1. Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds (no paywall)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon (1 of 14)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon
Why are certain people prone to experiencing paranormal phenomena, and seeing ghosts and UFOs, or having religious or spiritual experiences, while others will never experience anything strange in their lifetime?
How can UFOs levitate in the air so effortlessly, without any kind of sound or apparent mean of propulsion?
How can UFOs suddenly disappear or appear out of nowhere, travel at incredible speeds, and instantly stop and change direction, without suffering from crushing g‑forces?
And how to explain multiple witness reports, of time slips or time travel?
These questions are ignored by Standard Physics, because they cannot be explained by our science. This is not just a matter of tweaking our actual theories.
It should be obvious to everyone by now, that a radically different science is required, to explain any of these paranormal phenomena.
And this new science already exists, in two books written by Canadian authors, which can easily be understood, by anyone without a background in physics.
These books are called New Age Physics: The New Physics of the Future, by Roland Michel Tremblay, and The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy, by Mark McCutcheon.
Their new theory of everything is called, Atomic Expansion Theory, and it redefines and explains all of physics — including the four main forces of nature — all based on different types, of expansion and contraction of matter.
At first, this idea might sound absolutely bonkers. But wait to see just how much of our physics, and how many paranormal phenomena, can be explained by Expansion Theory.
And then you can decide, which physics model, best describes our world.
Table of content (no paywall)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon
2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough
3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant?
4. E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation Eₖ=½mv²
5. Unifying the physics of the very small and the very large in a theory of everything
6. The physics explaining interdimensional worlds
7. How can UFOs defy gravity and travel so fast?
8. Moving in fast forward or slow motion, interdimensional time is relative
9. The true nature of our flimsy and changing psychological reality
10. Are we living in a computer simulation?
11. Why only certain people see ghosts or UFOs?
12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs
13. In time all particles orbit slightly faster, as we continually move into higher dimensions
14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time
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