2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything (no paywall)
New Age Physics — The New Physics of the Future (1 of 19)
2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything
New Age Physics is a complete theory of everything based on five different types of expansion and contraction of matter, which should open the doors of science to rival anything related to ultraterrestrials’ technology, including levitating large stones and spaceships through the buoyancy of matter of a lesser density, traveling anywhere in the universe instantly, and time travel.
The first type of expansion is based on Mark McCutcheon’s Atomic Expansion Theory in his book The Final Theory. It presents to the world a new theory of everything that works out of the box, to replace Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. The theory is based on the one principle that matter simply expands at a constant rate, reducing the distance between everything, explaining gravity.
Falling objects are not falling, they are free floating in space until the Earth catches up with them in its expansion. We stay on the ground because Earth is expanding underneath our feet, pushing us upward. This expansion is unseen, because we are proportionally expanding as well, along with our measuring instruments.
Protons and neutrons, just like all particles, are now composed solely of expanding electrons. In their own inner expansion, the protons and neutrons are pushing against each other within the atom, eliminating the need for the strong nuclear force to prevent them from flying apart. A neutron is an unstable particle by nature that decays into a more stable proton, releasing an electron and neutrinos in the process, and this explains the weak nuclear force, or radiation.
For Mark McCutcheon, the electrons are bouncing off between the expanding nuclei of atoms, justifying chemical bonds, although for me, the electrons are still orbiting. Planet orbits are described by an ingenious new natural orbit effect, through the relative motion of the geometry of expansion.
Light and other radiant forms of energy are composed of different sizes of clusters of electrons. Electricity is a flow of expanding electrons around a wire, pushing against each other in their expansion. While electromagnetic fields are clouds of expanding electrons, pushing or pulling each other, adjusting in size and numbers. Radio waves and microwaves are compressed bands of electrons freely expanding into space.
This is all four main forces of nature explained, while they are no longer forces per se, now that we understand the true nature of expansion. All of this is covered in more details in the New Age Physics Long Summary.
The very small is identical to the very large and obeys the very same laws of physics. New Age Physics presents a new model for the sub-neutrinos being moons, neutrinos being planets, super-neutrinos being suns, while electrons are solar systems, and atoms are galaxies. The electron now has its own nucleus with orbiting neutrinos, with neutrinos also orbiting between the electrons, bonding them together to form particles, clusters and clouds.
Solar systems are linked together by planets orbiting around and also between solar systems, far from the nucleus, the nucleus being our eight planets and the Sun. There is no reason for these orbiting planets to come anywhere near our eight known planets. Galaxies are linked together by solar systems orbiting between them far from the nucleus, the nucleus being the entire visible galaxy. And finally, bonded galaxies form larger cosmic molecules, which are also bonded together by orbiting solar systems.
The second type of expansion, the crossover effect, concerns the growth and shrinkage of the electrons based on the speed at which the neutrinos are orbiting within and between the electrons. Exciting the neutrinos affects their speed, and enlarges or contracts the orbits of the neutrinos, causing the electrons variable growth or shrinkage, and causing the electrons to escape from the atoms in the crossover effect.
This interrelation of neutrinos between electrons is what is referred to as their charge, positive or negative, as the number of neutrinos contained within electrons and between them, will balance out or push back, causing an attracting or repelling force between them and other particles.
There are no more charges or charged particles in electromagnetism, just like there is no more force acting at a distance or mass involved in gravity, and yet the entire energy spectrum can be explained through the crossover effect. A simple process of growth and shrinkage of electrons pushing against each other, constantly equalising in size, which also causes their motion. They move from where there is a surplus of electrons towards where there is a depletion, in a constant search for balance in size and numbers.
