2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum (no paywall)

New Age Physics — The New Physics of the Future (10 of 19)

Roland Michel Tremblay
8 min readNov 2, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum

In Atomic Expansion Theory, there is no more Einstein or concept of space linked to time or to mass-energy, hence there is no more speed of light limit in our universe.

The speed of light is not constant, nor is it constant for all observers in different locations going at different speeds. It is not time that is relative, it is the speed of light, which is limited by its speed, creating optical illusions.

The electrons composing light, in the form of electron clusters, are simply expanding freely as soon as they are released at high speed from the subatomic world. Mark McCutcheon calls this the crossover effect, when electrons are moving out of the subatomic and atomic world, which is also the second type of expansion and contraction of matter, more specifically called growth and shrinkage of matter.

The difference with the third type discussed in the previous sections, is that these growing and shrinking electrons are externalised, they are outside the atomic realm, so they don’t affect the size of the atoms and the molecules, or the spacing between them.

As McCutcheon says, radio waves through to microwaves are typically produced with oscillators — either wire antennas where electricity oscillates back and forth, or hollow tubes designed to produce resonating or oscillating electromagnetic waves, or bands of compressed electrons. While infrared radiation through to gamma rays, including visible light, are essentially produced by heating a material until it “radiates energy” into clusters of electrons. This difference splits the electromagnetic spectrum into two specific and distinctive phenomena.

In order for clusters within light to be freely launched into space, the neutrinos orbiting electrons, and between electrons, must reach a certain speed, and their orbits a certain size (the crossover effect). Depending on the size of the clusters, they are launched at sensibly the same high speed, which accounts for most of the speed of light. Once they have been launched at that certain speed, the initial boost to free themselves from the subatomic world, the speed of light is further calculated between objects using the Atomic Expansion Equation of Mark McCutcheon.

I have assessed that the expansion rate of the electrons is the same as the one of the atoms, although for Mark McCutcheon the expansion rate of the electron is unknown, and radically faster than the expansion rate of the atom. As a consequence, to calculate the changing distance between expanding subatomic particles, we can equally use the Atomic Expansion Equation, so I changed its name to the Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation.

2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons

D’ = D - n² Xₐ · (R₁ + R₂) / 1 + n² Xₐ

D’ is the changing distance between two expanding objects of radius R₁ and R₂

D is the original distance between the two objects

n is the number of seconds that have passed since the original distance was measured between the two objects

Xₐ is the universal atomic and subatomic expansion rate’s constant 0.00000077 /s² or 7.7 x 10⁻⁷ /s²

The top of the second part of the equation refers to the absolute decrease in distance due to the constant internal expansion of the objects, and the bottom part refers to the further relative decrease in distance, since space has not expanded along with the objects. That bottom part is what causes the acceleration in the changing distance. For the full explanation, see chapter 3 in New Age Physics, section 3.5 Two types of distance decrease to calculate gravity. This Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity replaces Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and General Relativity’s equations.

Thus, the speed of light, adding to its initial launching speed, will depend on the distance between the origin and the destination, and on the size and the expansion rate of these objects. One of these objects being the electron clusters composing the light, the other object being the destination, for example a planet or a spaceship.

One must also consider the orbits of the electron clusters in light, since their path will deviate as they pass near larger objects such as the Sun, following the natural orbit effect of the geometry of expansion. These partial orbits would further accelerate the speed of light, just like satellites sent into partial orbits around planets, are accelerated through the slingshot effect, which is entirely a geometrical effect of relative motion, involving no physical force of any kind.

And then, the clusters could be slowed down by whatever they encounter along the way, such as gases (molecules and atoms) and magnetic fields (clouds of electrons). The speed of any light coming to us must be decelerating and accelerating alternatively, whether we accept that the expansion rate of the electron is the same as the one of the atom, or not. Light is not immune to gravity, orbits, and the geometry of expansion. The speed of light varies, it slows down with anything it encounters in space, and accelerates with gravity and the slingshot effect, when passing by large bodies.

This said, light, just like heat and radio signals, tends to dissipate in time with distance, and become weaker. The clusters of electrons within light and heat, and the compressed bands of electrons in radio signals, eventually lose coherence and disperse into space, which would also affect its speed.

