2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter? (no paywall)

New Age Physics — The New Physics of the Future (7 of 19)

Roland Michel Tremblay
10 min readNov 2, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?

Although you would use heat or pressure in order to turn solids into liquids and gases, so the molecules become more spaced out and volatile, it is not the best way to raise your vibrational rate and move to another dimension, although it might work under certain circumstances. The process is different when you need to cause the electrons to grow inside and in between the atoms, as well as being accelerated, so matter can grow while still keeping a coherent and solid molecular structure.

Ultraterrestrials appear to have the technology to do that, as other beings appear to be able to achieve it through will. Some sources are telling us we can achieve it through thought alone, by imagining white light vibrating faster passing through us. However, there must be a way to achieve it through technology.

I feel that light composed of clusters of electrons, with electrons orbiting faster within the clusters and between the clusters, is one way to raise the vibrational rate of matter. The difference from our normal light, is that the electrons are larger, the speed and size of the orbits of the electrons are higher, defining the size of the clusters of electrons within light, and the distance between them. By exposing an object to that higher light frequency, you would raise the frequency of that object. But how can we produce such interdimensional light, from a higher electromagnetic spectrum, where all the particles are larger and vibrating faster?

Please note that the frequency of light I am referring to here is not related to the frequency of light we find solely within our own electromagnetic spectrum, where light goes from infrared to visible light, to ultraviolet light and up to gamma rays. That frequency of light simply means a change in the size of the electron clusters composing light or radiation, the electrons themselves don’t change size or speed. And the intensity of the light, is how many clusters are passing per second. The clusters being larger for infrared, and very small for gamma rays, which means with more or less electrons within the clusters. The interdimensional frequency of matter, refers to the number of orbiting cycles of neutrinos within and between electrons, and of electrons within and between atoms and molecules.

I will soon discuss my new model of the electron, which now has neutrinos orbiting around a nucleus called a super-neutrino. The speed of the neutrinos affects the size of their orbits, which causes the electrons to grow or shrink. This in turn affects the speed and the size of the electrons, and the range of their orbits. Therefore, the frequency of light I am referring to, is the changing speed and size of the neutrinos’ orbits within electrons, between electrons, and between the clusters of electrons.

Technically speaking, every dimension has its own corresponding adapted electromagnetic spectrum, where the clusters of electrons within the light are composed of electrons of varying sizes and speeds, and of varying orbit sizes, changing the size and spacing of the larger particles they compose, such as the clusters of electrons within light.

Another way of raising our vibrational rate would be through sounds of higher frequencies, as the displacement of matter and the higher vibrations, could raise the speed of the neutrinos and of the electrons within and between the atoms and the molecules, until they reach the desired resonance.

However, the most likely way we could develop technology to accelerate the rate of orbiting electrons within atoms, and between atoms, would be through powerful rotating electromagnets, such as the ones Ralph Ring along with Otis T. Carr have built to levitate flying saucers. You can search online and on YouTube for Ralph Ring, here are the main pages to start your investigation:

“In essence, the account is as follows. Carr and a small group of engineers and technicians, one of whom was Ralph, built a flying disk, powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called “Utrons”. A number of prototypes were built, ranging in size from experimental models a few feet across to a passenger-carrying craft which was fully 45 feet in diameter. The smaller disks flew successfully — one even disappeared completely and was permanently lost — and Ralph himself testifies to having co-piloted, with two others, the large craft a distance of some ten miles, traversing this distance instantaneously.”

Ralph Ring

I have not yet fully investigated Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr, but from a quick overview, their devices have changed the molecular structure of matter:

“When recalling the heady events of the late 1950s working day and night with Carr, Ring again and again stressed that the key was working with nature. “Resonance”, he would emphasize repeatedly. “You have to work with nature, not against her.” He described how when the model disks were powered up and reached a particular rotational speed, “…the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here in this reality. That’s the only way I can attempt to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest sensations I’ve ever felt.””

Ralph Ring

These statements prove, more or less, what I was explaining above. By accelerating the orbiting electrons within the atoms, the atoms become larger and more spaced out, creating a new type of molecule at a higher dimension. The ship that disappeared completely might still be there, you might see it through the use of ultraviolet light (higher dimension) or infrared light (lower dimension), or colour filters. It is in a higher dimension, which means a physical world of another density of matter that we cannot see or interact with. The metal turned to jelly, matter of a lesser density, probably as light as air. This is how large stones such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and the Coral Castle of Edward Leedskalnin in Florida, were easily made, shaped and transported to where they were needed.

Ralph Ring and his team also apparently moved one of their ships ten miles away instantly, and back, through teleportation, meaning to the resonance or interdimensional frequency of matter at that precise location and time. To travel in time, or instantly to the other side of the galaxy, you only need the specific resonance or frequency of the matter there at that specific moment in time. Even just moving ten kilometres away, within the same dimensional world, is moving to another dimension within the same overall dimensional world, where the vibrational rate of matter in every nearby location is relatively similar, but not exactly the same.