The third type of expansion also concerns the growth and shrinkage of the electrons, but within the atoms instead, without the crossover effect ejecting the electrons outside the atomic world. When neutrinos are excited, their orbits around and between the electrons enlarge, causing the growth of the electrons orbiting within and between the atoms. In turn, this results in the atoms and the molecules vibrating faster, growing in size, and their spacing enlarging, along with the orbits of the neutrinos and of the electrons. Essentially, this creates atoms and molecules of different sizes, more or less spaced out, creating different densities of matter, and defining other dimensions and planes of existence. This leads to a second type of density, which I have called the interdimensional density of matter.
This finally explains the New Age concept of matter and energy vibrating at different rates and frequencies, and worlds of other dimensions and densities. There are physical worlds out there made of smaller and larger atoms and molecules, differently spaced out, that we cannot see or interact with, except in some unusual circumstances. These worlds are intertwined with ours like the gases are surrounding us. Except that their particles are not volatile, they keep their own internal molecular structures.
The usual type of density of matter, which only concerns the spacing between the molecules as they become more excited, defining solids, liquids, gases and plasmas, also exist in other dimensions. The difference is that the atoms and the molecules don’t change size or their vibrational rate, within their own dimension, and neither for the electrons while within the atoms. Outside the atoms, within the second type of growth and shrinkage of matter, electrons will still grow and shrink within their own dimension. For people with particles orbiting slower or faster, their world looks just as solid and physical as our world looks to us.
It is said that most alien species live in the fourth density, they have always been here, for much longer than we have. They even have cities everywhere, that we cannot see or interact with, because they exist and move in fast forward. The episode Wink of an Eye, of the original Star Trek series, gives us a good idea of how it works. It shows the Scalosians, moving too fast to be seen or heard, other than a faint buzzing sound, boarding the USS Enterprise and abducting Captain James T. Kirk.
The fourth type of expansion concerns Jane Roberts’ book series The Early Sessions, where our reality is psychological in nature, or psychophysical, and is instantly expanded out there from the centre of our brain every moment, very much like a simulated virtual reality created by a computer. We each live in our own bubble reality, and we all sensibly build the same shared reality through telepathic connections, very similar to an interconnected network of computers.
The fifth type of expansion, is the Universal Relativity Theory, replacing Einstein’s Special Relativity. It is a theory of relative motion based on the expansion and contraction of matter, instead of movement in any real space. Reality being psychophysical in nature, it is like a virtual, simulated or holographic universe, where everything is located here, and everything in the distance is simply shrunk from our point of view.
As something is moving towards us, it is only expanding towards us, just like it would be in a computer simulated world which would not occupy any real space. And when that object is moving away, it is only shrinking from our point of view, it is not covering any distance. And this is how we can instantly travel anywhere in the universe, by shrinking ourselves to that location, through changing the orbiting speed and size of our particles, or our vibrational rate or resonance.
There is no more speed of light limit, as this limit only came from Einstein’s concepts of spacetime and relativity. It is not time that is relative, it is the speed of light, because only matter can be affected by relative motion. Any spaceship going at multiple times our actual measurement of the speed of light, will still see just fine. Although they might see in fast forward or slow motion, and even freeze what they are looking at, depending on their direction of motion and their speed. Their measurement of the speed of light might be similar to ours, but compared to our measurement, it would actually be multiple times the speed of light. This is what is meant by the speed of light is relative to the frame of reference.
The speed of light, and any electromagnetic phenomenon such as radio signals, is not constant. Most of the speed of light follows from its original ejection from the atoms, and from the subatomic world, where the clusters of electrons must be excited enough to reach a certain speed, in order to detach themselves and move freely into space. It is like bullets being fired from a gun, the clusters of electrons get an initial high speed boost, followed by any acceleration due to gravity.
Light can be slowed down as it crosses gases and magnetic fields, but it can also be accelerated further through the slingshot effect, whenever its path deviates through partial orbits around large objects, such as the Sun and the planets. The speed of light is variable, whether it is in a vacuum or not, and despite all the proofs to the contrary. Because light is made of matter, clusters of electrons, and all matter is subject to gravity, the geometry of expansion, including partial orbits, and relative motion.
