us to see them from that scale. They are not covering a distance, they are expanding towards us. And our acceleration or deceleration, away or towards that light, or away or towards a travelling spaceship, will relatively change the rate at which they expand or shrink compared to us, compared to our frame of reference.

Motion is relative, and in effect there is no more motion or speed in this reality, since the universe has no distance, no space, no time and no spacetime. Ultimately, everything is here with us, everything we can see in the universe, is just shrunk from our point of view. This is basically already applicable to a virtual reality built by a computer. Which is possible, if as Seth states in Jane Roberts’ books, this entire physical reality comes out of our brain, and is constantly being rebuilt with the energy (electrons) permeating the electrical universe at the base of our physical reality.

So far, everything in the universe is explained, by the expansion of matter from the centre of our brain, to create our reality, and the expansion of matter to justify gravity, chemical bonds, nuclear forces, electromagnetism, orbits and all energy phenomena.

Energy is just growing and shrinking electrons, pushing against each other on wires for electricity, in clouds for magnetic fields, in clusters for heat and light, and in compressed bands for electromagnetic fields, such as radio signals and microwaves.

And now, any object moving into this reality, is just further expanding or shrinking from our point of view. Everything is explained by the expansion and the contraction of matter.

Mark McCutcheon does not agree with me on all of this, but he certainly confirms that motion is relative, although, as I said, more like Galileo’s relativity. As for all objects made of atoms in the universe, they never stop expanding proportionally to everything else, they still double in size every 19 minutes, as calculated by the Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation derived in Mark McCutcheon’s book. The value of this universal atomic and subatomic expansion rate, for all neutrinos, electrons, atoms, molecules and objects made of them, is 0.00000077 /s². Note that there is no metre in this value, it is a proportional expansion rate of matter in time.

We each are the centre of our world, the return to an egocentric view of the universe. The main basic new principle, is that everything in physics is driven by the expansion of electrons and atoms. Now, can we really dismiss a fully working theory of everything, that even explains and take into account consciousness, as our very mind builds the physical universe we exist and evolve in?

Everything has a consciousness, according to Seth, electrons, atoms, molecules and cells, albeit a limited consciousness. But also moons, planets, stars and galaxies. Matter is conscious, so is the energy permeating all universes, since it is made of electrons. And consciousness also has a memory, so matter is conscious, can store data, can remember and decide, and be told by our consciousness, how to shape and form, and if to remain as such or change.

In his book The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot talks about how each one of our organs has a consciousness, and are affected emotionally depending on how we treat them and talk to them. If we can communicate and control every single particle within us, and any groupings of such particles, which lead to incrementing larger consciousnesses, responsible for other smaller consciousnesses, then we could ensure we never get sick and live forever. Hypnosis is a way to achieve this communication and healing, but I see no reason why it should not be a conscious process.

Under hypnosis, I once spoke with a sun. The person I hypnotised, was living several parallel existences to this one on Earth, including being a star somewhere in the universe. It caught me so unprepared, I did not even ask where in the universe it was located. In the end, I said, are you not bored with this existence, if all you do is stand there in space, moving about? The answer came immediately. If the person under hypnosis was making that up, no thinking was required to obtain the answer. The sun said something to the effect that, it could feel and experience the existence of everything within its system, and live through every single consciousness composing it, and it seemed like a fulfilling and meaningful existence. More than mine, that’s for sure.

I can’t even explain to myself, how I could have thought for one second, that I was leading a more interesting and less boring life than the one of a sun. There is so much to explore within each of us, that being in prison is no indication of our freedom to live a meaningful existence. I just wish it would be easier to access all this information about ourselves. But if it were, we could easily forgo to actually live and acquire new experiences in this lifetime.

Determinism and fatalism are unlikely, in a universe where everything is conscious and capable of changing the behaviour of particles and objects. Nothing is pre-determined in this universe. Particles and astronomical bodies, are not simply following their pre-determined paths, that we could calculate accurately over millions of years, even if sometimes it might seem that way.

This conundrum nearly drove me insane, when I was a kid. I thought, as soon as particles are set on their course, then they must follow their pre-determined paths, which might or might not lead to collisions and destruction, and nothing could change that. And so there could not be free will in this universe. But thoughts, free will, consciousness, can change anything at any time.

And although, so far, we are lucky that nothing much has changed in our night sky, it does not mean that one day it might not radically change. And suddenly, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, could significantly enlarge or reduce, along with the orbit of everything else in our solar system and the ones nearby.

The destruction of one planet, in any of the solar systems interconnected with ours, could significantly change the orbit of the Earth and lead to our extinction. If we don’t start populating other moons, planets and solar systems now, en masse, we probably won’t survive.

The solution is not to reduce the population of the planet, as I am sure Earth could easily accommodate twenty times our actual population, without much trouble or lack of resources. The solution, is to get out there in the universe in large numbers. And I hope this new physics is just what we need to jumpstart this exodus.

