3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant? (no paywall)
Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds (3 of 14)
3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant?
The only reason we cannot go faster than the speed of light, is because of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity.
Eliminate them from our science, and suddenly there is no more speed limit in the universe.
As a bonus, we would no longer need to search for dark matter or dark energy.
Dark matter and dark energy, are just the greatest fudge factors ever devised, so our theories and equations, could still describe what we observe in the universe.
If we could find a suitable and practical mean of propulsion, we could easily travel at several times the speed of light.
And if our acceleration and deceleration, were slow and gradual, we would not be crushed by g-forces.
There is no such concept as spacetime, where time is a dimension of its own, linked to length, width, and height, and where a change in one variable, affects the others.
Nor are mass and energy interchangeable, where one becomes the other, and vice versa.
Space, time, mass and energy, contrary to what Einstein stated, are all independent from each other, and none of them are relative.
Meaning, none of them are of a different value, depending on where they are observed from.
They have a set value, at the specific speed they are going at, at a specific location, at a specific time, and that is what is real, no matter how it may seem, to other observers elsewhere.
In a world where motion is relative to the point of view, this is what logic and reason dictate.
According to General Relativity, when a spaceship is near a black hole — which is a huge gravitational field — or when in Special Relativity, it is going at near the speed of light, then time is ticking very slowly for the passengers.
Also, the ship is getting spaghettified, in the direction of motion.
Furthermore, when objects and particles, are travelling at near the speed of light, it is thought their mass increases to such an extent, that it would require an infinite amount of energy, to increase their speed just a little bit further.
Well, unlike what Einstein claimed, none of this is real.
This is all just an optical illusion, since this is only what we see from here, while others elsewhere, will see something different.
For the people on the ship, everything is normal.
Time is ticking at a normal rate, they are not getting spaghettified, and they are not frozen in time, on the edge of a black hole.
Neither have they become so massive, that an infinite amount of energy, would be required, to accelerate them further.
Particles in particle accelerators, are not becoming supermassive, and they are not prevented from going faster than the speed of light, because of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity.
In particle accelerators, electricity produces electromagnetic fields, which are clouds of electrons, which usually on short distances, travel more or less at the speed of light.
We cannot expect particles, to move any faster, than the maximum speed of the electromagnetic fields used, to push them around the particle accelerator.
Even black holes, wormholes, and singularities, which are the craziest things anyone could invent, don’t exist in Atomic Expansion Theory, as these can only exist within Einstein’s theories.
Black holes are simply dead stars. They look like gigantic planets, which don’t reflect light, from any source nearby.
We mistook black holes for something they are not, just because we cannot see them, although we can still observe, the enormous gravitational impact, that they have on their surroundings.
As for wormholes, they require spacetime to be like a sheet of rubber, which can be pierced, and bent to such a degree, that two different parts of space, can be linked together.
But the concept of spacetime, being a sheet a rubber, that can be pierced and curved, or squeezed to infinity into singularities, is now gone.
There never was a Big Bang, with a singularity at its core.
And this is confirmed again and again, with each new powerful telescope, that we put into orbit.
The light we are receiving from these telescopes, took millions of years to get to us, which was nearer the time of the so-called Big Bang.
If there had been a Big Bang, we should be finding newborn galaxies, in the furthest areas of space.
But we still cannot find a central point, from where a Big Bang would have occurred.
And no matter how far back in time we look, we still find extremely old galaxies.
We must be very careful about proofs in our science.
Because often, a result can be interpreted as a proof, when ultimately it is not, for various reasons, which we are often unaware of.
And then, scientific theories can go unchallenged, for over a hundred years.
Often there are other reasonable explanations, for observations and results, which have not been properly considered or studied.
The science is never settled, and a consensus amongst most scientists, can never be an argument for truth.
Science has become a religion, ruled by dogma, where everyone is afraid of saying something, which could challenge anything. Perhaps it was always the case.
Einstein declared that time is relative, while the speed of light is constant.
However, despite all the so-called proofs, and there are many convincing ones, it is time which is constant, while the speed of light is relative, and therefore varies.
Since motion is relative, even particles which — from our point of view — usually only move at the speed of light, can travel faster than that, relative to other observers.
This switch means that, while going faster than the speed of light, we would still be able to see everything perfectly well.
If we were on a spaceship, witnessing the explosion of our Sun, depending on our speed and direction of motion, we would see either:
· in real-time, if we were at rest relative to the Sun,
· in fast forward, if moving towards the event at any speed, even faster than light,
· in slow motion, if moving away from the event at any speed, even faster than light, or
· frozen in time, if going away at exactly the speed of that light.