Even within the concept of light being just photons, or packets of energy, light still enters into partial orbits around large objects and deviates from its path, as can be seen in the gravitational lensing effect. This is hardly a parallax effect or an optical illusion, the path of the light physically changes, precisely like the path of a bunch of asteroids would. This demonstrates that light is subject to gravity and to the slingshot effect, and we cannot escape the fact, that both of these phenomena create an acceleration. Consequently, we better think of better ways to test the speed of light and radio signals.
Although the Earth and the Sun are constantly expanding, reducing the distance between them, they follow the natural orbit effect of the relative motion of the geometry of expansion. Their distance keeps reducing and enlarging constantly between them, because they are going fast enough to escape their respective inner expansion, moment by moment.
Behind the scenes, if we could see the expansion, the Earth might be moving away from the Sun in a straight line, where there is no orbit at all. In the resulting reality however, where we cannot see the expansion, if the Earth is not going fast enough, it will crash into the Sun. If the Earth is going fast enough, it will enter into a stable orbit, following the geometry of expansion. And if the Earth is going very fast, it could escape the solar system altogether. The speed of the planets defines how far away they will orbit the Sun.
All the while, the Sun, the planets, and their overall orbital rings around the Sun, are also expanding at a constant rate. It explains why the reduction in distance between everything, does not affect the relative distance between all their orbital rings. The planets true orbits that we cannot see, from this point on, are in fact enlarging spirals around the Sun, counteracting their mutual expansion.
The relative motion of the geometry of expansion accelerates orbiting objects, which causes their orbiting spirals to enlarge. We cannot see any distance shrinking in our solar system, because everything remains more or less at the same relative distance, in the overall proportional expansion of everything. However, we can witness the effects. For example, two expanding solar systems would constantly come closer together, because of this overall distance reduction, due to the inner expansion of everything. This said, even these expanding solar systems are being kept apart by planets orbiting between them.
Orbits are calculated using Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and a newly rediscovered Geometric Orbit Equation, which was embedded in Newton’s Orbit Equation. Gravity depends on size measured from surface to surface of the objects, not on mass measured from centre to centre. And orbits are entirely a feature of the relative motion of the geometry of expansion, no mass or force acting at a distance are involved.
There are more planets as yet undiscovered orbiting very far from our eight planets, probably reaching distances equal to in-between solar systems. These planets can easily orbit two solar systems, linking them together if there is an imbalance of planets, which would translate into an attracting force. Or the solar systems can repel each other if they have the same number of planets, which would translate into a repelling force.
The speed and size of these planets’ orbits between solar systems, can also bring them closer together or further away from each other, depending on how much matter is being added or is moving away from the entire system. Which can also be described as an attracting or repelling force, usually measured by Coulomb’s Law in the very small.
In static electricity, Coulomb’s Law is like measuring the orbits of neutrinos within and between growing and shrinking electrons, and the orbits of electrons within and between atoms. If one electron has fewer orbiting neutrinos, or one atom has fewer orbiting electrons, they will attract other particles with more neutrinos or electrons. If they have the same number of orbiting particles, they will repel. And the force of attraction or repulsion is what Coulomb’s Law is meant to measure.
If we could measure such orbits, we would be using Kepler’s laws of planetary motion in the very small as well, but that might prove impossible at that scale and speed. But possibly Coulomb’s Law could be used or adapted to the larger scale, now that we have identified that solar systems are electrons linked together by rogue planets, comparable to neutrinos.
In gravity there is a distance reduction between objects (so-called Newton’s attracting force) due to the inner expansion of all particles and objects, whether they are made of atoms or of electrons. And there is a different attracting and repelling force (similar to Coulomb’s Law) due to the changing speed and size of the orbits of smaller particles or objects, linking larger ones together.
This is what is referred to as a positive or a negative charge. Although, sometimes, a simple natural orbit effect between two particles, or the failure of one materialising, can also be interpreted as charges, or attracting and repelling forces between particles. There could also be an exchange of several neutrinos, even when dealing with only two particles such as an electron and a proton.
