3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity (no paywall)

The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon — Theory of Everything in Physics (9 of 13)

Roland Michel Tremblay
18 min readNov 8, 2023
Mark McCutcheon’s book cover for The Final Theory, Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy, with a gaseous blue background showing the Universe. Updated and illustrated second edition. The Next Scientific Advance Beyond Newton and Einstein. Inspired by Einstein’s Famous Thought Experiments. The Theory of Everything. Energy Explained. Relativity Overturned. Quantum Rethink. Gravity Re-Examined.
“The Final Theory — Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy” by Mark McCutcheon, book cover

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Article Table of Content

3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity

3.11a The first perspective — The God’s viewpoint with expansion — And can we change the expansion rate of matter?

3.11b The second perspective — Our resulting reality without expansion

3.11c The third perspective — Expansion re-established after the relative effects — And how orbits enlarge in spirals and naturally accelerate objects

3.11d Are orbits in the third perspective enlarging gradually or exponentially?

3.11e The fourth perspective — Objects passing each other in space if there were no expansion or gravity

3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity

3.11a The first perspective — The God’s viewpoint with expansion — And can we change the expansion rate of matter?

To understand orbits within Atomic Expansion Theory, it is essential to visualise three different perspectives, showing all the mechanisms behind the scenes, that lead to what we see in our reality. There is a fourth perspective I will discuss at the end, but for now let’s concentrate on the first three. As mentioned earlier, the first one is called the God’s viewpoint, and it is the perspective we would see if we were outside the universe, and were not expanding ourselves, while actually being able to see the expansion.

The God’s viewpoint is entirely made of expanding objects going in all directions, where there is no possibility of any kind of orbit forming naturally, since orbits are solely the result of the relative motion of the geometry of expansion from our reality. An effect that results from the fact that there is no expansion anymore, and yet all the consequences of this hidden expansion are there. Only in our reality would objects enter into orbits, or accelerate, or slow down due to the geometry of expansion. Unlike in our reality, from the God’s viewpoint, objects don’t change speed or direction of motion, unless they hit other objects.

Mark McCutcheon’s says that this viewpoint does not exist for us and never will, because we will always expand proportionally and relatively along with everything else. Therefore, no one but a God, not part of our expanding universe, could ever witness that expansion. He even goes so far as stating that there is no expansion in our resulting reality, and we certainly cannot see it when we look around us.

There is only a reality where we can see the after effects of this hidden expansion, such as the distance between objects reducing in an acceleration, or a satellite gaining an unusual acceleration from being sent into a partial orbit around a planet. But for all intents and purposes, that other reality behind the scenes, where objects double in size every 19 minutes, does not really exist. Consequently, we don’t need to worry about all that expansion behind the scenes, because in our resulting reality, nothing is really expanding. I agree with this point of view, as one way of looking at it.

However, the fact that we cannot see the expansion, does not mean that it’s not happening. Although no one will ever see that reality behind the scenes, it is what is underlying our reality. And I prefer to look at it as a reality that truly exists, as part of our reality explaining what we see, which is just seen from a different angle. This said, it does not matter whether we see it as existing or not, it is what is underlying our reality at any rate. And who knows, if someone in time manages to reduce the constant rate of the inner expansion of all their particles, although Mark McCutcheon believes this to be impossible, they might actually find themselves seeing our reality from the God’s viewpoint.

It is important to note that all the orbits, and the coherence of the electrons, atoms and molecular structures, can only be maintained if everything is constantly expanding. Therefore, you would not want to stop the inner expansion of matter. But who knows about increasing or decreasing the expansion rate of matter?

It would be difficult, because that first type of expansion of matter, in my opinion, must be due to the inner expansion of the matter composing our particles, at yet another very small scale universe, smaller than our very small where we find our familiar particles. And the inner expansion of that scale of even smaller particles, must be due to the inner expansion of the smaller particles composing them, at yet another smaller scale. I believe it is very much like the structure of fractals.

Perhaps we might still be able to find a way to decrease or increase the inner expansion rate of matter, although I have no idea how this could be achieved. It would immediately lead to an object suddenly expanding enormously, compared with everything else, possibly larger than the planet or the solar system. Or quickly reducing in size to a scale smaller than our very small, as things around us behind the scenes would continue to double in size every 19 minutes. Even if somehow we could manipulate the expansion rate of matter, it could be extremely dangerous.