Our mind is supposedly outside our brain, outside our physical body. Although, an extremely small mental enclosure, at the centre of our brain, is what builds the physical reality, from what our mind or consciousness tells the brain via electrical impulses, from what Seth calls mental genes and mental enzymes.

Memory is not exactly in the physical brain, or within matter like electrons, atoms, molecules and cells. Memory would be in their consciousness, the part of their mind which exists in the electrical universe, meaning in the superimposed layer of energy made of neutrinos and electrons. It would have to be, if our entire physical reality is just camouflage, as Seth states. In the end, reality is all just an interpretation and a construction of our brain.

The centre of our brain is certainly an important place for us, for our physical reality, according to Seth. And he says that, although reality is composed of real locations, just like the locations in our dreams are equally real, or any locations we can imagine in our mind, they occupy no real space, because it is all psychological and mental in nature. He also says, that mental genes and mental enzymes build reality. So it is very much a biochemical and bioelectrical process, furthering the idea that it all happens in the brain, although this brain is part of the camouflage reality. It seems that nothing about us is from this world or dimension, really.

The advantage of Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Theory, is that it describes the physics not only of our physical reality, at whatever scale or world density we choose, but also of all possible realities and planes or systems of existence, including the dream world and the world of our imagination. It all works on the very same principle of the expansion of the neutrinos, and every other particle as a consequence, and the growth and shrinkage of electrons, in realities made entirely of neutrinos and electrons. The neutrinos, like the planets, are the only particles that are neutral, because they are not made of a nucleus with orbiting particles, that can attract and repel other particles.

Possibly, the expansion rate of electrons and atoms, is different in these other realities of different interdimensional densities, including also the dream world and the world of thought, which are also made of atoms and molecules according to Seth, although somehow of a different nature.

More likely though, the expansion rate of the electrons and the atoms, is identical in all realities and dimensions, since the expansion rate of the neutrinos must be universal to all realities and planes of existence. If it were not so, we would never encounter beings from other dimensions, we would quickly outgrow and leave them behind, or they would. All That Is, or God, is made of these same neutrinos, electrons, atoms and molecules, as it is most likely the universe itself, which is the overall higher consciousness that all other consciousnesses comprise. Just like it is for the particles, cells, bacteria and organs of our own body, assuming they all have a consciousness.

If everything is made of the same electrons and atoms, expanding at the same constant rate, then gravity, or the changing distance between expanding objects, must also be the same everywhere, no matter the dimensional or density world. But weight can be different from one realm to another, for various other reasons explained in previous chapters, starting with different interdimensional densities of matter, vibrational rates of matter and energy, and time rates.

It might just be a question of interdimensional density, different spacing between atoms within molecules, and between electrons within atoms. Also, different spacing between clusters and clouds of electrons. Making all these particles either smaller or larger, vibrating and orbiting either slower or faster, defining other dimensional or density worlds, which affect weight and buoyancy. All so that in dreams, and in higher dimensions, we can easily fly.

It is the orbiting speed, and the size of the orbits, of the smaller particles linking together the larger ones, that define the density of matter and the dimension in which matter exists. It is not the intrinsic expansion of electrons and atoms, at a rate that is constant everywhere, which most probably never changes.

Although I do wonder. If an atom can become larger or smaller, and switch to another dimension, possibly it might proportionally expand slightly faster or slower than our normal atoms. But any discrepancy would quickly, in time, make the physical worlds in higher dimensions, so much larger than ours, that it is unlikely. It is said that other dimensional worlds are superimposed upon our third dimensional world, they exist right here right now, sharing the same space as us, and they always did.

This conundrum is easily resolved. It is not the size of the object that matters, or the size of the particles. It is the overall expansion rate of matter, which is always constant. It is true that the Earth will proportionally expand much more rapidly than a ball free floating in space above it, but their expansion rate is the same at all times.

The strange creatures sometimes spotted, such as the Mothman and the Bigfoot, are very likely existing in a lower dimensional world sharing our own world. And sometimes they find themselves in our physical reality. Or in unusual circumstances, both our worlds are vibrating at a similar frequency, and then we can see and interact with them. Just like UFOs, ultraterrestrials, extraterrestrials, spirits and ghosts, may be living in a higher density world that sometimes we can see and interact with.

As John A. Keel says in his books, possibly those aliens are not from outer space, they are from Earth, but all their particles and physical reality, vibrate at a higher frequency than ours, all their particles orbit faster, and they live faster. For a long time, as mentioned earlier, they may have been worried we will eventually find a way to see them, interfere and exist in their reality. So they have been lying to us about who they truly are and where they come from.

I highly recommend you read his books The Mothman Prophecies and The Eighth Tower: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum. Also Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs, and Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind: Selected Writings of John A. Keel. I believe he is getting very close to the truth, he certainly confirmed a lot of my theories and ideas.

I like his idea of the electromagnetic superspectrum, that takes into account the difference in frequencies, relatively speaking, from one dimension or density to another. And the reference to ultraterrestrials, the distinction that aliens are not extraterrestrials in nature, that they are from the fourth dimension or higher, also living on Earth in a physical world just like ours. Imagine if we were to suddenly develop the technology to see their cities.

