12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs (no paywall)
Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds (12 of 14)
12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs
Ghosts and beings from other dimensions, can sometimes initially appear like gases to us, but they are not.
Like for gases, their molecules are more spaced out.
But their particles are also of a different size, vibrating slower or faster, while keeping their molecular structures intact.
Since this is kind of a similar phenomenon, to a solid turning into a liquid, and then a gas, cameras making gases visible, could help to see ghosts and such beings.
And so are infrared cameras to see the lower dimensions, and ultraviolet cameras or filters, to see the higher dimensions.
But truly, as their electromagnetic spectrum is different than ours, we would need technology made of matter, with particles orbiting and vibrating, either slower or faster.
But sometimes it works, when two realities kind of adjust to each other, and partially merge together.
Those are usually the identified haunted areas, or zones where many paranormal phenomena, are being reported.
Under certain conditions, interdimensional worlds interconnect.
Perhaps due to a change in air pressure, temperature, geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields, beams of interdimensional light, sound waves of specific frequencies, and who knows what else.
Many people who go missing in our world, might have moved on to other dimensions.
Likely they are fine, and live very much like we do, along with others, who have also disappeared, through the years.
Maybe we can find ways to bring them back.
When we are not in areas, where two realities are kind of adjusted to each other, any recordings of paranormal phenomena, might need to be speeded up or slowed down, in order to make sense.
This adjustment of the speed of the recordings, when it comes to ghosts and spirits, would also apply to anyone studying communication, between mice, birds and insects, as these recordings, would probably also need to be slowed down.
While communication between reptiles, and other animals moving in slow motion, should be speeded up.
As for plants and trees, or even rocks, who knows?
And if the recording, needs to be played backwards to make sense, my guess is that, what was recorded, was a recording being played in reverse.
Not only, everything around us has a consciousness, but it also has a memory.
Or at the very least, the capacity to store recordings of voices and events, like in rocks, which can be played back under certain circumstances, for example during cyclical hauntings.
Some hauntings do appear to be like a movie, or an audio recording, just being played back, over and over again, depending on the conditions.
And sometimes, perhaps it is being played back in reverse.
You will note that, beings from the lower dimensions, are often reported as having red lights for eyes, such as the Mothman, the Bigfoot, and demons.
This is most probably because, they see the infrared spectrum of light.
While from the higher dimensions, they have eyes resembling huge lenses, like flies and the Greys have, and they probably see the ultraviolet spectrum.
Infrared and ultraviolet light, just like other radiant forms of energy, lay outside what is for us visible light.
We can’t see it, although some people and some animals do.
Some interdimensional beings, seem capable of manipulating what we see, and what we experience.
They appear able to play with our mind, and recreate environments at will.
We should always be cautious, not to believe everything they say, or everything we see.
No doubt many of them are benevolent, are here to help, and in time gave us many clues.
But they never seem to tell us enough, for us to understand anything important.
In the end, it seems that we must figure everything out, for ourselves.
Table of content (no paywall)
1. An entirely new science is required to explain any paranormal phenomenon
2. Gravity and orbits finally explained in physics breakthrough
3. Is time truly relative and the speed of light constant?
4. E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation Eₖ=½mv²
5. Unifying the physics of the very small and the very large in a theory of everything
6. The physics explaining interdimensional worlds
7. How can UFOs defy gravity and travel so fast?
8. Moving in fast forward or slow motion, interdimensional time is relative
9. The true nature of our flimsy and changing psychological reality
10. Are we living in a computer simulation?
11. Why only certain people see ghosts or UFOs?
12. How to see and record ghosts, interdimensional beings, and UFOs
13. In time all particles orbit slightly faster, as we continually move into higher dimensions
14. Why time and space are an illusion, and how to instantaneously travel anywhere in time
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