This a relative universe, and we don’t know everything yet about what is possible or not, and what the effects might be. Increasing or decreasing the constant expansion rate of matter for a very short time, might lead to manageable and interesting results. I have written the beginning of a science fiction novel in French called Made in Québec, La Renaissance of the Nouvelle-France, where I use small but intricate models of houses and castles, and instantly expand them to larger than their usual size, solving the housing crisis. Or instead of multiplying fish and bread, I simply expand them to a much greater size, in order to feed the masses. The way I made the technology to expand and shrink objects in the novel, is by some cloud of gas causing a chemical reaction, that somehow affects the Universal Atomic Expansion Rate of matter. Such a thing is very unlikely to work, but it is science fiction.

If I had to think something up once again, for another sci-fi project, I would invent a device like a large capacitor or crystal, capable of amplifying and directing thoughts into objects I want to expand or shrink. Very much like Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr did with the flying saucers they built, which I discussed in chapter 2. It makes sense that will and thoughts should be able to affect anything in our reality, if somehow we live in a computer simulation, or a virtual reality of some sort, or a holographic universe. Because then, we would be living in a psychological or psychophysical reality of some kind, where thoughts can easily affect anything.

I must point out that what Ring and Carr were manipulating, was the third type of growth and shrinkage of matter, and not the expansion rate of matter, which is the first type of expansion. Objects can grow and shrink using that third type, but then they move to other dimensions, outside of our reality. You could always expand the wine that way, in order to turn the masses into drunk raving lunatics, but it wouldn’t help much if only Jesus and the aliens living in the fourth dimensional world could drink the wine.

To get back to our discussion, there is also not much that can be gathered from the God’s viewpoint to explain what we see. For example, there is no way to know at what speed these expanding objects are going at behind the scenes, or their direction of motion. What is important, is to understand the general idea that once the expansion is hidden, all sorts of geometrical relative effects occur, and it explains what we see.

Someone clever one day might find a way to calculate exactly what is happening in the God’s viewpoint. And maybe it would be useful to know the real speed and direction of motion of these expanding objects behind the scenes, such as the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. It might help to explain all the trajectories of the orbits.

3.11b The second perspective — Our resulting reality without expansion

The second viewpoint is our resulting reality of gravity and orbits, but of relatively stable orbits, where we cannot see any enlargements of the orbits, or the expansion of the solar system. For example, the Moon looks like it is always keeping at relatively the same distance from Earth. And all the planets’ orbital rings also appear to keep their relative distance from the Sun, and from each other, despite their inner expansion. This is a very neat and orderly reality, but it is not the whole story.

3.11c The third perspective — Expansion re-established after the relative effects — And how orbits enlarge in spirals and naturally accelerate objects

There is a third viewpoint, which comes into view only after our resulting reality has come to exist. It is a viewpoint that is a consequence of the second perspective, our resulting reality, which explains the relative effects that we witness. These effects are only explainable if we re-establish the expansion of matter after the facts. Although I also call this third viewpoint as being behind the scenes, for convenience, it actually results from our reality, and it is quite distinct from the God’s viewpoint.

We could debate if this third reality exists for real, or if it is only there to help us visualise what is really happening. However, we must remember that these are solely three different points of observation, or perspectives, of a same unique universe and reality. In the first one we see it with the expansion, in the second one we see it without the expansion, in the third one we see it with the expansion after all the relative effects.

For example, the solar system is expanding, and for that to happen, the planets’ orbital rings around the Sun must be enlarging in spiralling orbits. But for us, these orbits appear relatively stable, without any kind of enlargement that we can see. So how does the solar system expand? Now, this is a very key question, as even that expansion we cannot see.

This third viewpoint is clearly required, because the solar system and all the planets’ orbital rings are expanding. And this third perspective is far from the God’s viewpoint, where objects are going in all directions, perhaps not even moving at all but simply expanding, and where no orbits are ever possible, all the while creating motion in our resulting reality.