There is a scene in the movie Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, that shows how this works, when they visit the planet Kirian, a massive extra-dimensional bazaar called “Big Market”. They wear coloured glasses to see the higher dimensional world, and they use converters to move in and out of the higher density world. The entire bazaar scene is worth watching, it shows exactly what I mean and the kind of technology we could develop in the future.

According to Seth, this pulsation, or different interdimensional frequency rates between physical realities, is due to how fast matter is being replaced or replenished by our brain, in the construction of our reality. Someone vibrating at a higher frequency, and suddenly capable of communicating with the dead, might very well simply be someone replenishing the matter of their bubble reality much faster than others. Simply because they can channel in, more energy than others from the top of their head, rendering them capable of replacing the matter of our reality more often and faster, raising the frequency of the matter and of themselves in the process.

It still does not tell us how we can achieve this, but in a psychological reality, it seems logical that you simply need to think about it to make it happen. As it is through thoughts, and possibly through visualising and verbalising our thoughts, that everything happens. It is hard to tell, but I will have a better idea once I have finished reading The Early Sessions of Jane Roberts, and all her books. It was mentioned that Seth will describe, in the subsequent books in the series, how the molecular structure of other planes of existence differs from our physical reality.

However, I think it is fairly certain that the expansion rate of electrons and atoms remains the same in all realities. Because it is all the same energy that builds up all these worlds, and these worlds are all still made of matter, and apparently, they are all superimposed and intertwined. Consequently, the very same laws of physics must apply to all, and now they can.

In Universal Relativity, whenever we are in motion our speed is always zero. We shrink from other frames of reference we would be moving away from, and we expand compared to other frames of reference we would be moving towards. Indeed, we never really move if our own bubble virtual reality is being projected in 3D right from inside of us.

I have been thinking and visualising this for decades, and now I feel pretty confident that I am correct with Universal Relativity. It is the logical conclusion, of motion being relative to the point of view. And everyone under deep hypnosis, in the books of Dolores Cannon, talk about travel to other solar systems and galaxies, and even time travel, as being instant, and a question of resonance and the frequency of matter.

Even Seth, in Jane Roberts, insists that we must forget building a spaceship that will take decades to reach another planet in another solar system, as this is not the way we will travel in the future. Especially if, somehow, Atomic Expansion Theory is recognised, and we witness another industrial revolution.

I can only think that the frequency of matter, or the right resonance, which is unique to each place in the universe at any particular time, involves the speed of the orbiting neutrinos, and the size of their orbits, within and between electrons. And the same for electrons within and between atoms and molecules. The speed of these neutrinos and electrons, defines the size of these particles and their vibrational rate. And the expansion and contraction of matter is motion, instant motion anywhere in the universe at any particular time in our history, even the past or the future, even if they are constantly changing.

Everyone is creating their own personal bubble reality, independently from each other, following patterns or blueprints our collective consciousness created, like within a network, and continue to change with every new thought, from every contributing mind or consciousness in the universe. Possibly it is easy for aliens, or these ultraterrestrials, to make us see whatever they want, influence our thoughts and create hallucinations. In the end, it is as real as our reality.

And there is not even any other frame of reference that exists, since only ourselves can see and experience our very own reality. When my father sees me in his reality, I, and/or other witnesses, have telepathically sent him the data or information, as to my approximative location, appearance and velocity, so through his mind, he can create me and perceive me in the periphery of his own bubble universe.

Seth’s expansion of the dream world, and of the world of our imagination, the universe of our thoughts or concept-ideas, and also the expansion of our reality, and by extension of our mind, since it is mostly a psychological construction, is all about how we create mentally these worlds.

These three worlds of dreams, thoughts and reality, which are all different planes of existence according to Seth, meaning they are three different universes we create and interact with, are all working on the very same principle, from a physics point of view, the principle of expansion.

And this expansion is the expansion of matter, because that psychic/mental energy, that pure energy flowing through the universe, cannot be made of a magical substance that becomes the matter of our reality. It has to be made of neutrinos and electrons, which then go on to form clusters, clouds, atoms, molecules, objects and realities.

And what about anti-gravity? How does it work, if there are no gravitational waves or some gravitational force that we could counteract, since gravity is now explained by the simple inner expansion of matter? Well, changing the density of an object, practically propels it upwards above the denser atmosphere, without much need for any kind of propulsion, even if this means moving to a higher dimension. Therefore, it is not exactly anti-gravity, but the result is the same.

One important fact, out of Atomic Expansion Theory, is that there is no such thing as a speed of light limit. Which means, that if we can find a mean of propulsion, that can continue to accelerate us for quite a long time, using electromagnetism for example, we can travel at several times the speed of light without being crushed. As long as our acceleration and deceleration are small and gradual. Nothing is stopping us right now from reaching all these other solar systems within reasonable timeframes. It might not be the way to travel in the future, but for now it will do. The Universe is our oyster.

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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