3.12 Slingshot effect and other gravitational anomalies explained (no paywall)
The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon — Theory of Everything in Physics (10 of 13)
3.12 Slingshot effect and other gravitational anomalies explained
Using the Atomic Expansion Equation to measure gravity, we obtain more accurate results than using Newton or Einstein. As mentioned in the previous sections, gravity is a changing distance between expanding objects, measured from surface to surface, nothing to do with their respective mass measured from centre to centre of the objects.
Although there is a correlation between mass and size, it is not always true, as in the case of a large planet that would be made of Styrofoam, or of a lighter material of a lesser density, like gases. These planets could be extremely large, but certainly their mass would be less than a planet made of rocks.
From a distance in space, a planet made of Styrofoam would exhibit the same gravity as one made of rocks. The distance between each of them and an asteroid, would reduce at the same accelerating rate. Once standing on the planet however, the density of that Styrofoam planet would make gravity much less than one made of rocks, because in its expansion, a planet of a lesser density cannot push back as hard as one of a higher density.
There you see where the problem lies when relying on mass to measure gravity and orbits, especially when our calculations of the mass of planets is more like a guessing game. This is why in our space programmes, while using Newton, we must constantly readjust our calculated trajectories, which always run off course. It could also very well explain the Flyby anomaly, which you can find out about on Wikipedia.
Although Mark McCutcheon does not believe that galaxies are expanding, as mentioned earlier, he does believe that solar systems are expanding. As just seen, behind the scenes, the true orbits of the planets around the Sun must be enlarging spiral orbits, counteracting their mutual expansion.
There is proof of this, one main proof is the Pioneer Anomaly. The spacecraft Pioneer 10 and 11 have sort of exited the solar system, or are in the process of doing so, but strangely enough they appear to be decelerating. Scientists came up with several feeble explanations for this, which do not stand to scrutiny. Pioneer 10 and 11 are not actually decelerating, instead the solar system and all its planets’ orbital rings are expanding towards them. It was not very clear before, as they travelled across the solar system, but as they are coming to the edge of the solar system, it is becoming obvious.
As seen in figure 13, first, the distance decreases between Earth and the probes, as its orbital ring enlarges, and the solar system expands. Second, a signal sent from the probes takes less time to reach us, from the time it is sent until it arrives, since in the meantime the Earth is moving towards the signal, as its own orbit around the sun expands. You can read here an excerpt of The Final Theory on this subject, available on my website www.themarginal.com:
Pioneer Anomaly, Slingshot Effect and Gravitational Inconsistencies Explained
There are several other proofs for Atomic Expansion Theory. An article I have included at the end of this present book, called 10.4 Gravity Breakthrough: Springing into a Gravitational Revolution, is the greatest proof according to Mark McCutcheon. But I wonder about that proof, and also its equivalent, when we drop two balls attached by an elastic band, as described in the first article 10.1 Expansion Theory — Our Best Candidate for a Final Theory of Everything?
I fear somehow scientists are beginning to deny Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence with Newton’s theories. At the very least, the Gravity Breakthrough article proves that much. People could somehow say, that Einstein can explain that spring and elastic band experiments as well, because his theory of gravity is not equivalent to Newton’s after all. Simply because, Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is also geometry based, and no actual force is applied anywhere on any object.
Essentially, there would be no Principle of Equivalence anymore between Einstein and Newton, if they were to say that Einstein can also explain these experiments, and yet, it is unlikely to stop them from saying it. To be honest, it is true that Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is geometry based, and that no force is acting at a distance on these objects, and that probably, Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence is incorrect after all. So we need better proofs.
For example, water falling from the sky, would turn into a sphere in both Einstein and McCutcheon, because unlike in Newton, no force is acting on the ball of water at any time. But is the ball free floating in the air while the Earth is expanding towards it, or is the ball free floating, as well as following the curving of spacetime, that leads straight to the ground? Keep this in mind, while watching the links to videos on YouTube at the end of this chapter. Some proofs could easily be questioned, and Einstein’s theories easily tweaked, to justify what we see.
This said, there are other proofs. For example, McCutcheon has for the first time calculated the Gravitational Constant G from first principles, derived from his Atomic Expansion Equation. He shows the derivation in his book. So far it has only been calculated through empirical evidence, meaning through observation instead of pure reason alone. Although, I must say, that Mark does not feel this is a great proof. So I guess this too could be twisted around somehow by people determined to prove Atomic Expansion Theory wrong.
However, his entire book is simply proof after proof that all of physics can be explained through the expansion of electrons and atoms, so what more proof is required? Nevertheless, in the next section I present the two best proofs I could think of so far.
This is not your normal run-of-the-mill crackpot theory most theoretical physicists receive on a daily basis, which made them so far refuse to consider Atomic Expansion Theory, as they can’t possibly consider every new theory there is on the block. But consider this, how could anyone explain the entire physics in a way that makes complete sense to everyone, without requiring a PhD in Physics, solving all the anomalies, questions and bizarre spooky effects of our actual science, while uniting and explaining the four fundamental forces of nature, if he was not correct?