Examples of smaller objects linking together larger ones, are neutrinos bonding electrons together, electrons bonding atoms, electrons bonding molecules, while the atoms are composing the molecules. At the larger scale, planets bonding solar systems together, solar systems bonding galaxies, solar systems bonding cosmic molecules, while galaxies are composing the cosmic molecules. Clouds, or even just a few of these smaller particles, can either push back or pull together the larger objects, or groups of them, through the growth and shrinkage of their orbits. Again, this is how attracting and repelling forces are explained in Atomic Expansion Theory.
Time is no longer linked to space as in spacetime concepts, nor is time relative or a dimension of its own as Einstein described it, as there is no real space nor distance. There is a new concept of the relativity of time, based on the rate or frequency at which electrons orbit within and between atoms. It is the concept of interdimensional time, where one can accomplish more within a defined amount of time, if he or she is vibrating faster.
Very much like flies vibrating at 250 hertz have the time to move away, before a human vibrating at 50–60 hertz can catch them, as humans move in slow motion from the flies’ point of view. Just like tortoises vibrating at 15 hertz are moving in slow motion from our viewpoint. Flies are living in a higher dimension than ours, one that we can still see and interact with. Their particles are moving faster than ours, they are larger and more spaced out, and they are less dense than we are.
Things that are less dense can levitate easily, because what is less dense is automatically pushed up by what is denser, like a balloon under water. This is why insects easily walk on ceilings, why bumblebees can defy the laws of physics and support their own weight, despite very small wings, and why spiders without any wings can fly great distances over the ocean. With a flying saucer made of a matter less dense than the air, you can easily levitate off the atmosphere without any need for propulsion.
To travel somewhere, it is like tuning a radio or a TV to the right interdimensional frequency of matter. Every place and time in history has its own vibrational rate or resonance. To go to any place at any time in history, you only need to vibrate at the right frequency or resonance of that time and place. It is all a question of expansion and contraction of matter, the size of the particles, which depends on the speed or frequency of all the orbiting particles.
If aliens and ultraterrestrials can go at any time in history, in a past and a future that are both always in movement and changing, affecting the present, then we can understand why they don’t see the importance of time running as a linear thing like we do. They go through reality more like in a dream world, or something imagined and created out of our minds, where time and space are meaningless. And now we have the new physics required to explain all of this.
And to finish, there never were any dark energy, dark matter, graviton particles, gravitational waves, Big Bang or singularities to be found. They were only required for Einstein’s equations to still work and match observation, when we should have admitted long ago that he was simply incorrect.
And there are no black holes either. Black holes are simply massive dead stars which don’t emit light, therefore we cannot see them, while we can still measure their effects on gravity in their surroundings. We can forget about wormholes in order to travel somewhere, however, now there is no more distance. The entire universe is here with us, just shrunk from our point of view.
The entire physics can be explained by five types of expansion and contraction of matter, and how many and how fast neutrinos and electrons, and planets and solar systems, are orbiting everywhere. And now I invite you to check out the long summary, which is the rest of chapter two.
Table of content (no paywall)
2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything
2.2 New Age Physics Long Summary (the remainder of chapter 2)
2.3 The constant expansion of all atoms is gravity
2.4 Everything is just expansion and contraction of orbiting and vibrating matter
2.6 What are other dimensions and planes of existence?
2.7 How to move to other dimensions?
2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?
2.9 How can UFOs fly so easily and how to build an anti-gravity device?
2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum
2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons
2.12a Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
2.12b Coulomb’s Law
2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory
2.14 Interdimensional time is relative — Time is not relative nor a dimension as Einstein claimed
2.15 E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation Eₖ=½mv² (short version)
2.16 Redshifts misinterpretation — No dark matter, dark energy, Big Bang or black holes
2.17 The double slit experiment misinterpretation and the issue with particle accelerators
2.18 Quantum Entanglement misinterpretation
2.19 Parallel universes — The Heisenberg uncertainty principle misinterpretation
2.20 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (short version)
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