2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough (no paywall)

Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds (2 of 14)

Roland Michel Tremblay
6 min readSep 20, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough

No one has ever identified a force acting at a distance, emanating from matter, attracting objects together, while attracting us to Earth, as Isaac Newton suggested.

Nor can we find a proof, of Albert Einstein’s proposed curved sheet of spacetime, distorted by heavy objects, that all objects would follow in their course.

Instead, the Earth is expanding in all directions, at a constant rate of 4.9 metres per second, pushing us upwards, while keeping us on the ground.

Raindrops and snowflakes are not really falling to Earth, they are free floating in the air, until the expansion of the Earth catches up with them.

The reason objects appear to attract each other, is because they are expanding, and the distance between them, reduces as they expand.

And your first question now should be, why can’t I see anything expand around me?

If you were yourself expanding, along with your measuring instruments, how could you possibly tell, if everything else around you, were expanding or not?

You could not tell, the whole process of expansion, would be invisible to you.

But it is still happening behind the scenes, and this is what we must visualise, in order to explain, most phenomena that we observe.

Gravity is now defined, as the changing distance between expanding objects, as everything continually expands, at the same constant universal rate, of 0.00000077 of proportional size per second square.

Gravity now depends on the size of the objects or particles, and their proportional expansion rate, instead of their mass.

If you fly near a planet made of styrofoam, the gravity from orbit will be the same, as if the planet was made of dense rocks.

This is radically different from Newton and Einstein, since in their theories, gravity is based on the mass of the planets.

However, once you land on the styrofoam planet, you would not weigh as much, because gravity on the ground, also depends on the density of matter, and on the centre of mass, from where matter expands and pushes from.

This explains why gravity on the Moon, on the near side, where the centre of mass is located, is one sixth the gravity of the Earth, instead of the one quarter which was expected.

Gravity on the Moon, should be one quarter that of the Earth, since it is a quarter of the size of the Earth.

But we will find that, only at the edges of the visible Moon, it is a quarter of the gravity of the Earth. While on the hidden side, it will be one third.

So, overall, once added together, it is the expected one quarter. It is just not uniform, all around the Moon.

These measurements could only be made on the ground, not from orbit, which makes any landing, difficult to plan and achieve.

As mentioned, we cannot see the expansion of all objects, astronomical bodies, and particles in the universe, because we are also expanding.

And yet, we still witness the distance reduction, between expanding objects, since space does not expand, along with everything else.

There are two types of distance decrease involved in gravity.

The first one is the absolute decrease in distance, when two objects are expanding at a constant rate.

As a result, the distance reduces between the objects, at a constant rate.

But on top of the absolute decrease in distance, there is a relative motion effect, which further reduces the distance, between expanding particles or objects.

Because something must justify, that the objects have expanded behind the scenes, that the distance has reduced between them as a result, all without changing size in our reality, from our point of view.

In other words, if two objects double in size, and the distance reduces between them, but afterwards, the objects are still the same size as before, then relatively speaking, there must be even less space than before.

This is called, the further relative decrease in distance, in gravity.

And this is why, the distance reduces as an acceleration in gravity, even although everything expands, at the same constant rate.

To put it simply, although objects and particles expand at a constant rate, the distance between them reduces as an acceleration, because of a relative motion effect.

The expansion behind the scenes, causes relative motion, which changes the speed and direction of motion of the objects, precisely because we cannot see the expansion, in our resulting reality.

For example, when you can see the expansion, a satellite orbiting the Earth, is in fact moving away from the Earth in a straight line, fast enough to escape the expansion of the planet.

Once you can no longer see the expansion, you are left with a natural orbit effect, of the satellite simply orbiting the Earth. Why?

Because, as the Earth and the satellite expand, and the distance between them reduces, the satellite is also moving away, enlarging the distance between them.

In our resulting reality, the distance reduction due to the inner expansion, is cancelled by the satellite moving away.

Thus, instead, we see a stable orbit, where the satellite always remains, more or less, at the same distance from Earth.

A satellite in a geostationary orbit, viewed from behind the scenes, is a satellite which is moving away from the Earth, in a straight line, at exactly the right speed, to match the expansion of the Earth.

Consequently, the distance between the satellite and the Earth, always remains exactly the same.

The result in our reality is, a satellite which remains immobile, at a specific location over the Earth, as if frozen in place.

This explains orbits, and shows how an effect of relative motion is created, between what is happening behind the scenes, and what we see in our resulting reality.

A satellite does not need to be accelerating behind the scenes, for a relative effect to cause an acceleration, in our resulting reality.

The geometry of expansion, naturally accelerates all objects orbiting each other, in a permanent slingshot effect, on all orbits.

This results in a to-and-fro movement, because they are continually moving away from each other, but gravity is continually bringing them back together.

Gravity being an acceleration, this creates a constant swinging of the objects around each other, which is continually accelerating the orbiting objects.

This is called relative motion, because what we see, depends on where we observe it from.

Like from behind the scenes, where we can see the expansion, or from our resulting reality, where we cannot.

Relativity is always about something we can see differently, depending on our point of view.

There is always only one event taking place, an expanding satellite moving in a straight line, away from the expanding Earth.

But from our point of view, where we cannot see the expansion, we see an orbit instead, along with all sorts of relative motion effects, which have a real impact on our reality.

Relative effects can cause accelerations or decelerations, of astronomical bodies or particles, but can also increase or decrease kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the force of impact, objects and particles can have on anything they hit, which they acquire through their speed.

This is how expansion can cause motion and create energy.

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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