The Moon does not have any gravitational effect on the Earth. The tides of the oceans are due to an internal wobble of the Earth which coincides with the passing of the Moon, due to the original formation of the Earth-Moon system. Orbits are entirely a geometric phenomenon, due to the geometry of expansion of the relative motion of objects in space.
On that subject, even with Einstein the Moon cannot possibly have any gravitational effect on the tides, since General Relativity is also geometry based, and there is no force acting at a distance there either. Objects are meant to be free floating in space, with no force acting upon them.
This was an important obstacle for Einstein, who desperately tried to explain how the Moon could still affect the ocean tides on Earth, through the curving of spacetime and geodesic deviation. It does not sound very convincing. It might have been better for Einstein to simply state that the tides were due to something else closer to home, there are several other possible explanations that can be found online. If he had done that however, there would not have been an equivalence with Newton’s theory, instead, there would have been significant differences.
As it stands now, even with Einstein the Moon can affect the tides, precisely as if there was a force acting at a distance emanating from matter. In which case, Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence with Newton still stands, and therefore Einstein cannot be used to justify the spring and elastic band experiments. Because if Newton can’t explain it, then Einstein can’t either, since their theories are equivalent. Whether it is a force acting at a distance, or geodesic deviations on a curved spacetime, the result is exactly the same for any experiment.
In Atomic Expansion Theory, gravity depends on the size of the objects, not on their mass. Although density still plays a role in gravity, but only while on the ground, and it could not be assessed from orbit. This is why where NASA landed their probes on the Moon, gravity was only one sixth the one of the Earth, instead of the quarter that was expected, since the Moon is about a quarter the size of the Earth.
As seen in figure 14, the density of the Moon must be unequal, and be denser nearer the Earth, due to the original Earth-Moon formation. It also means that on the dark side of the Moon, gravity should be one third the one of the Earth, and about a quarter near the edge of the visible Moon. Taken overall, gravity around the Moon in average is about a quarter of the one of the Earth. It is a wonder some countries were able to land probes on the Moon while being unaware of this. Other countries have not been so successful, and their probes crashed on the Moon.
Gravity is calculated from surface to surface of objects, not from centre to centre. This clarifies several observed trajectory and gravitational anomalies in space and on the Moon. There are no gravitational forces or gravitational waves acting at a distance, or distortion/warping of a so-called spacetime, or graviton particles. Proofs of these in our science have simply been misinterpreted, as explained in Mark’s book.
Mark McCutcheon does a great job of debunking Standard Theory in his book The Final Theory. Links to the debunk of our actual science can be found at the end of chapter 1. It has been written for laypeople, for anyone whether they have a scientific background or not. It re-writes our entire physics and is the only working theory of everything that truly has an answer for everything in our science.
Dismissing Atomic Expansion Theory without reading the book, could cost humanity a great deal. And if you reject everything else from my book New Age Physics, at the very least you should give The Final Theory a fair chance. Our current models have served us well, they were describing our reality well to a certain extent, but with Atomic Expansion Theory we could achieve much more.
Table of content (no paywall)
3.1 First and second types of expansion and contraction of matter according to Mark McCutcheon, concerning General Relativity and the four fundamental forces
3.2 Atomic Expansion Theory
3.3 New model of the atom, strong and weak nuclear forces and chemical bonds
3.4 Gravity and the formation of galaxies in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.5 Two types of distance decrease to calculate gravity in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.6 Atomic Expansion Equation to calculate gravity in Expansion Theory
3.6a The Atomic Expansion Equation
3.7 Second type of growth and shrinkage of matter — The Crossover Effect — Static electricity
3.8 Magnetism and Electricity in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.9 Energy in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.10 Motion and Orbits in Atomic Expansion Theory
3.11 Behind the scenes — Four different perspectives required to explain orbits and gravity
3.11a The first perspective — The God’s viewpoint with expansion — And can we change the expansion rate of matter?
3.11b The second perspective — Our resulting reality without expansion
3.11c The third perspective — Expansion re-established after the relative effects — And how orbits enlarge in spirals and naturally accelerate objects
3.11d Are orbits in the third perspective enlarging gradually or exponentially?
3.11e The fourth perspective — Objects passing each other in space if there were no expansion or gravity
3.12 Slingshot effect and other gravitational anomalies explained
3.13 Two best proofs of Atomic Expansion Theory — The levitating slinky and ball
3.13a The physics of a stretched suspended slinky being dropped
3.13b The physics of a suspended ball being dropped
3.14 Atomic Expansion Theory concepts and orbit simulations on YouTube
3.14a Cruz deWilde
3.14b Life, Everything And The Universe
3.14c The late Gerald Clark’s series about gravity featuring an interview with Roland Michel Tremblay, which are also on YouTube
3.14d Gerald Clark’s Premium Content requiring subscription, except for the free ones indicated
3.14e Chris Freely (The Cosmic Fool)
3.14f Ian Moore (Ianto)
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