14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time (no paywall)
Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds (14 of 14)
14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time
And finally, let’s look at Universal Relativity, which is the theory of relative motion of Expansion Theory, replacing Einstein’s Special Relativity.
Our reality being psychological in nature, or if you wish, some kind of virtual reality, means that there is no time or space in this universe.
Time is just a convention. It will only work in the here and now, while we remain ignorant of the true nature of our reality, without pushing any boundaries.
But as soon as we start going out there, a better measure would be the vibrational rate of matter.
Or the frequency, or the resonance of matter, which is unique to anyone or anything, in any time and place, in any dimension.
As for space, objects moving towards us, are simply expanding, from our point of view.
And objects moving away from us, are just shrinking away from us. They don’t cover any distance.
Just like moving objects in a virtual or simulated world, or moving objects in a dream, don’t cover any distance.
Instead, objects expand or contract, compared to other objects, to give the impression of motion.
It is all an optical illusion.
Objects and people, don’t really expand or contract with motion, they only relatively appear to do so.
And if you think about it long enough, you will realise, that this is the logical conclusion, of motion being relative to the point of view.
Thus, everything is more or less located here, all around us.
It is not surprising therefore, how some UFOs can travel anywhere in the universe, or across interdimensional worlds, or travel in time, instantaneously.
They simply adjust the rate, at which their particles are orbiting, which shrinks or expands them instantly, to any particular time and place in history, which all vibrate, at a unique frequency.
Knowing our exact resonance, at any particular time and place, they can even jump into our mind.
Whether it is in our own bubble reality, while we are awake, or in our dreams, while we are asleep, as these are just other dimensions.
Overall, and let’s never forget it, everything is just electric and electromagnetic signals, floating around and being exchanged, between all consciousnesses, which are interpreted by our brain, to construct the realities we experience.
All realities are just camouflage.
The ultimate real reality behind the scenes, must simply be a world of neutrinos and electrons, filled with electric and electromagnetic signals.
Under hypnosis, such a world is often described. It is said to be, like a primordial world.
It is like being out in space, with no planets, suns or galaxies, but just small soft lights, here and there.
It appears to look like, the electronic world of a computer processor.
But who knows, since it could be interpreted in many ways.
And there could be other levels of reality beyond that.
Also, depending on which beings we are dealing with, they may have limits, just like we do, as to which vibrational rates or frequencies, they can achieve.
So, if you are rather rested, happy and peaceful, and therefore vibrating faster, you might be safe from beings from the lower dimensions.
But then, watch out for the ones from the higher dimensions!
There are proofs that these theories are correct, and this is just the beginning of an explanation.
If your head is still not spinning, there is plenty more to uncover, in the book New Age Physics: The New Physics of the Future.
Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay Catch Up and Interview
Atomic Expansion Theory Full Interview — A Theory of Everything
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Table of content (no paywall)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon
2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough
3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant?
4. E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation Eₖ=½mv²
5. Unifying the physics of the very small and the very large in a theory of everything
6. The physics explaining interdimensional worlds
7. How can UFOs defy gravity and travel so fast?
8. Moving in fast forward or slow motion, interdimensional time is relative
9. The true nature of our flimsy and changing psychological reality
10. Are we living in a computer simulation?
11. Why only certain people see ghosts or UFOs?
12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs
13. In time all particles orbit slightly faster, as we continually move into higher dimensions
14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time
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