2.7 How to move to other dimensions? (no paywall)

New Age Physics — The New Physics of the Future (6 of 19)

Roland Michel Tremblay
10 min readNov 2, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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2.7 How to move to other dimensions?

When you have a solid like ice and you heat it, you are sending energy into the ice. Energy as heat, like infrared light, is made of large clusters of electrons in Atomic Expansion Theory, it is made of matter. These added particles are exciting the molecules and they become more spaced out. The result of molecules more spaced out, turns the ice into water, and eventually into vapour.

What I must stress here, is that this is all our actual science can observe and is aware of: the change of the spacing between molecules, which turns solids into liquids, and into gases. What science is not yet aware of, is what happens when instead you change the spacing within and between the atoms composing these molecules, which affects their size. And this is the key to changing your vibrational rate, your interdimensional frequency or your resonance.

There is an excellent reason why our science has never observed or thought of interdimensional density, because as soon as you change the speed at which neutrinos and electrons are orbiting within atoms, between atoms, and between molecules, you also change the size of the atoms and of the molecules, as well as the spacing between them.

At that point, matter moves outside our range of vision, outside of visible light, and light and any normal matter pass right through it, because it is moving in fast forward compared to us. Or at the very least, it all intermingles together while occupying the same space, like solids existing through water or gases, which are all states of matter of different densities.

This is what defines other dimensions, normal matter made of smaller or larger atoms and molecules, due to the electron’s growth within the atoms, creating matter that we cannot see, feel or interact with. Most probably because when matter vibrates that fast, or that slow, it is too fast or too slow for our range of vision or our instruments to register. And they probably don’t need to vibrate that much faster or slower, before the change happens.

Each dimension still has its own first type of density of matter, where solids can turn into liquids and gases, and vice versa. In this case, the electrons, atoms and molecules get more excited, but they don’t grow or shrink in size.

This creates different realities within realities, physical in nature, but psychological in origin, since everything is just a construction of our brain to begin with. Our brain will only construct something for which it receives information about, through signals of different frequencies. We would need to develop specific technology to access these other dimensions. And a good understanding of how it works, and an awareness that it exists, would appear to be the first step.

It is very important to understand here that a frequency, which defines the vibrational rate of matter when it comes to other dimensions, refers to the speed at which the neutrinos are orbiting the nuclei of electrons, and the speed they are orbiting between the electrons, enlarging or shrinking the size of their orbits, and consequently the size of the electrons. In turn, the electrons do the same within the atoms and between the atoms, affecting the size of the atoms and the molecules, as well as the spacing between them.

Raising your vibrational rate, is raising the speed of your neutrinos and electrons, which in turn makes the atoms and the molecules slightly larger, as well as enlarging the spacing between them. This is the third type of expansion and contraction of matter, more specifically defined as growth and shrinkage of matter.

This changes the density of matter, in a different way than is defined in our physics today, and this is why a fourth dimensional world is also called a fourth density world. The definition of dimension here, refers to the size of the particles, and consequently of objects and beings. It is unrelated to our three dimensions of length, width and height, to which could be added a fourth dimension, such as Einstein’s fourth dimension of time. Neither is it related to geometrical shapes of higher mathematical dimensions, such as hyperspheres and tesseracts.

In a fourth dimensional world, everything is exactly as on Earth, it is a physical world just like here. But the density of the matter is lighter, all the particles are larger and more spaced out, and probably more malleable too. All the particles are moving, orbiting and rotating faster, and so is the way beings in the fourth density world live, at a faster time rate.

Many have said that several planets of the solar system are inhabited by beings living in higher dimensions. If you consider Jupiter and Saturn, which are said to be fourth dimensional, from our third dimensional perspective they appear as gaseous planets. However, for the civilisations living there on these planets, who are fourth dimensional already, their planets would appear as physical, as solid and as normal as Earth appears to us, their planet would not appear gaseous to them.

We might be surprised when we visit these planets, because what we perceive as gases, might actually be matter made of larger atoms and molecules than the ones we find on Earth, with matter vibrating faster. Essentially different types of larger molecules with larger atoms, instead of molecules the same size as on Earth and simply more spaced out.

As we are said to be multidimensional beings, and dreaming is already like living in a higher dimension, we possibly have another body superimposed over our physical one, made of particles orbiting faster, with which consciousness could continue to exist after death. The esoteric literature has long talked about our etheric bodies.

This is also, most probably, what the bodies of people from other dimensions and times, such as spirits, ghosts, ultraterrestrials, the Bigfoot and the Mothman, are made of. They are made of real physical matter, atoms and molecules, made of particles either smaller or larger than ours, and more or less spaced out, depending on which dimensional or density plane they exist on. Larger if they are in a higher dimension or density, smaller if they are in a lower dimension or density. This is a second type of density of matter, called interdimensional density of matter, not to be confused with our normal type of density.

If they have red eyes looking more like lights, like it has been reported for the Bigfoot and the Mothman, then they probably come from a lower density, and they see the infrared light part of the spectrum instead of visible light. In higher dimensions, many species of aliens might instead see the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.