In order for the electrons to leave the atom in the crossover effect, they must be excited, and their neutrinos must be orbiting faster. Like when we are applying heat, which is a way to add particles and clusters to a system, in order to excite all the other particles. At this point, the orbits of the neutrinos enlarge and the electrons grow. They may also shrink if the neutrinos suddenly slow down, which happens as they come into contact with other smaller electrons or clouds of electrons (magnetic fields), with slower orbiting neutrinos.

Each time the clusters of electrons in light return to the subatomic realm, such as when passing through a block of glass, they slow down. But the ones that will escape are re-launched at high speed, as once again they have reached the speed required to leave the subatomic realm. And no doubt they are helped by the accumulated momentum since leaving the original light source, which some of it must be kept as they go through the glass without hitting any of the atoms and molecules. And the collisions might cause some atoms to collapse or explode, freeing more electrons and clusters at high speed.

This is essentially the crossover effect of Mark McCutcheon described in The Final Theory, which I called the second type of growth and shrinkage of matter. It explains the attracting and repelling forces of the electrons in static electricity, as when two clouds of expanding electrons meet between two rubbed rods made of glass or plastic. If the electrons within the meeting clouds of electrons, between the rods, are the same size, they will repel. If they are not, they will equalise and attract. Or they will neutralise if the there is an electric discharge, and the electrons dissipate everywhere, or return to the subatomic realm of the rods. Static electricity is covered in detail in chapter 3.

These electrons, electron clusters, electron clouds, or compressed bands of electrons, must all be ejected more or less at the same speed, when freed from the subatomic realm. However, once freed, their speed is affected by gravity, since they still have a constant inner expansion, like everything else, and gravity is the changing distance between expanding objects.

Hence, the speed of light is not constant, it varies greatly from one location to another, or depending on an observer’s speed and direction of motion. A spaceship moving at twice the speed of light, would still see light coming to them. Because it is a question of the clusters of electrons of light, simply moving from the source of the light, to their ship in space, and it does not matter what speed they are going at when the clusters arrive.

And if they turn on a light on their ship, that source of light, and the ejected electron clusters, are already going at twice the speed of light along with them, so it is not an issue for that light to move from the source to their eyes. Although they would measure a normal speed of light in this case, on Earth we would measure that speed of light as going at three times the speed of light. The speed of light is relative to the point of view.

Going at twice or more our actual measurement of the speed of light, is now possible in Atomic Expansion Theory, if the acceleration is gradual and constant, in order to avoid being crushed, and if we could find a suitable mean of propulsion.

I must mention that Mark McCutcheon does not agree with me on certain of these points, although he stated that he does not believe that the speed of light is constant. For him, the speed of light is dependent on the greater and constant inner expansion rate of the electrons and of the subatomic particles, compared to the lower expansion rate of the atoms, and this explains how they can escape the atoms. But he certainly believes we can go faster than the speed of light, stating that there is nothing preventing us from trying right now, it is just that we never tried yet.

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Table of content (no paywall)

2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything

2.2 New Age Physics Long Summary (the remainder of chapter 2)

2.3 The constant expansion of all atoms is gravity

2.4 Everything is just expansion and contraction of orbiting and vibrating matter

2.5 Reality is more like a virtual reality, computer simulation or holographic universe, where there is no distance

2.6 What are other dimensions and planes of existence?

2.7 How to move to other dimensions?

2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?

2.9 How can UFOs fly so easily and how to build an anti-gravity device?

2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons

2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum

2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons

2.12 Orbits — Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law are similar, but they measure different phenomena

2.12a Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

2.12b Coulomb’s Law

2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory

2.14 Interdimensional time is relative — Time is not relative nor a dimension as Einstein claimed

2.15 E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation E=½mv² (short version)

2.16 Redshifts misinterpretation — No dark matter, dark energy, Big Bang or black holes

2.17 The double slit experiment misinterpretation and the issue with particle accelerators

2.18 Quantum Entanglement misinterpretation

2.19 Parallel universes — The Heisenberg uncertainty principle misinterpretation

2.20 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (short version)

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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