All three perspectives are required to understand orbits and any hidden effect, such as a geometrical acceleration as witnessed in the slingshot effect. Behind the scenes, from the God’s viewpoint, as mentioned, objects don’t have to accelerate away from each other to counteract their mutual expansion, they can simply move away from each other at their constant speed. And yet, in our resulting reality, these objects undergo a real acceleration, due to the geometry of expansion, resulting from the fact that suddenly there is no more expansion, and yet distances still reduce between everything.

For example, the Moon is probably moving away from Earth in a straight line from the God’s viewpoint. Since no orbits are possible there, there is no relativity of motion. Objects expand and may or may not be moving at all. Objects hit each other or move away from each other, in all directions, possibly curving, but nothing to do with any natural orbit effect. Then, once we no longer see the expansion in our resulting reality, as can be seen in figure 10 above, the Moon is actually in a relatively stable orbit around the Earth, more or less always keeping the same distance, following its slight elliptical orbit.

And this is when the third viewpoint comes into play. Once our resulting reality is established, the only way we can explain what we see, is to re-introduce the expansion after the facts. Suddenly the Moon and the Earth are actually expanding, their orbits around each other are enlarging in spirals, and this is how they can counteract their mutual expansion. Once again, this is not to say that this reality exists, but it is certainly a perspective that is helpful to visualise what is happening.

Is it not strange that when we wish to put an object into orbit, we accelerate it to a certain speed and height, then simply let go? And that satellite will continue on its course around the Earth forever, or certainly for many years? What is happening here? The object does not require a mean of propulsion, does not need to accelerate or gain more speed, simply the geometry of expansion keeps it where it is in the sky. So what is happening behind the scenes to explain this?

If we re-establish expansion at this point, the third perspective shows us that any orbit accelerates the objects involved. And not only that, but the speeds of the objects gradually accelerate in time, leading to enlarging spiralling orbits, instead of the circular and elliptical ones we are familiar with.

Gravity reduces the distance between all objects in an acceleration, and yet, a satellite in orbit not only counteracts that gravity, it even accelerates, otherwise there would not be an orbit. The acceleration comes from a slingshot effect from the relative motion of the geometry of expansion, which we find within all orbits. This is what counteracts the acceleration of the distance reduction due to gravity. Gravity has to be counteracted within all orbits, and basically this means the constant expansion has to be counteracted, otherwise all objects would eventually hit each other.

It is easier to see how orbits create a natural acceleration of the objects or particles, when we consider elliptical orbits, because the same must apply to the circular orbits as well. As seen in figure 12, most orbits are elliptical or oval shaped in nature, instead of perfect circles:

We see an orbiting smaller object, in an elliptical orbit around a larger orbited planet, located towards the left of the oval, around which the orbiting object accelerates when nearer the orbited planet, and decelerates as it moves away on its orbit.
Figure 12 (3–12) Object swings around planet and away in elliptical orbit

From the third perspective, when Earth reaches its apogee on the right, at the other end of its elliptical orbit around the Sun, in its expansion the Sun is catching up with the Earth. At this point, it is like an object falling back to Earth. The Earth starts its return towards the Sun, and the distance reduction between them accelerates, as per the Atomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity. This acceleration gives the Earth the swing it needs to go around the Sun, and escape once again the expansion of the Sun. And then the Earth goes away from the Sun on its elliptical orbit, slowing down again as it reaches its apogee at the other end.

Now, it may appear as if gravity accelerates the Earth towards the Sun, but then this is cancelled by the Earth going away once again on its orbit, decelerating while the Sun is catching up with it in its expansion. And since it all balances out nicely, overall, there is no extra acceleration that could justify an enlargement of the orbit behind the scenes, or a natural acceleration of the Earth and the Sun.

However, this acceleration is like a slingshot effect of a partial orbit around a planet. Sometimes NASA will have a probe orbiting a planet several times to accelerate it further, which is a clear indication that a simple orbit accelerates objects. When we study the slingshot effect, we can see that a probe sent into a partial orbit around a planet, will experience a net gain in acceleration from its initial speed. This is the whole point of a slingshot effect, and it is entirely happening as a geometrical relative effect due to the expansion behind the scenes. The object leaves with much added speed compared with the speed it was initially going at, and this is a real effect measurable in our resulting reality.

From the third perspective, this acceleration causes the enlargement of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. This explains why we need to accelerate a satellite into its orbit, but once it is there at the right altitude, the geometry of expansion alone will continue to accelerate that satellite, keeping it into its orbit, despite all the expansion and gravity.