But remember, that they each have a slightly amended electromagnetic spectrum compared to ours, with clusters of electrons made of larger or smaller particles, either moving faster or slower, therefore clusters of different sizes, and more or less spaced out than ours. Therefore, using infrared or ultraviolet filters to see them might not always work, although many who have tried have been successful. Their reality cannot be that far removed from ours, or we would not encounter them so often.

To appear to us, they only need to either accelerate or lower the frequency at which their electrons are orbiting their particles, which would shrink or enlarge their orbit. And of course, sometimes natural phenomena achieve just that, and we see them in our reality. Either because of power plants producing a lot of heat, or sources of high magnetic and geomagnetic fields, perhaps even sounds we cannot hear but that dogs and cats might pick up. Sometimes people end up in their reality, and sometimes they don’t come back. Which would account for many of these mysterious disappearances every year, which are reaching alarming numbers.

There could be small civilisations of humans living in other dimensional worlds, and perhaps not even all in the same one. I would think they should have no problem surviving there. It would just be like a different reality, where there would not be eight billion of us, and probably populated by other beings of some kind. Vegetation and animal life might also be different, and either be much larger or much smaller depending on the density of that world, which would affect gravity there.

As I mentioned earlier, in time the vibrational rate of matter constantly rises, with all particles orbiting faster, with their orbit also enlarging faster, causing a constant expansion of matter. So much so that we would look like glowing beings to people from the 1700s, who might easily believe we were angels or demons. Two hundred years is not a very long period of time, so this effect must be noticeable, even measurable. There must then be some kind of proof to this, and there is.

All our matter and the one of the Earth is becoming less dense as time goes by, moving us into higher dimensions. Which means that, at the time of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago, the world must have been extremely dense. Remember, this is a different kind of density than the one measured today, which turns solid into liquids and gases.

We usually associate denser objects with heaviness, and today denser objects indeed weigh more than normal ones of the same size, since density affects gravity on the ground. However, a difference in density for objects of the same size, would not affect falling objects. They would fall at the same rate, since in this case, only the size of the objects matters when calculating gravity. While for the UFOs floating in the air, this is buoyancy of an object of a lesser density, being pushed above the air, which is denser or about the same as the UFOs. Like a rising helium balloon, which is less dense than air.

So how did massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and flew around so easily, when scientists are telling us that they appear to have defied the laws of physics? And these scientists are not even aware of the fact that the world must have been denser by a large margin back then.

Usually, smaller animals and insects tend to do everything faster than larger ones, who in turn tend to be denser and move in slow motion. In those days, matter could have been denser, and yet gravity much less than it is today. But how?

As time goes by, the Earth becomes less dense, which means it enlarges and grows in real time. A larger object leads to more gravity, according to the Atomic Expansion Equation, where gravity depends on the size of the objects.

This said, if the density of our body is also becoming less dense in time, then we should feel gravity much less, as we would weigh less. But perhaps not, if everything else around us becomes less dense as well, at the same rate.

At the time of the dinosaurs, the Earth must have been denser, but smaller than it is today, leading these dinosaurs to weigh much less than we initially thought. This is not due to the difference in density compared with today, but to a lesser force of gravity that comes with a smaller planet. Less gravity also leads to larger vegetation and animals.

That the Earth is growing in real time, leading to a constant rise in gravity, seems to be real, if you check out the videos of Neal Adams on his website:

Particularly his video on YouTube called:

Neal Adams — Science: Part 1 — Conspiracy — The Earth is Growing

Here is a convincing argument that at one time the Earth was very small, and all the continents glued together covered the entire planet. There were no oceans back then, and the continental drift every year is proof that Earth continues to grow even today.

In time the Earth is becoming less dense, but not in the way of a solid turning into water, and more in the way of moving into a higher dimension. All its particles become more distanced and grow in size, and this leads to a tangible and concrete growth of the planet, and to more gravity.

This falls into the third type of growth and shrinkage of matter, involving the neutrinos and electrons moving faster as time goes by. This causes an enlargement of the atoms and molecules and all of the orbits, moving the Earth into a higher dimensional world, or higher density world. It could be a proof of this third type of expansion of matter, which would lead to a real and concrete growth of matter as the density lessen.

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Table of content (no paywall)

2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything

2.2 New Age Physics Long Summary (the remainder of chapter 2)

2.3 The constant expansion of all atoms is gravity

2.4 Everything is just expansion and contraction of orbiting and vibrating matter

2.5 Reality is more like a virtual reality, computer simulation or holographic universe, where there is no distance

2.6 What are other dimensions and planes of existence?

2.7 How to move to other dimensions?

2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?

2.9 How can UFOs fly so easily and how to build an anti-gravity device?

2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons

2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum

2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons

2.12 Orbits — Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law are similar, but they measure different phenomena

2.12a Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

2.12b Coulomb’s Law

2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory

2.14 Interdimensional time is relative — Time is not relative nor a dimension as Einstein claimed

2.15 E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation E=½mv² (short version)

2.16 Redshifts misinterpretation — No dark matter, dark energy, Big Bang or black holes

2.17 The double slit experiment misinterpretation and the issue with particle accelerators

2.18 Quantum Entanglement misinterpretation

2.19 Parallel universes — The Heisenberg uncertainty principle misinterpretation

2.20 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (short version)

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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