Since matter is constantly expanding, the electrons within the atoms are constantly enlarging their orbits and moving faster, and the frequency of matter in any place and time is continually getting higher, and is unique. There are as many different dimensions or planes of existence as there are different rates at which the electrons are orbiting, hence it is infinite. Eventually the Earth and everything on it will move into what could be considered the fourth dimension. The interdimensional frequency of our matter might have already crossed that threshold, although we would not have noticed anything different.

The concept of the third, fourth and fifth dimensional worlds or densities of matter, can only be arbitrarily defined by convention, as particular densities of matter within which several stable worlds and civilisations of a particular vibrational rate can exist and thrive. All ultraterrestrials, or aliens, are said to come from higher dimensions, which explains why most of the time we don’t see them. But apparently, they have always been here, they are everywhere, and they have their own cities.

It is worth noting that Ralph’s team, that teleported 10 miles away instantly, were still aware and doing things after the move. But once they came back to a normal vibrational rate, they could not remember anything. They had to rely on other evidence to confirm what they did during that period of time, when they were vibrating faster in a higher dimension:

“Did the craft fly? “Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45' craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn’t moved — I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.””

Ralph Ring

The ultraterrestrials, or aliens, don’t need to wipe out our memory for us to forget, unless we are under hypnosis to recall everything from our subconscious mind. It is simply that memories made in higher dimensions or planes of existence, are only remembered with great difficulties once we move back to a lower dimension or vibrational rate of matter. It might be a limitation of our physical brain.

Precisely like in dreams, which are apparently realities made of atoms and molecules as well, according to Seth in Jane Roberts’ books. Dreams are also psychophysical realities identical in every way to our own physical world, where we need to immediately set ourselves to remember our dreams once we awake, before it is all gone forever.

Dreams are just another dimension, like any specific space and time anywhere in the universe is another and precise dimension where matter vibrates at a specific interdimensional frequency or resonance. We could all move into or see the dream of another person, by simply vibrating at the same frequency of matter within that dream.

I have experienced it, I could see the dreams of one of my friends while I lived in Los Angeles, he’s a psychic medium. He also had the ability to come into my dreams where we had conversations, which we confirmed the next day over the phone. His dreams were of a quality and clarity that were even more real than reality. I also could not lie to him, he always knew when I did, it was extremely annoying. It is how telepathy works and how people sometimes share dreams, or the same collective hallucination. A hallucination is therefore a real physical or psychophysical reality, or what I like to call another bubble reality.

To get back to Ralph Ring, he also stated:

“What’s more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or twenty minutes. We were told afterwards that we’d been carefully timed as having been in the craft no longer than three or four minutes.”

Ralph Ring

The faster your electrons are orbiting the nuclei of atoms and between atoms, the more you can do within a same amount of time as someone not vibrating as fast. There is still then a relativity to time, in its perception, called interdimensional time. I must point out that this has nothing to do with how Einstein posited the relativity of time, that he thought could be influenced by gravity or simple acceleration. Einstein’s theories are incompatible with Atomic Expansion Theory.

One last statement from Ring:

“The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn’t work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of us focused our intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But that’s what we did, and that’s what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in which consciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can’t write that into equations. I have no idea how he knew it would work. But it did.”

Ralph Ring

How can we explain that? Thoughts and will can affect our own vibrational rate, which once amplified by their rotating electromagnets, and specifically shaped capacitors (Utrons), was extended to the ship they were on. Aliens often say they only have to think of where they want to go, and they are instantly there.

This is quite useful, because we appear to instinctively know what is the vibrational rate of a certain place and time where we want to go, without having to know for sure what is the exact frequency of matter there. After all, this is a psychological or psychophysical reality right out from our own brain. However, I am sure eventually technology could measure, calculate and extrapolate such interdimensional frequencies or resonance of different places and times, and thoughts would then not be required to travel there.

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Table of content (no paywall)

2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything

2.2 New Age Physics Long Summary (the remainder of chapter 2)

2.3 The constant expansion of all atoms is gravity

2.4 Everything is just expansion and contraction of orbiting and vibrating matter

2.5 Reality is more like a virtual reality, computer simulation or holographic universe, where there is no distance

2.6 What are other dimensions and planes of existence?

2.7 How to move to other dimensions?

2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?

2.9 How can UFOs fly so easily and how to build an anti-gravity device?

2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons

2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum

2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons

2.12 Orbits — Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law are similar, but they measure different phenomena

2.12a Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

2.12b Coulomb’s Law

2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory

2.14 Interdimensional time is relative — Time is not relative nor a dimension as Einstein claimed

2.15 E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation E=½mv² (short version)

2.16 Redshifts misinterpretation — No dark matter, dark energy, Big Bang or black holes

2.17 The double slit experiment misinterpretation and the issue with particle accelerators

2.18 Quantum Entanglement misinterpretation

2.19 Parallel universes — The Heisenberg uncertainty principle misinterpretation

2.20 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (short version)

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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