It also demonstrates why two objects from the God’s viewpoint, don’t need to be accelerating away from each other, in order for the natural orbit effect to accelerate them away from each other in our resulting reality. And this is also how the solar system is expanding, and any other object that has orbiting objects or particles, such as galaxies, atoms and electrons. But of course, we will never witness that expansion, we can only witness the resulting after effects.

To summarise, the third viewpoint of an orbit, would be showing the Sun and all the planets expanding, and their true enlarging spiral trajectories that would lead to the overall expansion of the solar system. It is showing us what is really happening, in a way that the God’s viewpoint cannot.

In our reality, the speed of the Earth and the Moon does not change overall, beyond the changing speed during their elliptical orbit. And their orbits are stable, identical at every cycle. It is true that the Moon is moving away from Earth a little bit more every year, but this just means that the orbit is not perfect. The Moon is moving away from Earth in the God’s viewpoint, a little bit faster than is required for a stable orbit.

From the third perspective however, not only the orbits are enlarging in spirals, but all the objects are accelerating. And so, in time, they are constantly going faster, which means vibrating faster. This becomes important when we discuss other dimensions in the next chapters, because it means we are constantly moving into higher dimensions, where everything is moving faster.

3.11d Are orbits in the third perspective enlarging gradually or exponentially?

At the end of this chapter, there are links to orbit simulations and discussions about the concepts of Atomic Expansion Theory on YouTube. I’ve been told that such simulations of enlarging orbits, only work if the orbits enlarge exponentially, following the Golden Ratio Phi and the Fibonacci sequence of numbers.

Although this is a seductive idea, where the shape of expansion and all orbits from the third perspective, could follow the Golden Ratio, and explain why it is found everywhere in nature, I somehow feel the spiralling orbits are not enlarging exponentially. The reason why, is that it would lead to an exponential expansion of solar systems, galaxies, atoms and electrons. And we know they expand at a constant rate.

I think there is confusion here when dealing with accelerations, because by definition they have an exponential compounding element to them. However, an accelerating car does not suddenly multiply its speed exponentially, it is a gradual acceleration, so an orbit could equally simply accelerate progressively.

There are many factors to take into consideration here. An orbit results from the geometry of expansion, and, as just demonstrated with the elliptical orbit above, there is an acceleration, like in gravity, while the Earth is coming back towards the Sun. Then, there is a slingshot effect, just like in partial orbits, that boosts that acceleration of the Earth around the Sun. But then, the Earth decelerates as the Sun’s expansion catches up with it. There is an additional net gain in speed following each orbit, but is this gain in speed truly exponential, leading to exponentially enlarging orbits?

When balancing all these facts, I believe that in the end, the enlargement of orbits everywhere is gradually increasing without doing so exponentially, resulting in the overall expansion of all objects at a constant rate, instead of an accelerating exponential one. If orbit simulations truly require an exponential enlargement of the orbits, then some more thinking will be required to explain what is going on, because objects cannot expand exponentially, nothing would work in the universe if they were. So a balance between relative effects must be reached somewhere to prevent the enlargement of the orbits to expand exponentially.

If further thinking is required, then the person behind the YouTube channel Life, Everything And The Universe, is working on this from the point of view of Atomic Expansion Theory (the links are at the end of this chapter). He is investigating the Coriolis acceleration and deceleration, tangential and radial velocities or accelerations, fictitious or pseudo forces, and acceleration due to curved surfaces. It is quite possible that these concepts could justify further the geometry of expansion, and show exactly how orbits and the slingshot effect work. It should be interesting to see where it leads.

There is also another point that could warrant investigation. It is a fourth perspective if you wish, one that does not exist but might underlay the God’s viewpoint. It is the perspective where we would imagine a universe without any expansion or gravity. The geometry alone would accelerate and decelerate objects due to their curved surfaces, and this, without any expansion. These relative effects would also affect our resulting reality.

In the end, we are not short of ways to explain accelerations and decelerations of objects within orbits and gravity, from the point of view of all the different perspectives. And overall, it must all balance out, so the enlargement of the orbits is not exponential. Even if certain effects, such as the Coriolis effect, would cause the enlargement of the orbits to be exponential. Something else must counteract it, or explain why the overall expansion of the solar system, the galaxy, the electron and the atom is constant.

