3.10 Motion and Orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory (no paywall)
The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon — Theory of Everything in Physics (8 of 13)
3.10 Motion and Orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory
Motion of everything in the universe is relative and entirely geometry based. There is no longer any kind of gravitational force acting at a distance emanating from matter, which attracts objects together, as stated by Isaac Newton. Gravity is the changing distance between expanding objects, and this is what has been perceived as an attractive force acting at a distance. Like it is in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which is also geometry based, there is never any kind of resistance on any object. They simply move or enter orbits because of the geometry of expansion, as will be seen in the next figures.
Here are two figures showing what is happening when two objects pass each other in straight lines in space, and how it leads to a natural orbit effect. This is while considering that they and we are expanding proportionally with everything else, and therefore we cannot see this expansion:
Figure 9 shows the relativity of motion, with the question marks representing our inability to assess if both objects are moving, or just one, and if so which one, and what their respective speed actually is from the point of view of each other. If there are no other viewpoints from which it could be assessed, then there is no way to know, and all options are actually possible.
For Mark McCutcheon, the relativity of motion is more akin to Galileo’s Relativity, instead of Einstein’s Special Relativity. As for my point of view, I will discuss in the next chapters a new Theory of Universal Relativity concerning relative motion. It is a theory where objects don’t move, in a universe without real space or distance. Objects simply expand or shrink from our point of view, as they come towards us or move away from us.
Figure 9 also shows the perspective if there was no expansion or gravity in the universe, the two objects would then simply continue on their straight lines unaffected. This perspective does not exist in nature, neither behind the scenes nor in our resulting reality, because objects constantly expand behind the scenes.
In figure 10 on the left, the two objects are expanding in their straight line trajectories, but this expansion is unseen by us because everything expands proportionally at the same rate, including our instruments of observation, our rulers and ourselves. What we see and experience instead, is what is on the right: the distance reducing between non expanding objects, creating the Natural Orbit Effect of all moons and planets.
Effectively, in the resulting reality following from what is happening behind the scenes, nothing could ever move in straight lines in the universe, or ever stay at rest, the opposite of Newton’s First Law of Motion.
Still in figure 10 on the left, we find what Mark McCutcheon came to call the God’s viewpoint, which is simply an expression, which is a standpoint showing what someone outside the universe would see, if they were not part of our universe and not subject to expansion. From that vantage point, they could then see the expansion in our universe.
In the same image, the expanding and larger objects have now passed each other without entering into a collision. As the objects continue on their respective straight line trajectories, if they are not going fast enough, they would be unable to escape each other in their expansion, and would eventually join together. If they are going fast enough, they will be able to counteract their mutual expansion, and keep at a certain distance from each other, and this would then result in a stable orbit as seen on the right side, where the expansion is unseen.
If the objects were going at the right speed, the gap between them might never change, since expansion each second would reduce the growing distance between them, in just the right amount to match their respective ongoing coasting speed. It could then appear as if they were not moving away from each other, while expanding. But if they were not moving, they would soon join together.
From the God’s viewpoint, it is relatively easy for two objects, expanding at a constant rate, to keep at a certain distance forever, while simply continuing on their original constant speed. Remember that behind the scenes there is no gravity, there is no orbit, and there is no distance reduction in an acceleration. There are just expanding objects immobile or moving in all directions, sometimes hitting each other.
For example, in figure 11 we see what happens when an object is passing by the Earth at the same rotational speed of the Earth, and the geometry of expansion locks it up into a geostationary orbit. Once again, you have on the left what happens behind the scenes, where you can see the expansion, and the result in our reality once you can no longer see the expansion:
Each new second, the geometry is identical to the previous second, because the object is moving at the exact speed required to compensate for the expansion of the planet and its rotation. As a consequence, the object in orbit remains in the same position over the house, as if fixed there in the sky.
To calculate orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory, we use Kepler’s three purely geometric empirical equations of planetary motion, which involves no gravitational force nor mass. The Newtonian Orbit Equation has been replaced by the Geometric Orbit Equation, which Mark McCutcheon says is a previously unrecognised, purely geometric equation, embedded in Newton’s equation, and extracted from patterns in the standard astronomical data available at the time of Kepler and Newton. There is more detail about the Geometric Orbit Equation in chapter 1 of The Final Theory.
Mark McCutcheon has an entire chapter to explain orbits in his book The Final Theory, chapter 3 titled Rethinking Our Celestial Observations, but hopefully this summary gave you a good idea of how expansion can lead to a natural orbit effect, and what is meant by orbits following the geometry of expansion.
Table of content (no paywall)
3.1 First and second types of expansion and contraction of matter according to Mark McCutcheon, concerning General Relativity and the four fundamental forces
3.2 Atomic Expansion Theory
3.3 New model of the atom, strong and weak nuclear forces and chemical bonds
3.4 Gravity and the formation of galaxies in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.5 Two types of distance decrease to calculate gravity in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.6 Atomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity in Expansion Theory
3.6a The Atomic Expansion Equation
3.7 Second type of growth and shrinkage of matter — The Crossover Effect — Static electricity
3.8 Magnetism and Electricity in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.9 Energy in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.10 Motion and Orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity
3.11a The first perspective — The God’s viewpoint with expansion — And can we change the expansion rate of matter?
3.11b The second perspective — Our resulting reality without expansion
3.11c The third perspective — Expansion re-established after the relative effects — And how orbits enlarge in spirals and naturally accelerate objects
3.11d Are orbits in the third perspective enlarging gradually or exponentially?
3.11e The fourth perspective — Objects passing each other in space if there were no expansion or gravity
3.12 Slingshot effect and other gravitational anomalies explained
3.13 Two best proofs of Atomic Expansion Theory — The levitating slinky and ball
3.13a The physics of a stretched suspended slinky being dropped
3.13b The physics of a suspended ball being dropped
3.14 Atomic Expansion Theory concepts and orbit simulations on YouTube
3.14a Cruz deWilde
3.14b Life, Everything And The Universe
3.14c The late Gerald Clark’s series about gravity featuring an interview with Roland Michel Tremblay, which are also on YouTube
3.14d Gerald Clark’s Premium Content requiring subscription, except for the free ones indicated
3.14e Chris Freely (The Cosmic Fool)
3.14f Ian Moore (Ianto)
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