2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons (no paywall)

New Age Physics — The New Physics of the Future (9 of 19)

Roland Michel Tremblay
7 min readNov 2, 2023
Book cover of “New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, showing an abstract fractal futuristic alien landscape or intergalactic highway. Theory of Everything based on consciousness, expansion, frequency and density of matter. Physics breakthrough in UFOs, ultraterrestrial technology and interdimensional worlds.
“New Age Physics” by Roland Michel Tremblay, book cover

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2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons

In a world completely defined by the expansion and contraction of matter, you would think that there would be no difference between the microscopic world of the infinitely small, particle physics, and the macroscopic world of the very large, astronomy. What we see in the subatomic and atomic world must essentially be identical to what we observe in the night sky. It might be thought-provoking, especially in this day and age of advanced physics, but it all works perfectly well.

For a long time, scientists were trying to compare the atom to a solar system, it was essentially originally the model of the atom according to Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr. It did not quite work as expected, and so the idea was abandoned. What I am saying instead is, it is the electron which is identical to a solar system.

I thought of it because, the way the atoms are bonding together to form the molecules, in attracting and repelling forces, is through the exchange of electrons between them. It made me wonder how electrons could bond together to form larger stable particles, such as protons and neutrons within atoms, and clusters of electrons within light and heat, if the electrons themselves were not also exchanging even smaller particles between them, which are called neutrinos. Especially when, in Atomic Expansion Theory, there are no more electric charges, and everything must be explained by the expansion, motion and behaviour of particles between each other.

Neutrinos at the scale of our very large are planets, while sub-neutrinos are moons and super-neutrinos are suns. Anything smaller than moons, such as asteroids, comets, rocks and grains of sand, are sub-sub-neutrinos. This is how much they can vary in size, and these are all different names sub-sub-neutrinos get at our larger scale.

It could be debated that these are all different types of particles, and we could each give them a name instead of just calling them all sub-sub-neutrinos, no matter the size. And indeed, those names are fine: asteroids, comets, rocks and grains of sand, then, exist at all scale universes. For convenience, I call them all sub-sub-neutrinos of varying sizes in our very small.

Sub-sub-neutrinos would be the smallest particle in existence at the scale of our very small, although they would be made of another set of particles even smaller at a much smaller scale than our very small, from another scale universe. All particles are made of sub-sub-neutrinos, meaning that if you smash any particle, this is what you will end up with. Which is why in beta-decay (radiation), neutrons decay into one proton, one electron and one or several neutrinos of varying sizes. This is essentially what the weak nuclear force is, one of the main four forces of nature.

Our computers, eventually, will easily be able to build realistic virtual 3D realities, of any dimensional world, because it is just a question of programming. One only needs to instruct the electrons to form into protons, neutrons and atoms, and then into molecules, in order to obtain a physical world as real as the one we are living in. At this time, virtual realities are entirely made of electrons, without bothering with assembling them into atoms and molecules, and without writing our real laws of physics into the programme, to get them to form concrete 3D objects through such laws.

If electrons are solar systems, then atoms are galaxies. This is not going to be easy to get people to accept this idea, because this is not how we visualise atoms in our science at the moment. Atoms don’t appear flat for a start, while most galaxies are. But atoms move so fast from our perspective, we think they are spheres, when in fact atoms must be mostly flat objects, just like galaxies. After my discovery, I searched the Internet for some confirmation, and I believe I read in The Urantia Book, that the atoms are flat objects which only appear to be spherical. So that is at least one confirmation from the esoteric literature.

People never thought electrons could be more than just small balls or point particles, without any real size or mass, or that they could have a nucleus with smaller particles orbiting within and between them. In my book New Age Physics, I make the case for this in more detail, in chapter 4. But suffice it to say, an atom could easily resemble a galaxy.

Several solar systems within the arms of galaxies would be linked together through what is called rogue planets, meaning planets orbiting between these solar systems, but far away from their nuclei. Which means very far away from our eight known planets. If people believe there is only one more planet to be found, planet X, they’re up for a surprise.

Sirius and the Pleiades for example must be linked to us. There must be rogue planets orbiting around these star systems and ours, and other planets orbiting only our star but far away, nearer the midpoint between us and these solar systems. Possibly these planets can switch their orbit from one sun to another in an 8 shaped orbit. There could be countless planets everywhere between and even beyond these solar systems and ours, linking them together. We have not yet seen these planets, bonding solar systems together into larger stable particles at a higher scale, similar to what we would call protons and neutrons within the nucleus of an atom.

The entire visible galaxy would only be the nucleus, as rogue solar systems orbiting between galaxies, at a far distance from the nuclei or visible galaxies, must be linking them together to form molecules at a much larger scale. These cosmic molecules would also be linked together through orbiting rogue solar systems between them.

Hence, solar systems are linked together by rogue planets to form larger stable particles such as protons, neutrons and clusters in light and radiant forms of energy. And galaxies also bond together through rogue solar systems to form cosmic molecules, that most probably compose a much larger body of something at a larger scale.

Who knows, the entire visible universe might be forming a being of some sort, maybe what we came to call God. But you can understand the scale of it, if our milky way galaxy is only one atom of this entire being, while we would be living on a neutrino within one electron of that being. We are small indeed, but of course it is all relative, when you consider that there is no space or distance, in a universe where matter simply expands and shrinks constantly instead of moving, if you followed my initial discussion.

Reality would just be a mental construction of a physical nature, just like dreams and thoughts are. The difference is how we perceive it, as reality is perceived via our external senses, while dreams and thoughts are perceived through our internal senses. All these planes of existence, like other dimensions, are made of matter and are physical in nature, as Seth would say in Jane Roberts’ The Early Sessions. All these realities are made of electrons, atoms and molecules, but of different sizes and vibrational rates or frequencies.

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Table of content (no paywall)

2.1 New Age Physics Short Summary, a Theory of Everything

2.2 New Age Physics Long Summary (the remainder of chapter 2)

2.3 The constant expansion of all atoms is gravity

2.4 Everything is just expansion and contraction of orbiting and vibrating matter

2.5 Reality is more like a virtual reality, computer simulation or holographic universe, where there is no distance

2.6 What are other dimensions and planes of existence?

2.7 How to move to other dimensions?

2.8 How to raise the vibrational rate or interdimensional frequency of matter?

2.9 How can UFOs fly so easily and how to build an anti-gravity device?

2.10 The infinitely small is identical to the infinitely large universe — New models for the atoms as galaxies, electrons as solar systems, and neutrinos as suns, planets and moons

2.11 Gravity — No speed of light limit, the speed of light is relative and variable even in a vacuum

2.11a Atomic and Subatomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity between expanding objects made of atoms and/or electrons

2.12 Orbits — Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law are similar, but they measure different phenomena

2.12a Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

2.12b Coulomb’s Law

2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory

2.14 Interdimensional time is relative — Time is not relative nor a dimension as Einstein claimed

2.15 E=mc² should be replaced by the kinetic energy equation E=½mv² (short version)

2.16 Redshifts misinterpretation — No dark matter, dark energy, Big Bang or black holes

2.17 The double slit experiment misinterpretation and the issue with particle accelerators

2.18 Quantum Entanglement misinterpretation

2.19 Parallel universes — The Heisenberg uncertainty principle misinterpretation

2.20 Five types of expansion and contraction of matter to explain the entire physics (short version)

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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