Another important point here, is that I am only talking about the expansion resulting from the inner expansion of matter, the first type of expansion. The discussion above is not taking into consideration any subsequent second or third type of growth or shrinkage of matter, such as electrons and solar systems, which is on top of that basic constant inner expansion.

For example, as well as constantly expanding due to the inner expansion of matter, our solar system can also variably grow and shrink, depending on how much matter enters or leaves the system, exciting or calming the matter already there. But if Planet X or Nibiru suddenly enters the solar system, don’t expect all the orbits to change, grow further in size and move further away from the Sun. If that planet is already orbiting our Sun, then all orbits have already compensated for it. Any change in all the orbits is instant everywhere, because of the geometry of expansion, as explained near the end of section 2.13 A different concept of positively and negatively charged particles in Atomic Expansion Theory.

Add several new planets not already orbiting our Sun, and the Earth might move away from the Sun sufficiently for us to witness a real change in the weather, while the entire solar system will grow a bit more. It is likely the asteroid belt used to be an extra planet which has been destroyed. The effects on all the orbits, the entire solar system and even beyond, must have been significant.

There is also the growth and shrinkage of atoms and galaxies, and molecules and cosmic molecules to be considered, which leads to matter moving into other dimensions, the third type of growth and shrinkage of matter. I will discuss all this in the next chapters.

3.11e The fourth perspective — Objects passing each other in space if there were no expansion or gravity

Before we even talk about the first perspective, what would happen if objects were to meet in space while there is no expansion or gravity, or any other relative effect? How does the geometry alone affect the distances or anything else?

Underlying all perspectives, there are relative effects that result from the geometry of expansion, but there are also relative effects that may result from the geometry alone, such as the geometry of curved objects, if there were no expansion or gravity in the universe. These effects, such as accelerations and decelerations of objects, would be found in our resulting reality, and so they need to be assessed and taken into consideration.

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Table of content (no paywall)

3.1 to 3.3 As an alternative to General Relativity, The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon explains the four fundamental forces of nature

3.1 First and second types of expansion and contraction of matter according to Mark McCutcheon, concerning General Relativity and the four fundamental forces

3.2 Atomic Expansion Theory

3.3 New model of the atom, strong and weak nuclear forces and chemical bonds

3.4 Gravity and the formation of galaxies in Atomic Expansion Theory

3.5 Two types of distance decrease to calculate gravity in Atomic Expansion Theory

3.6 Atomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity in Expansion Theory

3.6a The Atomic Expansion Equation

3.7 Second type of growth and shrinkage of matter — The Crossover Effect — Static electricity

3.8 Magnetism and Electricity in Atomic Expansion Theory

3.9 Energy in Atomic Expansion Theory

3.10 Motion and Orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory

3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity

3.11a The first perspective — The God’s viewpoint with expansion — And can we change the expansion rate of matter?

3.11b The second perspective — Our resulting reality without expansion

3.11c The third perspective — Expansion re-established after the relative effects — And how orbits enlarge in spirals and naturally accelerate objects

3.11d Are orbits in the third perspective enlarging gradually or exponentially?

3.11e The fourth perspective — Objects passing each other in space if there were no expansion or gravity

3.12 Slingshot effect and other gravitational anomalies explained

3.13 Two best proofs of Atomic Expansion Theory — The levitating slinky and ball

3.13a The physics of a stretched suspended slinky being dropped

3.13b The physics of a suspended ball being dropped

3.14 Atomic Expansion Theory concepts and orbit simulations on YouTube

3.14a Cruz deWilde

3.14b Life, Everything And The Universe

3.14c The late Gerald Clark’s series about gravity featuring an interview with Roland Michel Tremblay, which are also on YouTube

3.14d Gerald Clark’s Premium Content requiring subscription, except for the free ones indicated

3.14e Chris Freely (The Cosmic Fool)

3.14f Ian Moore (Ianto)

3.15 Standard Theory and Atomic Expansion Theory Maps

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Roland Michel Tremblay
Roland Michel Tremblay

Written by Roland Michel Tremblay

Roland Michel Tremblay was born in Québec City in 1972, and is a published author of novels, philosophy, essays, poetry and journals, in France and in the UK.

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