In Atomic Expansion Theory, instead of intangible and massless photons, light is now composed of clusters of electrons.
Electron clusters are expanding matter in motion, and all matter must have a mass.
When light is being produced, there is an initial speed boost, which is required for the clusters of electrons, to escape the atoms.
This accounts for most of the speed of the light.
But to this, we must then add the effect of gravity.
Once the light clusters are freely expanding into space at high speed, they continue to accelerate due to gravity, while the distance reduces, between the expanding clusters of electrons, and the expanding destinations.
They all proportionally expand at the same universal expansion rate.
That way, no matter where anyone is, or at what speed they are going at — even multiple times the speed of light — the clusters of electrons within the light, are travelling in all directions, at various speeds, and will eventually be seen by everyone.
This is what is meant by, the speed of light is relative to the point of view, because it takes time for the clusters of electrons, to reach all possible destinations.
And of course, not everyone will witness a same event, at the same time, or see exactly the same thing, depending on their point of view.
How long it takes for the light to reach all destinations, has no bearing on when an event has taken place, or the rate at which time is passing, in any of the locations.
An event takes place only once, at a specific time common to everyone.
Because time is no longer relative, it ticks the same everywhere, at least within our own dimension.
This is all perfectly logical, as soon as we consider that light is made of matter, and that the clusters of electrons, behave very much like bullets being fired from a gun.
There is an initial speed boost, when the bullets are fired, or the clusters of electrons are expelled from the atoms, and then gravity takes over.
Eventually, the Earth’s expansion will catch up with the flying bullets, and they will technically fall to the ground.
Light is a long succession of batches of clusters of electrons, which create the images that we see, all showing an event at different times, just like different frames of a film.
When moving fast towards the event, if too many of these clusters enter our eyes at once, we will see at the same time, multiple images of the event at various times.
And since these clusters don’t all travel at the same speed, sometimes clusters of electrons, produced after earlier ones, will arrive faster.
Which means, we might see the Sun explode, but seconds later, we might still see images of the Sun, before the explosion.
In Atomic Expansion Theory, there are no more ethereal concepts of energy.
Energy is simply expanding and contracting matter in motion.
Otherwise, we are dealing with ghost particles, which have no mass, no volume, no shape, and no tangible existence, even within our own dimension.
Since gravity is an acceleration, the speed of light accelerates, especially when entering into a partial orbit, in a slingshot effect, around a star like our Sun.
This is just like it would be for asteroids or probes, gaining a significant acceleration, while flying very fast around planets and suns.
This said, the clusters of electrons also slow down and dissipate, when they encounter matter, such as molecules in gases, clusters of electrons from other light sources, clouds of electrons from magnetic fields, or clouds of neutrinos and other particles, ejected from the Sun.
There could also be many instances, of reaching terminal velocity for a while, here and there, with no net acceleration, because of the resistance from other particles, matching the acceleration of the clusters.
The above could very well explain why, while measuring the speed of light on Earth, we never recorded any acceleration.
Consequently, it is hard to tell or calculate exactly, what is the speed of light.
Because it also depends, on the speed and direction of motion, of the source of the light, and of the various destinations, any of which, could be going at several times the speed of light, relative to the others.
In all cases, it is simply a question of clusters of electrons travelling in space, which will eventually be seen by everyone, as they come across them, no matter their speed.
Many will wonder, how we failed to notice, that the speed of light is not constant, and that it is in fact accelerating.
It must be, that most experiments and measurements we ever did, were too limited to tell.
Furthermore, Einstein did say that the speed of light was constant, but only in a vacuum.
In effect, the speed of light was never considered constant in practice, as we rarely measure anything in a vacuum.
It is well known, that light changes speed, and even direction, while going through gases, liquids, and glass.
But now, even in a vacuum, the speed of light is not constant.
Because light is made of matter, which has a mass.
And gravity affects the speed of matter, as well as its path, whether it is in a vacuum or not.
And now that light is an expanding mass in motion, that it is affected by gravity, and that it accelerates, let’s have another look, at the world’s most famous equation.
Table of content (no paywall)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon
2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough
3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant?
4. E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation Eₖ=½mv²
5. Unifying the physics of the very small and the very large in a theory of everything
6. The physics explaining interdimensional worlds
7. How can UFOs defy gravity and travel so fast?
8. Moving in fast forward or slow motion, interdimensional time is relative
9. The true nature of our flimsy and changing psychological reality
10. Are we living in a computer simulation?
11. Why only certain people see ghosts or UFOs?
12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs
13. In time all particles orbit slightly faster, as we continually move into higher dimensions
14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time
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